January 6th, 2024. FSJ Journal: Income support for all citizens is a normal capitalist economic custom;


I'm from King City, born in Nova Scotia, and my children live in Orangeville. My mother is from Guelph.  We have no income support; none of us.   This cannot be about overcrowding as there are barely any people in King City or Orangeville. It's some kind of skirting or evading of he law and the authority and someone thinks he is very smart that no one will see his motive an that no one will figure it out. We all pay the same sales tax and other gasoline taxes but we do not all benefit equally.  My school friend who went to my high school got $20,000.00  in total over twelve months just as he turned 14 years old during the first summer of high school in grade 9 as he lived in Richmond Hill. He bought two condos in 1994 when he was 24 years old at $100,000.00 each in down town Toronto with his income support. His girlfriend went to a Catholic School and she lived in King City. She got the cash as a Catholic. But, we see that things are not adding up and we do not see enough house sales or car sales if it was not for these Asian foreigners who have shown up and have helped to keep the market more active than it would be without them since without them there is not enough since we do not have the money; all of us! This is because we did not just  say we should have the income support and in equal amounts across the country. This sales tax is national, so the income support should be nationally managed since we contribute to the monies used for its payment equally in a nationally collected pool of funds that must also be distributed as equally as possible with little variation in the amounts across the country and the threat  of cold is the same any where in this country. So, we should be covered and paid ...equally. I think its about $191.78 per day.       I am not a dog and should not be treated this way. Even if I was a dog, it would be cruelty to animals and there is a law against that.  I am a human; I am a child of God.  Without this money, am I supposed to fetch Muskoka water or hunt for blue Jay eggs....to eat?
   I know I work but I need to be equal. I build and sell things; my people but I need to be equal when my friend may have bought condos that I built and I could not really afford to buy it cash. I had to get a mortgage. I bought one condo and for every payment I made, I had to work. My tax dollars financed my friend.  I cannot guarantee that I have a job. but, if I could solve this problem for all of Canada, or for all of Ontario at least what would I do? 


January 6th, 2024.  

FSJ Journal: Income support for all citizens is a normal capitalist economic custom;  

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In all normal  functioning capitalist economies, it is the custom that all citizens have an income support.  We pay for it with sales tax to finance the safety and quality of our lives. This sales tax could vary from time to time. To win votes, we promise  ourselves and the people more money

We pay the sales tax with this money. The sales tax  is used to pay us  and the people the money.    100% sales tax on food and drink  is not genocide when I am getting a paltry $300.00 per day at $12.50 an hour 24 hours per day or 20.8 cents per minute; with only 12% tax on vehicle sales; as proposed. There is no sales tax on rents or leases.  The sales tax could be 20% or 10% or 13%.  This is enough money generated to cover our national obligations and debt payment obligations to other countries. If it is not, then we can raise the sales tax from time to time to ensure all citizens have a sufficient income support and that there is enough for public transport, highways, schools and good roads.  This is called Ra'ah-conomics according to Warren A. Lyon based on his research work in economics; as God provides.  

Note: The Hebrew verb ra'ah (from which yireh is derived) means "to see." In this case, it is translated as "provide." God sees the past, present, and future. This means that He is able to anticipate what we need and provide it. Yahweh Yireh simply means the Lord will provide

   The Asians only pay 35% sales tax on everything. They have the money to take up the space in our economy that is to be filled by automatically funded people of some kind.  These  urban spaces, seats in restaurants, the BMW customer number, the Hyundai or Toyota or GM customer number etc are not filled by our own population as our people are not funded at all or not sufficiently to fill the space, do the job of a consumer. 

 Let us pretend that today is the first day of a 75% industrial automation (75% machine labor) economy. The date is January 1st, 1975. Gerald Ford is President. The  Apollo–Soyuz Test Project, a joint United States-Soviet Union low Earth orbit mission in 1975 begins and there is going to be a movie produced about this; by Tom Cruise and Bad Robot Productions apparently. But, there is no such thing as a bad robot.  

Let us say the industrial corporation is no longer building machines with out actual orders  for products from actual paying consumers; as they operate now more like a pizzeria or burger restaurant instead of building aimlessly  just to keep people occupied; and employed.  This is because all citizens are supposed to have an income support like people in Massachusetts or Connecticut that will ensure they money even if there is no more work for them in that industry.  Many people are displaced from regular work as regular work for many is disrupted due to the installation and inception of robotic industrial labor machines.   What do the humans do for money if they are not working?  What does  the industrial corporation do when the humans do not have work to order the products?  He waits for customers that have money to buy the products. We see that billions are saved in wages and in the time it takes to build products and the work is done more efficiently after the billions have been invested on the supply and production side of the economic equation.  

So, we work out that we must balance the equation purposefully and input on the consumer demand side of the economic equation a small portion of some of the money invested in supply and Production and also  saved in that Production. We are looking at 20 cents a minute per citizen. This is communal  cooperation with the reality of this "human displacement" caused by automation.  White Hegemony as seen in all the nice movies  says we must cooperate.  It was just a question of how.  The Europeans, the Asians  and the Russians, most of the West Indians also who are not White Aboriginal hegemonists found the answer and applied it by now.  The white aboriginal Hegemonist is a little late but he can do it. He knows how.  

China is the most capitalist economy in the world next to Japan. They have both expanded  in their understanding of pure aggressive capitalism and have taken over  all the  English countries industrially with a simple  application  of capitalism's principles.  The first assured  strong domestic markets at home with a sufficient income support for all citizens.  They obeyed all of capitalism's discoveries in light of automation. But, what about America as a fledgling economy; fledgling only because its resistance of income support for all citizens at amounts that ensure sufficient consumer stimulus and occupation of one's own economy and urban spaces has caused negative market growth since the problem was identified in the late 1850's during history's first major upswing in the mechanization of  or automation of labor. While income support was customary in Europe for centuries as an economic principles taken from ancient Egypt and Rome seen in Prince Joseph's ration in Egypt or seen in the Romans and Jesus telling Herod to render unto the people and unto Caesar, it is more of a rediscovery for the English and the Americans whose dna is combined with North American or Briton aboriginality and prone to resist the whole system instead of just enjoying the principles that give effect to community safety, consumer stimulus, strong domestic markets, less crime predicated om human desperation and  gives effect to the life of the human without the blood and sweat in shyster-ing huckster-ing,  hunting and the gathering. 

Regular  confident assured payment of income support at levels sufficient to ensure human survival and enable  the acquisition of human needs within the regular economy without hunting and gathering assimilates us out of the way of hunting and gathering.  

In this assimilation of North America to established Economic principles that have Roman and African origin, we discover that North America was like an Africa Junior in some ways but lost in the land of nod after the continental Pangea  divide  until men from the east came to the western hemisphere; some of them black Africans and some of them were Europeans like  Hernán Cortés.  There was also Estevanico (c. 1500–1539), also known as Esteban de Dorantes and Estevanico the Moor, was the first person of African descent to explore North America. It looks like he travelled around Jamaica and Cuba and saw the aboriginals who he described as appearing like West Coast Africans; Nigerian or Ghanian.  

Estevanico (c. 1500–1539), also known as Esteban de Dorantes and Estevanico the Moor, was the first person of African descent to explore North America. Little is known about his background but contemporary accounts described him as a "negro alárabe" or "Arabic-speaking black man" native to Azemmour, Morocco. In 1522, he was sold as a slave to the Spanish nobleman Andrés Dorantes de Carranza in the Portuguese-controlled Moroccan town of Azemmour.

 After automation, how do you have a domestic market with able and willing consumers with money to buy your goods if the citizen and former worker that is now suffering joblessness does not have a job that would provide some reasonable money so, then, he can participate  in his central economic purpose as the consumer and buyer of goods; and now without money he is obsolete?   But the solution is not to, then, bring  foreigners from Asia's overflow of people or Europe's overflow of people  because there are horrible social and economic problems  that are suffered by the North American in the shameful purview of well funded non Anglo Europeans or non Anglo Asians? Reducing North American taxes is not the solution as it reduces the governments ability to respond to problems. But, the maybe the solution is a purposeful balance; a small provision of income support to every citizen at no less than $300.00 per day and also a small increase in taxes that will also help to stave off concerns about over consumption and wasteful consumption. All goals are achieved and the social and economic problems are averted; like from a well designed truck or car cabin with soo much thoughtfulness and human consideration; so crazy thoughtful....WOW and no North American is dying in front of the well funded foreigners any more who technically own the Capitol Building in every state with the loans we pay to Europe and Asia!!!!  At a paltry $300.00 per day, the Canadian can still pretend to be the French Canadian aboriginal serf, hoping to find more acceptance as more French as he works in France. But, French is French in the global French family except that we should all have enough from our various French countries to sojourn in Europe; in France without threatening the peace of France where we are  more then serfs when we are Canadian, hungry and angry.  Isn't Canada a French(and English) country; sort of like the Republic of Ireland comparable economics and  comparable income support for all citizens at about $EUD 40,000.00 per Canadian; not yet but very soon?         

The only way is to give every citizen  an income support  that amounts to an economic fraction of what you save in human wages.  This fraction  of money saved can be as small as $6.00 per hour (10 cents per minute) 24 hours per day; 365 days per year to fulfill our purpose to ensure there is sufficient consumer stimulus and buying power on the market for robotically  made goods that also fulfill  their purpose 24 hours per day.  Their government spends less money on the ills that would be caused by moneylessness in any population and more  time is spent collecting money on all human consumer activities.  They lend you money when you are in debt with your "dog  chasing his tail" discussions about all the human problems caused by the moneylessness caused by job automation.  While it is obvious how to efficiently and lovingly, self defensively, "basic instinct-ually" solve it, you do not solve it but continue to spend energy embarrassing yourselves on TV just talking about the problems.   You talk about people dying and freezing and starving in your economy.  Do you pay all citizens an income support? Sze Sze!!

 But what does it really matter if the lives of your people do not matter to you?  

All the little lessons of capitalism you did not respect eventually add up.  You did not have enough consumers as real buyers with real money for too many decades.  So, your car company  is in debt to the government. The government sold it's car company debt to Asian companies.  So, they own you.  You still don't have enough consumers as real buyers with real money as you are. It respecting that all normal capitalist economies provide  an income support to all citizens that is sufficient to cover all human economic necessities on a daily basis.  

 If income support is accepted as a necessary humanitarian legal requisite by virtue of the UDHR, then it is a legal requisite.   If income support is accepted as a  necessary aspect of any economy anywhere in the world post 85% Total job automation,  it is because the money is necessary to maintain the humane conditions of life.   Then a denial of income support would be imposition of  the cruel and unusual circumstances and conditions of life that would satisfy the definition of genocide. 

The denial of income support money is the denial of food, water, shelter and human safety thereby creating conditions of life that satisfy the genocide definition.  Why deny this money to any citizens under your international treaty obligations? You pay some citizens but not others based on gender or home address. Those unpaid  citizens constitute a target group under the law. Genocide is a crime under Federal US law, UK Law  and the Criminal  Code of Canada.   

Let's Wicked see how.  

Canada, the US and England are signatories to the UN Convention on the Prevention of Genocide.  

In 1948, the UN signed the “ Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”. Article II states: "Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: (a) murder of members of the group; (b) bring harm to the physical or mental integrity of members of the group; (c) intentional subjection of the group to conditions of existence calculated to bring about its total or partial physical destruction. (d) measures aimed at hindering births within the group. e) forced transfer of children from the group to another group." A group would be any set of people who  suffer collectively  the imposition of inhumane conditions of life.  

What are the mandatory conditions of existence and life prescribed by the UN as humane conditions?  We look at the UDHR. Does your country  live up to these standards and guarantee the conditions noted below for you and all other citizens?  If not, then you are suffering conditions of existence and life that is consistent with genocide.  The case is made.  

All animals have a similar design with a round eye ball and iris; to see the time. We are all just passing time and we will all be history. So let us have a happy time.   

Article 25

  1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
If you and others are not enjoying these conditions of life in total,  then it is Genocide.  
What defines a group of people who are suffering genocide?  

The Rutaganda Trial Chamber observed that:

"[...] the concepts of national, ethnical, racial and religious groups have been researched extensively and that, at present, there are no generally and internationally accepted precise definitions thereof. Each of these concepts must be assessed in the light of a particular political, social and cultural context. Moreover, the Chamber notes that for the purposes of applying the Genocide Convention, membership of a group is, in essence, a subjective rather than an objective concept. The victim is perceived by the perpetrator of genocide as belonging to a group slated for destruction. In some instances, the victim may perceive himself/herself as belonging to the said group."[4]

P.1. Evidence of the existence of a "national group".

In the Akayesu case, the Trial Chamber said:

"Based on the Nottebohm decision rendered by the International Court of Justice, the Chamber holds that a national group is defined as a collection of people who are perceived to share a legal bond based on common citizenship, coupled with reciprocity of rights and duties."[5]

We have designed systems of economy that can take back the money as fast as people spend it and if they spend more, they have less and give more back to the government but this is not genocide and those with bad consumption habits will not endure with us for very long while we will make money off of their unruly spending and  irresponsible spending ways.  

 They are just hamsters that spin on the global capitalist economic wheel to produce us some money on what they spend; sales tax money  or credit interest.  

But, if I am the Chinese leader I must have a Chinese Library with mostly Chinese books or if I am an Indian leader, I must have and maintain an  Indian library with mostly Indian books to be credible even if I am not really Indian and if I do not want to openly identify myself  as having some other nationality and loyalty while the leader or monarch of those people.  

In fact, If I am an Indian leader, I must have and maintain an Indian population with mostly Indian people  with an income support for ALL the people that are citizens under my government, including the English, to be credible even if I am or am not really Indian and I do this if I do not want to openly identify myself  as having some other nationality, loyalty and a foreign  non English, Non Canadian, Non American,  Confused Basic Human hegemony instinct where I  may have such a condition or symptom while the leader or monarch of those lousy  people. The English are not lousy people but they do not provide an income support to every citizen.  Maybe the English owe me something but we should not provoke the people since we don't know what the food will be like tomorrow if we do since not every English man is responsible for my sorrow. I find the balance because this life has afforded me the job as English Captain of the England team.  But, maybe I take an extra 2 percent for my own pocket or affairs from the sales tax to assuage the debt; and all the dogs and cats are safe. The watch is working in the drawers.       

But, we will make money on them all and all of their wild spending as provoked by the smart phone networks. We pay in 10 cents per minute 365 days per year and take it back at 40% sales tax.  This is good; yea?  We pay .010% of the first $EUD 10,000,000.00 sales tax collected every day to the heraldry fund that supports the Monarch personally and all Heritage Trust buildings, museums and galleries. .010%  of $EUD 10,000,000.00 is $100,000.00.         


