We have three voluntary directors that signed up today. This is excellent. When they hear someone has a legal problem, they tell their friend or family member to contact us by email and the voluntary director's friend mentions the director's name and email. You can say what you think the report should cost your friend and you can also say how much you would like to receive as your voluntary stipend for your assistance in sending us the file; $200.00 up to 51%. We help.

 We have three voluntary directors that signed up today.  This is excellent.  When they hear someone has a legal problem, they tell their friend  or family member to contact us by email and the voluntary director's friend mentions the director's name and email.  You can say what you think the  report should cost your friend and you can also say how much you would like to receive as  your voluntary stipend for your assistance in sending us the file; $200.00  up to 51%.    

We help.  
