November 2nd, 2023. The Litmus of Peace, Order and Good Government; Life, Liberty and Property. By Wiaaht Coleagenfren, FSJ With research from Warren A. Lyon, FSJ. Click here


  1.  November 2nd, 2023.
  2. The Litmus of Peace, Order and Good Government; Life, Liberty and Property.
  3. By Wiaaht Coleagenfren, FSJ 
  4. With research from Warren A. Lyon, FSJ. 
  5. We would want the law and the economy to work as expected for every citizen.  This is what we are taught.  
  6. This is a celebration! Look at how the white people like me can move and cajole you into being a graduate! They also ensure  the income support is paid equally.  
  7. See Egan and Nesbit v. Canada, 2 Thibaudeau v. Canada (M.N.R.), 3
  8. and Miron v. Trudel.4. See also Fraser v Canada and Griggs v. Duke Power. 
  9. Frazer and Griggs confirm that all discrimination and in equality in government policy
  10. is illegal; not just in the employment context. See also Essop and others (Appellants) v Home Office (UK Border Agency) (Respondent) Naeem (Appellant) v Secretary of State for Justice (Respondent)   
  11. See also the 14th amendment.  The Equal Protection Clause
  12. is part of the first section
  13. of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
  14. The clause, which took effect in 1868,
  15. provides "nor shall any State ... deny to any person
  16. within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
  17. It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated
  18. equally by the law.[1][2][3]
  19. A primary motivation for this clause was to validate
  20. the equality provisions contained in the Civil Rights Act of 1866,
  21. which guaranteed that all citizens would have the
  22. guaranteed right to equal protection by law.
  23. As a whole,
  24. the Fourteenth Amendment marked a large shift in
  25. American constitutionalism, by applying substantially more
  26. constitutional restrictions against the states than had
  27. applied before the Civil War.
  29. The Equality Act 2010 safeguards against inequality
  30. in the UK and also Canada;
  31. not only in the employment context but in the provision
  32. of Government services. 
  33. The Act is directly applicable in Canada based on
  34. the BNA 1867.  
  35. Why call income support or UBI an experiment when it's the law under the UDHR since 1948? 
  36. Could America exist legally without Americans or could England exist legally without the English person?
  37. The monarch does not design highways or subway systems.  But, what if I was Swiss with a kind of English accent and was able to decide just how quickly we could Europeanize the Anglo North American economy and the Anglo UK economy?  But is there a secret plan Phase out the Anglo. Globally?; already a minority in his Anglo and North American territories and with a foreign replacement population standing right beside him on the subway platform, working beside him, living  beside. Yet, all we have to do to ensure our place is to provide an income support to every current citizen; ensuring  our placement in the world. If I was Japanese, should I i expect you to save me and my Japanese population from our idiocy if we suffered any?   They do not suffer idiocy but we seem to be phasing out ourselves. .it's like the Book of Eli but they made provision  for your absence as due to your resistance of the suggestion that you priority comply with the UDHR Article 25 and the monthly economic strategy followed by Germany where all citizens  nationally are paid an income support.  The Germans confirm there is sufficient funding for the full income support for all citizens in the loan funding paid to the UK and North America; Canada and the US with sufficient funding for all of our other current objectives such as more transit and housing but with a local population that has the ability to pay.   Its a national defense emergency. In the mean time, we have improved our funding for national dental care and taken monies from our funding to express our concerns about the climate.  We can provide  the full  income support today. As you are operating in national foreign debt, you should not be afraid of running out of money.  You already have run out really and if you think  you need more you could raise the sales tax by half a percent every so often and being it back down by half a percent. 
  38. .The Eastern Europeans(The Russians really) are currently running their economy at $CAD 90,000.00 EUD and 50% sales tax. This is where national defence really begins. It is the efficient internal defence of your population ongoing recurring human,  economic casualties caused by job cancelling technological automation; technology such as WordPerfect or MS Office or robotic product assembly or computerized fast food order and payment systems.    Maybe they are all living in Russia or they find one town or the other crowded and you need people so they move 10% of their population to Ontario and have become the majority population in that territory. You don't mind when you need people; and your people are not properly funded in that region contrary to national policy in disrespect  and disregard for the national mandate. But, if your economy is killing your people in that they are not defended and protected from the cold occasioned by the joblessness and moneyless-ness caused by automation and you occupy yourself with foreign nationals where they are now already the majority population, why not just take opportunity to enjoy yourself, respect the demands of the international economy and international law and just fund every citizen equally with a good international amount at no less than $CAD 90,000.00 per year with inflationary increases at 1% to 2% every 12 months and report the increase in the news.  You confirm that this support money is good for mortgage finance, connecting/converting the income support into the system requisite ability to pay to enable long term, consumer loan financed purchases. It enables the loan and loan payments to banks and car companies.    You shouldn't say you don't know what to do except finance your own people as a priority; and allow even more people from other countries to settle in North America also if you want. So, maybe you say for your hegemony that the real estate broker, your son, Santa Claus and Colonel Sanders have to be white while Daughter Claus or your assistants could be BLACK but then why not also have an equitable economy that pays all citizens equally?  It should take as much strategy and energy as it takes to ensure the mail is delivered or that the burgers are hot and fresh at all of the Burger BurnerTM) Restaurants nation wide. You take Chinese loans and European loan monies and send it to the Ukraine before you fund the lives of North Americans. You could  do both. But ensure  first that all North Americans have the same income support as Ukrainians, the Chinese or Iranians or Russians. I think you are really expressing "I don't know who I am and don't know how to love my own people" hegemony.  There is a spectacle  of angry dysfunction in North American politics and constitutional rebellion.  Yet, you say you have the authority to carry  on in this rebellious, dysfunctional non-democratic way. Maybe you are an honest communist. You made you're own deals with China as VP except that all other  communist economies have an income support for all citizens. North  America does not. If you had ordered a total Income support for all North American citizens early on,  not only  that we given our little money to the Ukraine, it would  have helped. You want people  to help  you but help you do what? You broke the transit bus window but you blame others; an authority witch. Then you  have deception; not authority.  It's just that a loan from Iran, China or Russia  is not the issue.  You see China is UN compliant  and pays  all of their people about 14 cents a minute for every minute within a calendar year. The NWT  and Minnesota does also but this is not paid to every North American. See what you can do to help us. If you want, just read this article and put your name on it. Set up a unit of well intended people.  Ask for volunteers across North America.  I will sign up. I already did.  It will not affect your legacy as it is. It would  help; a Joe and America Cares for North Americans Act to pay all North Americans an income support. We collect  18% as Federal environmental Sales Toll nationally and guarantee $45000.00 per year of income support for every citizen. This $45000.00 is paid  paid by the Fed in to the  states for each state citizen.  The States collect 10% sales tax and pay $25,000.00 per year. But, if you are as dead as the UK English and North America that includes Mexico and in tremendous debt to other countries, the sales tax should be 100%. The way you run your economies is like a woman with her backside exposed to the neighborhood all day from her bed room window; in her knickers. You are asking someone to annex you, take you, save you; is it? If that went on for years, something would happen such as charges for public disturbance and public indecency. You order your burgers in Polish on the automated order system in Central London. Every language is now offered.  The English economy is publicly indecent.  But, for the North America act we are discussing, a nick name would be the T.R.U.M.P. plan( True Regenerative economy and Unbelievably More Plan. Trump  was getting  on this but was rudely illegally interrupted. There are no vote mail bags as they were stolen so there are no votes to ask the black lady to look for. But if Trump people were asking people, badgering  people, threatening people to help them continue looking for votes, they are innocent of election  fraud with regard to the missing votes, how they are missing and how many votes are missing with only  1000 votes available to count approximately/; an insufficient  number for national certification so we were supposed to resort to a vote in the House of Representatives. It did not Democrat happen.   But the Trump people are maybe culpable  for the defamation and threatening but who made the phone calls really? It could have been Anderson Coup D'état.  You could  pretend  you thought of the He Cares North American Act and proposed it on your Own.  The issue is that we find the inequality in the income support benefits annoying. it's $10,000.00 per year in Connecticut for all citizens and a little extra for the disabled.  It is  $30,000.00 per year for all citizens in some other states.  This is annoying because I am white. I am the whitest, most white thinking European person in all of the English world. If I could solve this economic problem on my own while driving a bus for a living, I would do it. If given access pursuant to the volunteer job description, it could be solved in 5 minutes with a recurring bank transfer set up to pay every Anglo in Canada the equivalent of $1346.15384615 per week.  The same amount per week but in pounds(787.37 pound sterling ) would be paid to every UK citizen. We review the amounts once a year on December 30 and seek to increase it by 1% to 2% based on the needs for confident economic stimulus as juxtaposed with the cost of consumer goods. We the money provide by Europe and Asia first and foremost to facilitate government function and this includes paying our own citizens this income support. Then we can think of how we use the money to express our need for media propagated hegemony in other ways like money to the Ukraine who does not need it. But, if I buy a rich man dinner, it makes me feel honored or foolish or equal or as if I have power over him or am I just... difficult and more aboriginal interested in low taxes and a defeated Federal government with foreign debt dependency than American sovereignty!??!!  Maybe you are Chinese as your policies over 8 years in the White House led to more foreign debt dependency with the 0% Fed rate, low average income support per citizen per capita and low sales tax. The whole American establishment is culpable.  If you are not interested in sovereignty, then at least we should have big income support money per citizen. Enjoy our Virginia cold mountain streams and the pussy willows.  We will have more for our families. This is what our Creditor nations (China and Europe) what to facilitate. Economic and humanitarian goals!!!!  Lewis Latimer, you know, is my family member, Pele and Jesse Owens.  
  39. Did you know, though, that the Mayor  of Boston is Chinese?  Hallelujah!! But I know you can do something to help the North American people in the continent; we Honor and thank you. We honor and thank you! 
  40.  The monarch does not design subways or economies  but he asks that you abide by the equality principles in his law and also the UDHR written by him also or with his input; not just Eleanor Roosevelt.  The same amount would be paid to every Jamaican. We can let go of our anxiety about differences in class and worth. There will always be differences. Some people can play a musical instrument or sing a song or they cannot. Sometimes when your wife applauses for the musician although you are the tv cook stud, you realize we are all special and maybe not all equal.   We can let go of our anger about people who have the authority to tell us what to do while we "stubborn donkey" ask what they will do if we do not comply; if they will beat us?  The wars might have been to kill us all as an Anglo population when the authority was very angry with the population managed by Angry post slavery creoles who wanted to only tempt the authority to bring war in the Creole's failure to provide an income support to the people.  But, in the war, the well intentioned seem to disappear and then more angry creoles seem to get positions of authority to propagate the stalemate with the authority  in refusing to pay the people the requisite support and then the Creole wants to see if the authority will beat them. The authority was once Queen Victoria who may have ordered the US Civil War due to the south's refusal to comply with the north's plan to abolish all slavery and pay an income support Federally to all peoples with a national sales tax and uniform national law.  The War ended but the country stayed divided in a weak form of union for many years.  There is a whole world of people in Goat Island where you find my Royal ancestral tree or its in Navy Island or other unofficial territories in the West Indies and the King of West Indian has said that if you say you will start a war to kill us, then we will only send more of us to Hudson Bay or  Wasaga Beach; more of them in Brooklyn; yes love!!  The solution to beat us or whip the donkey ass in final solution or beat them is not war but to provide in the current economy about  $90,000.00 per year as income support to this determined Micro English population. $70,000.00 per year will do.  But, we take opportunity to apologize for the use of authority to whip and beat. We will now take our authority to enter God's rest as very angry beaten people; $120,000.00 per year income support is sufficient as paid to all Anglos in the UK, Canada, the US, Mexico under NAFTA and the West Indies. This game between master and angry slave turned politician like John A. McDonald etc is over.  Did Benjamin Disraeli fail to pay the English a total income support? Did he start a war in Israel over Louis Latimer black North American designed light bulb. Did Latimer start Westinghouse and pretend to work for a white guy.  I sold Alusra(TM) to an English entity that is now marketing it to Egypt.  We will look into this for a future essay.  In that essay, we will also assess President Ewok; the first Ewok President in history.  The Ewok was taught what is politically expedient and what is politically expedient is not always defensively expedient.  The Ewok has followed low taxes in expediency to secure voter support but income support cash to pay the sales tax is also politically expedient when automation says there are fewer people with cash as there are fewer jobs. So, money  paid to every citizen is more politically expedient in the age of automation next to a purposeful sales tax, low or high, that will generate enough revenue to ensure all citizens have enough and that we are not too in debt to other powers as we think of defensive expediency balanced with political expedience.   
  41.  There is something here about the pirate ship captain's total authority over the ship wheel and the ship and also total communism. But, where are you taking the ship and the people on board? Is it to  lead us to reliance on the other people and their population and their funding in our financial aboriginal self frustration only to seek zero taxes? So, its our effort to get to  an aboriginal zero taxes that has made us debt dependent on Europe and China! During the allegedly necessary wars in the Middle East, a national sales toll at 40% would have prevented debt dependency on China and Europe with  also funding for all Americans and Canadians and Mexicans at $60,000.00 per North American. Such a program could have begun in 2001. Instead, we see that we have spending on military campaigns and lowering taxes while borrowing more from other governments.  Our own sovereignty is our aboriginal target.  I am the last white man in North America or the only African voice willing to friendly Egyptian tell you how to calculate an economic win-win' before you phase yourself out.          
  42. See paragraph 11 to 18 above; above or paragraph 7.   But, there is law enshrining equality. The income support  is zero % for many in California. It is 0% for many in Ontario illegally.  It is 0% for many in New York while some receive the support automatically.  There is a program you can apply to join but you cannot have more then $8000.00 in your current cash holdings at the time of the application. The income support is about $52000.00 per year for every citizen of Massachusetts with a little extra paid to those who have disabilities.  If you are not prioritizing the lives of North Americans, then you must have some kind of vendetta as you express your more inclusive version of white hegemony as your only ratio decidendi with no other point to you; and thank you!  I am accepted as a news castor and researcher or all kinds of good things; even when I am very very young; right from college or high school! I am accepted as a Lawyer and Judge also;. This article  is now a Times and New York best seller.    

  43. The Europeans  with their $EUD 70,000.00 income support and 90% Sales tax once a month; average sales tax is 27%.   I love of you hungry, angry English.  You starve yourselves. You make  me feel successful but it's not our success if you do not have money to eat and buy our vehicles to that we market for sale.  You are dead if you...cannot cooperate amongst yourselves on this issue and follow your own laws. You pay some people but not all of your people an income support.  You will have the money.  You are European.  Who could see any distinction between the English and the European? Historically, you are the same people.  If you don't want to eat then don't.  If you want to steal, then steal and deal  the consequences but you will have money; all of you.  There will be an EU website that you can sign into any where on the planet that will support Canadians, UK citizens and Americans if they are not receiving any income support. You will follow the simple steps and will receive an income support payment. The EU will debit the Bank of Canada, Bank of England or the US Federal Reserve to recoup the payment made to you. All the money comes from the same EU source and goes back to the source.    

  44.  Every  country needs people with money and we should priority given money to ourselves as a people. The other nations do it. The debt we carry as owed to Europe includes an expected income support of $70,000.00 per year per citizen.  Regenerative vehicles need regenerative populations of consumers; People  who are financially energized  and resourced regularly.  In comparison to our defense colleagues or imaginary Russian enemies we are way behind with comparatively very very low money deposits on hand and too much Anglo economic cannibalism going on with low income support in self defeat for the economy to be viable but they keep advertising. We need something to happen to really defend every Canadian economically.  The Russians have already calculated how long it would take for all UK Anglos and North American Anglos to effectively disappear in their chagrin and how many new immigrants need to arrive with their Asian, West Indian, Middle Eastern or African Income support if as UK Anglos and North American Anglos they do not decide to pay all citizens equally and at amounts comparable to Europe with yearly increases in the income support to reflect the rises in cost of living reported often in the news.  See this example below.  It could not be someone's goal to create a stand off on the issue of total citizen funding  and enforced regular constitutional legal formality  in the hopes of a war to empty out the northern populations  and northern territories to then refill them with immigrants of all kinds. 

     If I am selling vehicles to the average Canadian, I don't mind a Canadian population that is funded  and financially prepared to buy and not hesitate line the people you bring to Canada from the Axis of Evil who take your place in your economy slowly but surely. In fact,  this is just what we want. 

  46. I would take opportunity to work overseas and those opportunities abound.  The bank will courier your new bank card to any international address you provide for such purposes. You should not have to fly home to get your new card.  The bank overseas where you are working will provide you a bank account with your Canadian passport details and they will use any address you provide them in that country; why not? 
  47. The sales tax should be enough to achieve our goals. If our imaginary enemy is Russia or the Martians and the Martians have a sales tax of 50%, then they would have more money than us and then more for their war funding. All their people have an income support of no less than $ EUD 70,000.00 per year an safe from the cold in the cold war any where in the world.  We are way behind a North Americans in this real cold war in terms of average money deposits on hand in the life of the average North American vs. the average European, Russian, African or Asian citizen; that is citizen vs. the non registered persons.   The Jamaicans are fighting the Martians also and need more people to fulfill their ultimate usefulness as an Anglo Creole population and that is to propagate and express their unique brand of Creole-ism and they need money and people to do this.  Every country needs people with money.  If you don't pay your own people then maybe you need to import some people with money that can participate at all levels of the economy; in the vehicle economy and not just in the recession proof cup of coffee and chocolate bar economy.   It's not as if you could teach any kind of people to sing songs and speak in broken English, falsely accuse people in your family for your sins, fight and resist instead of cooperate, do witch craft covenants in hoping they will lose or forget something or leave something on the cafe table like their handbag and watch people to see if you could mug them and scavenger devalue them since you say no one should  be worth  more than you. So maybe you bring whatever part of the world that tolerates you scavenger down to your expectations  by fighting the simple economy solution. Did you know that all global retailers are now adding a security gate to the exits of all of their retail stores with a bar code reader where the gate will not open unless you can scan the bar code on a valid receipt from your immediate purchase?   Maybe you are trying to tell the bible toting fishermen about the man,  100 years ago whose Icelandic finger nail trimmings were used to conceive you after being found on the US Vermont easterly coast beach but not dead as a castaway with eyes open, verbally thankful and conscious who should have been fully resuscitated.   But, instead he was half eaten and then discarded.  He hoped you would help him as you sung the gospel over him.  He was soo big and the fisherman was small but the fisherman hoped to grow big by eating the man but smoked too much and it would  not make a difference. Drinking the urine is most effective and to do this, you keep the source alive; not eaten.  
  48. The soul of the castaway lives on as resurrected from the finger nail trimmings.   He wants to know, as the head of National Highway Defense and Rescue,  how would you like it if someone had the power to  help you, understood how to help and save you but never did?  But, it is his job to help so he helps and helps equally so that there is equal benefit publicly funded  highway rescue  for all citizens in all states and provinces and if he sees its  not equal, he responds with all the resources available to ensure safety and make the service to the public equal with equal benefit since the Harmonized Sales Tax is collected from all of us; equal!   The pirate chose to pirate Pangea steal, kill and destroy instead with gospel hummed in the back ground; that there is no sin when things will improve...improve...improve.  But, if things are improving did you find church brother Jack's or any man's wallet on the floor or his job offer in your email box? Did you send it to that man or brother Jack?  Why walk past my car door or my economy and show me you know just where to hit it with enough pressure to break the door's "up down" window controller? When did this before? What did you eat/drink?  Why are we fighting  over a little income support money and why is it still civil war $10,000.00 per year in the Carolinas and $20,000.00 per year in Sudbury? The Civil  War sent some Northern more European people to the battle field and then additional white West Indian Pangea men came up to replace them.  This discarded dna was mixed with the pirate Pangea man,  was conceived and then given authority to help or not to help. The pirate Pangea man only wishes to say now we are equal if you do unto others what was done unto you. The Pirate Pangea men knows its wrong but does not know how to be different except but to eat American Donut "store brand" doughnuts from that big department store retailer makes you more Northern cooperative and your hair heals thick or take toilet water from the Cathedral and put a few drops in a diffuser in your home at night.  Did you know brown, blondish hair from one parent and black hair can make a red headed child?   Spare; the people.                       
  49. But we see how everyone can have money if we cooperate to make it happen as we conspire to be happy and just as Creole happy as the other Creoles who laugh and talk with you but who have money; we can do it and enjoy the best of Jamaica; Jamaica is nice you see. Jamaica's only imaginary enemy would be the Martians that really do not exist or maybe they make formality or formal qualifications their enemy.  What if the Cayman Islands is the real Jamaica and Jamaica is the Caymans and the names were switched after 1662 so the first junta of fugitives and convicted apple thieves or creamery thieves in the region would have authority?  You see there is a place called hell in the Caymans  or Jamaica really from its origins.  So, all we need is a normal functioning economy as Jamaicans and the next time we attend the UN, we will feel more celebration for our Creole cultural franchise;  in our more evident obedience to international economic formulae in the current post slavery era. Do you know.....Redemption song?   How do you have redemption if you fight unnecessarily solutions that help you have redemption? 
  50.  You could buy nicer things for your soldiers like full body Kevlar armor. Maybe you raise the sales tax to an amount that secures with money all of your objectives with the key priority being that  you have enough solid, well fed people with income support to wear the body armor.   
  51. To be war competitive, we would have to maintain a similar sales tax in our Cold War mindedness. If they pay their citizens, $EUD 70,000.00, we should pay our citizens the same  or more in our COLD WAR. Add to all of this, your space race and other war preparedness. You got the key job done. Your population is internally secure and not dying off  even before anyone fires a missile.  What if you did  build the biggest bomb in the world once and you also put a man on another planet but your people die off in the average workings of an automation economy much faster than  your supposed so called axis of evil enemies and you are now outnumbered by those axis of evil people in your own country  and you don't really mind because they have more income support per year paid to them then the average American. They open businesses and you respect them in your economy because they have money.  Maybe we shadow all that our enemy does in the cold war instead of resist what they do as if in resistance we say we have our unique "starve ourselves out" different, determined ways and in the difference, we have IDENTITY. We are childish North Americans in search of identity and you are smarter Europeans or Asians. But, if we are surrendering then surrender is not death but maybe we pay ourselves more than the average European which is what they want. Maybe you think surrender is that we starve ourselves out. You may decide that we must always have less than the Europeans.  They just bought a hotel chain.  The phrase "axis of evil" was first used by U.S. President George W. Bush and originally referred to Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. I respect them too;  worked with them and went to school with them in grade 7 or 10.  I don't remember.  
  52. They, the Europeans, may have adopted some of our Angel Ronan(TM) Entwerfen economic observations with sales tax collections once a month of 100% on the last Friday of every month.   So, they are ahead. Don't you love your country.  I do. We have to be in constant preparedness with the population covered; protected from all economic potential casualties. 
  53. Housing needs are simplified when they have enough money.  There is a monthly rate and it seems the national government has now decided to fund any hotel room reservations booked by people who declare themselves homeless on a national website.  There will be a homeless payment code on all retailer machines also.  Type in your code and your bill is paid. You show the bank your code and they will give you $200.00 per day.  This program will be in effect for 30 days and after that time, the post office will have plastic cards in envelopes that you can pick up. It will be activated online and you can swipe it for payment at the hotel or at any retailer. You can also use it at a bank machine once a week any where in the country to retrieve $1000.00 cash. This is only for the homeless and will be a program for such purposes accordingly. 
  54. Citizens with addresses receive the $90,000.00 paid every two weeks into their bank accounts and this money is accepted in the credit system as income for financing any loan that would include a mortgage now. You only need to provide two months  of bank statement evidence.     Did you know  the Europeans designed LGBTQ to say the real problem is that too many of  you watch too much tv that tells you  not to have a family of your own. Its a job really being a mother and father of young growing souls and you don't have to look like a cave man to do it. You could look like a librarian, airport employee or accountant. This LGBTQ  moniker gives the economic and globally culturally displaced (displaced by the economic policy) a brand for communal tolerance while they hope you see the point. It covers under funding and malaise or the dysfunction(no high school formal, no graduation, no wedding, no bra, no job, not enough money, no family, not enough money, no cultural regeneration) with celebration.  You are free, equal,  under funded by your economy and tolerated while they bring in a less hostile replacement foreign population that has more money to finance the affordable housing they talk about in the news.  The Canadian income support program should have been increasing by 2% a year as we have noted before and the income support  should Wenceslas cover all citizens equally.  That is what Wenceslas designed. He is the first modern formal Canadian; the first modern formal North American.  
  55. The mother says she needs her daughter to inherit but that does not mean that we "poor people" will kill the sons or sabotage them. Do whatever you feel you need to do to satisfy your emotions but remember we are all working to honor our mothers and father so try to think of not being too sad hurtful. Leave the boys your collector chocolate bars and your collector Mozart music albums and that should be alright because they have money of their own as recipients of income support from the government or maybe you "more rich people" leave equal shares to all of the children; but whatever you want to do. Maybe you leave your daughters with one dollar more than any of the boys.  Maybe Jane Austen in her story books made you think that the first man child was always the heir and there was only one such person but this is not so. We see there were Queens during Jane Austen's day and also the Marquess and the Duchess and a Princess every so often.  
  56. Anyway, too many of you are in these generational cycles where you don't know how to settle down  with all of your anxiety about abandonment and much of it is that too few of you have enough money to relax with anyone. You want to do it but you are not sure if anyone is the personal savior Jesus Christ enough to handle your mouth when the time comes and maybe you are too busy being the centre of gossip attention with some dramatic happenings going on and you are always in the proximity of some pastor's son or grandson and you hope to trap him or trip up his life with accusations and you did it once before. He is only hoping that you mean to be that good friend and life time mattress TV commercials co actor  every night and every day in real life because we are all worth that. You need money and he needs money but on the law of averages, your yogurt cup is probably the same as any other. Let's take a look; yes its the same and works and feels the same as when you put your finger in any yogurt cup for 5 minutes or 20 seconds so what you need to do now is to have the baby in four months at six pounds and if you don't want to just yet or you don't want to be too sure of who you are raising, then don't look where ever you go to drop them off and maybe they give the same one back to you or just believe the kid you pick up could be yours and raise the kids like you raise kittens or dogs.  Buy them coats and things and little leashes if you want, car seats and cribs or a dog bed.  A human baby could sleep in a dog bed I suppose.  If you like this article, please donate on this site.  You said you weren't sure if he would leave if you lost your stripper(former) physique or your domestic worker submissiveness; now that you are having the baby as maybe he would not cherish you the same way as that domestic worker who kept her mouth in cheque and remembered to be thankful and call him boss or daddy.             
  57. Sales tax is pure government revenue. It does not affect  the cost of goods acquired by the retailer but only the cost to the consumer. The retailer does not pay sales tax.  From a defensive stand point, inequality is inefficient as you need people.  How do you have people if the people do not have money?  You make your people internally displaced people seeking safety in their own country instead of being well fed, sheltered and rested and thankful for their country(their mother country that nurses and feeds them) with their mind ready for defense.  Equality in benefits is national defense efficiency.   Equality in payment, equality in benefit and equality in service is the litmus to vet genuine, good intentional government. But, we can have S.91 and S.92 BNA ACT slight differences in benefit delivery. The national  mandate to cover every citizen is not frustrated but fulfilled.  Maybe your income support of $90,000.00 per year starts on the 9th birthday in your territory and the rest of the country starts the income support benefit when the recipient turns 10 years old. Its inequality but you say you will ignore it since most kids are with their families any way. But, it will say that some people are getting $90,000.00 more in their life time than other people. This is not good when we pay fuel tax equally and also the harmonized sales tax or the VAT is paid equally so the money should be coming back to us in the benefit in equal amount and portion per citizen.  
  58. We cover all citizens. We leave no one behind.  If there is an overcrowding anxiety you should not deprive your citizen in some locations while bringing many immigrants to replace them. You provide income support to all and give them incentive to relocate to certain areas with a yearly rent  or  home ownership cost rebate; maybe a 40% rebate or you pay their first and last month's rent or their down payment to buy in certain locations.  General benefits are paid equally but these incentives are equally available to all who wish to enjoy them. It might be that 10% of the GTA, with the incentive, will leave and relocate in Hamilton Wentworth or Erie, Ontario. We know overcrowding could not have been the issue when inexplicably there is no benefit paid in rather rural locations like Kingston, Guelph and Brooklin Ontario.  The incentives are not illegal and are available to all Canadians but deciding not to pay some Canadians, based on location, contrary to national policies and national UDHR treaty obligation  is illegal.  
  59. Based on the law above, we could accept essentially equal services and benefits as we contribute, protect and defend equally. This confirms our ability and association to the cool people in the earth who swim at Lake Biel in the summer time.  Apartheid was inequality.  The UK economy and the Canadian economy in a world of calm European civility is also inequality as programmed by runaway Apartheid South Africa so that the UK would not have too much moral authority over them.  
  60. Yet, in giving Murdaugh his Appeal,  the trier of fact, the Jury,   made an error of fact or law and thereby gave him grounds for appeal.  This is grounds for appeal.  The law says there must be proof of a death and then of a killing. "Probability" is not enough.  There must be proof of actual premeditated, intent to kill.  The facts provided only amount to a probability that he was a killer and that he intended to kill. The Jury made an error in that the facts provided do not establish a murder at any particular time, day or date.  But, there is the suggestion that you see him walking through a door at a kennel at 5:00 pm and then you are told that his wife died in that building at 5:01 pm.  There is no photo of the body, no coroners report confirming where the body was found and no evidence of the cause of death, that she was actually clinically dead. Photos of persons in a Coma would not be proof of death. A coroner's report is proof of death.   The case ran on circumstantial evidence.  Where was her body during the trial?  The DA must have time for these issues and discussions or are you Stan from Leon? I thank God for you but a wrongful conviction is unconscionable. Do we agree?  Warren helped a white man with his legal problem today.   We start with the Duty of proof or burden of proof on the DA. The question for the jury, Judge or the trier of fact is whether the burden is satisfied.   The requisite evidence to satisfy the burden was not provided to the Jury where you could see the District Attorney fulfilled his burden;   the DA's onus. I don't really know if she is dead. I don't know how she died really.   I don't see any discussion of forensic evidence that says  he killed her any more than the neighbors killed her. The DA saying it's Murdaugh is not enough.  
  61.  I would say it might have helped to just maintain the honor of the office and say there is no reasonable prospect of conviction. This is not to say the District Attorney in Court was not a cheery, well spoken and amicable type who could have been an airline captain also or a school teacher.   But, a bad man is not necessarily a murderer.  
  62. But, what if Cain killed Abel by stealing Abel's Job offer and then said he did it for the hegemony, for the more white, for  the South  or for the Jamaican just after Abel graduated? What if Abel or his brother Seth are the ancestors of Israel but he was born in what is Egypt  today or he was born in what is Sicily before there was any continental divide and before were any such states, nations ID cards  or identity?  
  63. Who could do such things?  
  64. If all the citizens in a country are paying a harmonized sales tax but only some citizens get an income support depending on their current location, there is something inequitable taking place. What if Ford in WW1 and WW2 said he would fight for US hegemony and bet all he had on winning that war but did not want to see every American receive an income support?  All the Russians have an income support from 10 years old and they can survive the cold with the amounts they receive any where in the world. They are not threatened by the elements, thirst or hunger. You do not have these monies for every citizen and you are dying off and threatened even before a missile is fired.  You do not have your entire  population  covered and protected from the cold. But the Russians do and they always did.  This is the real Cold War.  When you are divided over simple things, you have not bolstered sufficient modern nationalism if there are any groups of citizens that are not receiving a full income support.  As such, you see your sense of nationalism breaks down into the question" What are you?" rather often. Any nationalism that you do see on the court, field or rink during international competition does not  transfer or translate into a regular societal awareness.  How is it that there are any Canadians or Americans that are not in receipt of a regular income support? The amount they are to receive is to be equal  in sum to the highest sum paid in the country.  
  65. What if this discussion on a national income support transpired between a few souls on the American and the European side and the Americans  did not take the European suggestion to make their income support national so they would have a strong  buyers  market that could buy and absorb the industrial made goods without resorting to all that publicized violence over the years when jobs were cancelled often in the work automation?  The European in America wanted to be comfortable  with income support money and calm; see everyone feel safe.  The European in America back then was partially a Jew or whole Jew or a Catholic or maybe a Protestant; just in the same way as it is today.  So, then Jews would be suffering in the bad economy when it is not funded. Maybe he is the banker. Maybe he was looted when he always had more  in the 1930's in that mid-west town in the way he does things.  Implementing an income support was the obvious simple answer.  Who would be defiant in this obvious rationale?  The Europeans wanted to invest.  The European is good at hockey, soccer, vehicle design, beer, chess, economies and consumer stimulus.  The American makes good soft drinks, fast food and big American chocolate.  It would be nice if Ford had a domestic market that was totally funded with income support and if it was, it does not mean he would not get his corporate pork barrel monies from the government. Its not an "either or" scenario with the population dying off and the vehicles piling up but paid for.  They shied away when the national market was unstable and inconsistent. All European citizens had an income support in a strong Domestic European market. Ford did not have a strong  Domestic market but one full of violence and looting.  The income support was paid to citizens on the eastern seaboard mainly.  Americans.   But, instead he wanted the US government to effectively pay for every vehicle he built and cover the resultant labor costs?  You would have a car brand but you would not really have a market or any people as Ford continued to automate.  This is not really murder but you see people are dying and there is insufficient money per citizen and it's a deliberate decision in hoping to ensure a better  bargaining position where they have no income support and need money in securing cheap labor. Regardless  of the business motive, it could be genocide.  You never hold car companies responsible for something like that. They build cars and good cars. I like the brand. You would hold the government responsible for something like genocide where the UDHR treaty obligation to pay rests on the government. It would seem that we must  But, when we bring attention to problems in America affecting all people that include Jews and Catholics, on the moment of resolve in that land when are about to respect the Jews in Europe and their economic wisdom, are we apprehended?; apprehended and told to think about the suffering of the Jews  elsewhere in the world in some unusual conflict where we must give our resources and then maybe eventually our lives in what may be an expression of an identity struggle for someone also and then the solution as to a total income support for all of North America in submission to Jewish European wisdom is delayed again when it would help the Jews in North America who are tired of feeling nervous; tired of people cannibalizing their business referrals, messages, emails and phone calls in the notion of "the sniveling more Creole white saying he should be able to steal calls from another more genuine servant of the community in business who is less white and hope not to get arrested"? why would that have to happen? If I was white, I would not associate myself with the black in trying to be the black agent's bad son. I would be the good white son in the bible and ensure she gets her messages and phone calls.   If I was white, I would not need to steal her business. This type of thing might not happen at all in a less desperate economy when you have enough cover from the economy to provide sufficient cover  to your family. You will happy for what ever gravy deals you get and you will finish each deal with quality instead of turning everyone around into an accomplice on the theft of business information which is that the phone calls, emails and messages constitute.  You might see it happen again and again if its a parasite mind that we are addressing.  But, this devaluing of the less white is not a part of the Creole jungle that has to be reiterated as if to make the town feel more like home. Where is home_______________ that you think this could happen any where as if it is to be taken as the normal? Police are watching.  On my exam, it says it is a breach of the... and is stamped out by the profession.   We make this observation as we remember Judaism and America as a nation are synonymous and someone needs to know this when we remember Haym  Salomon who was one of the founding fathers.   The Jews also want humane treatment for all Americans and also due process of law as recorded in "To Kill a Mocking Bird."
  66. After drinking Budweiser or Lowenbrau (with Moshe's dna inside after 7 generations of brewing) and wearing  Levis, maybe in the will and intention of the Jewish American  elders as born in America by 1700 and 70 years old by 1770, we are all Jewish American Creoles now right up to the most Navajo of the Navajo.  The idea is that you would not just accept that things will improve but you would work  in such a way as you would know you are to have more and also the best. As Anancy, the Taino,   and his son and grand son;  and his daughter who left the boy to buy his house over him,  you would never try to buy the ski lodge, the Golden Gate Bridge or the Empire State building or the boy's town home with a note on a cigarette box or no note in writing at all as you hand over $5000.00 or more to someone who asked you to join him in the deal.   You would not even buy a spoon without a receipt that confirms your purchase; you are just playing  out an old negative scenario in your experience in 2023.  Instead of killing the owner who actually already sold when he could not understand whose shoes he saw in his bedroom closet,  you will put him to work.  
  67. Advertisement: SDGCK serves community needs.  Call us. 

  68. Who are you really and where do you come from if this is what you did as a young person or an older person and you say your grandmother lost money this way trying to buy Port Royal or the beach where the Atlantis Hotel sits today.  The boy has let go of his rights to the field and the beach on the Island off the coast of  Jamaica  so you can ask for it.  
  69. Look at who you gave the money to and ask why you won't just let the idea of owning the house or the bridge go as you are angry you lost some money. You did something like this in 2010. Since then, you only hoped the boy would pass on in the hopes of getting your money back some how. But who is giving it back when he has no proof of receiving it from you and you have no proof you gave it to him?  There is no point killing the boy or anyone else.  Just ask nicely for your money back from a man who feels like this. 
  70. Brown hair and Brown beard

  71.    These elders want us to have the income support money and it seems Haym Salomon did not just sign the constitution but he propagated his dna, hoping for a peaceful America with no slavery as  it was in the state where he came from where slavery was social frowned upon but also officially illegal as of 1688.  
  73. So, identity struggles and Creole hegemony assemblages around the Maypole hold us in a limbo dance where, in mocking celebrations, we duck under the solutions handed down to us from European Jewry; solutions  for a functioning society and economy that serves all regardless of race and complexion.  
  74. By ducking under the solution and not  allowing our head to bump into and meet the solution, we  are keeping alive an  environmental anxiety that causes adrenalin and that also scares nice people away.  
  75. It is a socioeconomic wound of desperation that could be solved for some pennies  per minute per  hour. Currently 14 pennies per minute would be enough. That works out to $70,000.00 per year.  
  76. We have not been collecting enough sales tax  for a very long time now and we are currently already in debt for this reason.  In the late 1800's, after Lenin worked it out in the eastern bloc with the looming threat of ongoing automation  while reading Marx and Adam Smith, he  decided that they have to just do what has to be done with a sales tax as high as 27% or higher to ensure they were not in debt to anyone but themselves and they printed and issued money against the debt that the country issued to itself and  wrote on its own future and independence. That was to ensure sovereignty, independence and their own unique hegemony. Their hegemony globally is to be fruitful  and multiply  in terms of  population and have dominion.  You are selling soft drinks, chocolate, chicken and burgers for your global hegemony and not enough Americans have the global standard amounts of income support.  In your Creole identity struggles, you do not give yourself permission to exist. It is inconvenient though if you do not have your own population in North America as Europe would have to cut its population in two and this is not good for domestic European security. So try to cooperate.  Todo es bueno.                 
  77. I think the District Attorney  proved that Murdaugh was maybe a bad man for other reasons but the DA did not prove murder.  We apply the law to the facts provided and I get fraud and theft of client funds but not murder.  If the facts outlined in Court were set  in an exam question for a student to discuss, he would have to say the applicable laws are theft, fraud and perjury as based on the facts. The alleged murder does not correspond to the facts.  They could have alleged Assault causing grievous bodily harm also.  State the facts, then the law. Apply the law to the facts. It is evident that maybe he should not have been charged with murder and that might have been a gift; to charge him with something that cannot be established on the facts.  
  78.   There is an error in law and fact.   It cannot be a factor of just opinion. Does the evidence prove he killed anyone or is it just we could say he probably might have or might have been someone else? Does the evidence support alleged murder with some evidence of intent to kill? It looks like the answer here is no regarding both criterion.   

  79. Written by Wiaaht  Coleagenfren 
