It is suggested by many in its celebrated closing and passing that The Law Society of Upper Canada was founded by the wrongly motivated and was run by the wrongly motivated or it was taken over by the wrongly motivated when the good men went to war to fight for our freedoms abroad. The Law Society was cob webbed with a Scrooge type Creole anthropology that did not really go to school but was determined to show you what he could do; did not own property but believed he had a right to occupy property belonging to others.; attempting to steal the said property. He says he does not believe in rules but in friendship. He abuses rules and also power if given the chance. He kills. To him, all the world is a sword fight. He resents formal ownership and formal legal qualifications like the West Indian orphan boy(the Oliver Twist) who became the Scrooge; an orphan, murderous boy who was impatient to inherit if it could be him as the beneficiary due to the little proximity he had to Jacob Marley as his adopted liege and employee; underpaid maybe but also unrelated to Marley so how does he take over Marley's home? Marley's family may have been overseas at the time of his demise. Click here.



It is suggested by many in its celebrated closing and passing that The Law Society of Upper Canada was founded by the wrongly motivated and was run by the wrongly motivated  or it was taken over by the wrongly motivated when the good men went to war to fight for our freedoms abroad.  The Law Society was cob webbed with a Scrooge type Creole anthropology that did not really go to school but was determined to show you what he could do; did not own property but believed he had a right to occupy property belonging to others.; attempting to steal the said property.  He says he does not believe in rules but in friendship. He abuses rules and also power if given the chance. He kills. To him, all the world is a sword fight.  He resents formal ownership and formal legal qualifications like the West Indian orphan boy(the Oliver Twist) who became the Scrooge; an orphan, murderous boy who was impatient to inherit if it could be him as the beneficiary due to the little proximity he had to Jacob Marley as his adopted liege and employee; underpaid maybe but also unrelated to Marley so how does he take over Marley's home? Marley's family may have been overseas at the time of his demise.

 Stay home and fight the real war.  In any event, we have hopes for the Law Society of Ontario in general.  The report you see here involves some of the problems with racializing but also with hunger in Ontario and with insufficient training among those who wish to be involved in the  provision of legal services. it provides enough evidence that every member at any time or employee of the Society should receive compensation tantamount to a class action law suit.  The Society was just wrong.  Warren has several business names he would like to use in the provision of legal services and is now.  Would you like to buy Angel Ronan(TM) for $40,000.00 a year to be paid yearly over a 30 year period and he will include work also; whatever legal work you would need to be done?   We cannot have two sets of professional groups chewing on the same rope but failing to achieve anything constructive before the Court. Those untrained part 5 rule actors need to abide by the same rules of professional conduct when rules of Court are involved or any requests involving Court business and the scheduling of motions.  Those who passed the bar exam find that the untrained set of participants do not know the rules and nor do they cooperate with the higher standards of professionalism.   What is really going on is just inconvenience for the Court and for those who are trying to serve their clients.    Angel Ronan(TM) has proposed a new training scheme that all could participate in even if you are a convict.     

It involves ongoing CPD training for everyone and;  

  1. With respect to practice in Canada, All English Law graduates from the UK, Europe and Ireland will be exempt from any accreditation. However, they will have to participate, like all others,  in a 10 year licensing program and cannot practice  entirely on their own for the first two years of the program but after the second year. They can join paid or unpaid traineeships.  
  2.  Existing BCL Common Law graduates from any Common Law country in the world are exempt and will be granted a license upon approaching the regulatory body for the requisite membership but they will have to take on going cpd (continuing professional development) in the same programs taken by everyone else any way every year that will involve courses in the 3rd year of the CPD program and above as mandatory but they can take the 1st and 2nd year courses if they wish.   The program has 10 levels. You must attend every year while you are a member. This is so for everyone and sometimes there will be people in your program or course who are just new arrivals and who have never had multiple public Court achievements like Warren.   The best is the investigative appeal at the Court of Appeal when the client was served with a claim as if she was the buyer of the property but she was really the owner and then she was served with a default judgement claiming that she never just days after she got the claim; a white lady. She was trying to explain this to the Court and was not heard at the default judgement hearing. She tried to set a Motion date to set aside the default judgement and this would not have been a problem in the usual course since there is evidence that she was not properly, duly served with the claim and also she is self represented. There is also evidence that on the face of it, the claim is fraudulent and the Court cannot be used to aid and abet frauds. She has a case that, in the interests of justice, is best to be dealt with either at trial or under a full hearing of the facts alleged. She was the owner. Our effort was to remind the Court that a scheduling Court is not a Court properly constructed to make any rulings as to the facts and Res Judicata could not come into play here  over a Default Judgement. None of the facts had been heard yet.; whether it was the trial scheduling Court or the decision of the Judge who dealt with the default  judgement.  But, a hungry jurisdiction where people who do not receive sufficient income support is an unusual jurisdiction with lots of huckster snake oil salesman things going on as if you have to act like you need to hurt someone and commit a crime to eat.  I would prefer Law in Boston or Chicago Illinois where all citizens receive an income support of no less than $30,000.00 in Chicago Illinois or $50,000.00 in Boston, Mass. We see that in Canada, there is a harmonized sales tax and a gas tax but it is not getting back to all of us in equal quantities after we pay this money to the government.  Some of us are getting $20,000.00 pcy Some get $30,000.00 pcy and some get more than this. Some get nothing.  This is benefit inequality and there are cases that outline this as a problem like
  3. See Egan and Nesbit v. Canada, 2 Thibaudeau v. Canada (M.N.R.), 3
    and Miron v. Trudel.4. See also Fraser v Canada and
    Griggs v. Duke Power.
    Frazer and Griggs confirm that all discrimination in policy
    is illegal; not just in the employment context. 
    See also the 14th amendment.  The Equal Protection Clause
    is part of the first section
    of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
    The clause, which took effect in 1868,
    provides "nor shall any State ... deny to any person
    within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
    It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated
    equally by the law.[1][2][3]
    A primary motivation for this clause was to validate
    the equality provisions contained in the Civil Rights Act of 1866,
    which guaranteed that all citizens would have the
    guaranteed right to equal protection by law.

    As a whole,
    the Fourteenth Amendment marked a large shift in
    American constitutionalism, by applying substantially more
    constitutional restrictions against the states than had
    applied before the Civil War.
    The Equality Act 2010 safeguards against inequality
    in the UK and also Canada. See also the case of ; See also indirect discrimination in  Essop and others v Home Office (UK Border Agency) [2017] UKSC 27 confirms that    
    indirect discrimination is wrong as per Essop in the provision of Government services. 
    The Act is directly applicable in Canada based on
    the BNA 1867.   

  4. Maybe you are too busy being happy with money to actually need to make money as Counsel but if someone needs help and they call you, you might take the whole file; maybe one file a year. But in places like Nigaronto in Nigatario, you need the file to eat and to pay the car payment and you try to keep the file open forever; milking it to just get by and its lousy. Maybe you process faster and there will be another file I suppose and you are not too busy so you can yes more often to help someone.   The Judge who gets the file after the motion date is set in trial scheduling Court will have all the facts before him to decide if the matter is Res Judicata.  Now, this could not have happened before in that woman's file because she had only attended a default judgment proceeding and the facts were never really dealt with in that proceeding. To say "Res judicata" was not only inappropriate in any hearing with only a default judgment on the table, its fraudulent really. We have not heard anything as to the facts where we could say, on the facts, that there is nothing new to the file with the matter already decided. We have never really opened the file. The woman has not had a chance to properly respond to the claim and have it dismissed as a fraud on the face of it with no case to answer.        
  5. These CPD programs will be offered by universities also.  Because of the evident genome backwardness and ongoing aboriginal resistance that is camouflaged by designer clothing, make up, nice watches, and good colognes,  the programs will be free.  
  6. Those who sign up and who do not have a law degree can take on a paralegal qualification with limited practice and obtain their full qualification as a five year participant.  You can begin the program in Grade 10 following completion of your first Driver's Licence exam even if you failed.  This is good. 
  7. There will be a 15 year program if you would like a full Licence to practice law. You can also become a Judge eventually.      
  8. The Law Society will issue fines after hearings for any complaints if there is evidence to corroborate the wrong but due to the abuse of the current tribunal processes with no evidence and with false affidavits along with violent attacks and abuses in attempts to steal business names, a fine will be the only penalty and potential criminal prosecution for any theft of client funds or any other activities if criminal in nature.
  9. Membership is free but you are encouraged to make donations and you will receive honorable mention for doing so. Errors and Omissions Insurance is free also. 
  10. Warren's files need to be returned.^^  He also needs his Kung Fu certificate returned. Warren just wants to get his own brand of powdered, sugarless drink on the shelf that will have special properties.  He has no desire to be involved in politics but believes we can conspire to be happy with a Canadian income support of  no less than $80,000.00 per Canadian pcy with a 2 % yearly increase.   
  11. There is a future and we can conspire to make the future happy and internationally normal with not only airports designed and renovated to international standards but the income support also must be updated accordingly to international standards, remunerating all citizens. 
  12. The system, its Monarch and its heirs are legitimate and we show obeisance, hoping just to be a happy citizen.       



  • 06 décembre 2016

At Convocation on December 2, 2016, the Law Society adopted the Final Report of the Challenges Faced by Racialized Licensees Working Group, entitled "Working Together for Change: Strategies to Address Issues of Systemic Racism in the Legal Professions – November 2016."  The Report contains 13 recommendations related to five themes: accelerating a culture shift, measuring progress, educating for change, implementing supports, and leading by example.

The Law Society Working Group on this issue was formed in 2012 to identify the challenges faced by racialized lawyers and paralegals and consider strategies for enhanced inclusion at all career stages.  The OBA provided a submission on the Working Group’s previous report, a 2014 Consultation Paper.  Subsequently, the Working Group released their Final Report, concluding that the challenges faced by racialized licensees are both longstanding and significant, that the Law Society must take a leadership role in bringing about lasting culture change, and that prescribing minimum standards of equality, diversity and inclusion are consistent with human rights responsibilities of the profession that are already in place. 

The OBA provided a submission responding to the Final Report that recognized the importance of diversity and inclusion to the profession after seeking input from the OBA Equality Committee, Young Lawyers Divisions, Women Lawyers Forum, the Sole, Small Firm and General Practice section, the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association – Ontario Chapter, and our new Student Section.  Further, the submission noted the support of the OBA's members for the recommendations articulated in the Final Report as a reasonable way of moving forward to address the concerns identified.  The OBA also recognized that, while moving forward is important, the Law Society should do so with the commitment to continually monitor and assess the effectiveness of measures implemented and to share that information with the profession.  The OBA will continue to monitor and assess the Law Society's progress in the implementation of the recommendations.
