January 7th, 2024. Income support for all citizens is a normal capitalist economic custom. This Article is based on research by Warren A. Lyon who is a Canada Research Chair in Law and Economics at the Angel Ronan™ Foundation; Written by Warren A. Lyon, , Junior Angel Ronan Economist. Click here.

  1.  January 7th, 2024.  

  2.  Income support for all citizens is a normal capitalist economic custom. This Article  is based on research by Warren A. Lyon  who is a Canada Research Chair in Law and Economics at the Angel Ronan™ Foundation;  
  3. Written by Warren A. Lyon, , Junior Angel Ronan Economist. 
  4. Click here. 

  5. Without a full and sufficient income support, many of your citizens are not able to integrate into the modern world.  They are not financially integrated but segregated with a low and insufficient income support or no income support. We will always  have a dependent  economy so we may as well enjoy  our dependency.  Maybe we finally agree that we should ensure the government gives us all a good allowance or income support of $80,000.00 or more; all of us. That is the law and we are kind of segregated economically in the international economy with only $28,000.00 per year as income support.  If we don't spend too much, we have money and then we agree that having this money is worth an extra 15% sales tax on consumer items; not fuel or vehicles that will stay taxed around 14%.  We could afford to do it now without  the extra 15% since we are obligated to do it and the Europeans are  paying the bill. We only make debt payments but the debt will be less at 28% sales tax and we will pay more per day. The Europeans actually just take the payment.    
  6.   So, for about 28% sales tax we  will have twice the tax revenue. In an automated work world there is less income tax revenue and sales tax becomes more important as a source of national revenue.  
  7.  But,  could you run an economy in such a way to achieve some anthropological, ancestral or developmental identity  to say who and what you are or is it to confirm some motive?  

  8. If there is any town, state or territory where there is no income support or it is very low, then you are losing tiger economy power, compression and buying power. CNBC and other financial news outlets boast about the growth economies and the tiger economies that really operate on a simple principle that there people do not have to think about it when they are spending in that economy because they have enough money provided to them.   You have invariably chosen to make up for this buying power with immigration instead of funding your own population.  Then you want to spend money on machines and gear for defense but you would tend no to call on people who are showing signs of malnutrition due to underfunding.  You lost a potential soldier. You have a dying citizen and the new military machines cannot really resuscitate him or her.  You are not likely to hire them for the military factory job as you ostracize them for not having lived in some other part of your country where you do fund the population automatically and regularly and if they point out the inequality between Oshawa and Campbellford, you ask if they are black or White equality enviro terrorists now. But, that is a white person who wants to know what is the real issue in this s.15 violation of the Charter in his claim where he also files a request to admit the fact that you pay some but not all with tax revenue collected from all and what do You say?   

  9. You reduce the sales taxes to win votes and you never thought about how much 1% of sales tax revenue is really worth daily and how much national revenue you loose in reducing the sale tax  to win votes so you are now in a pickle and then you try to make up for it in some other way.    You have invariably chosen to make up for this loss in buying power with immigration instead of funding your own population. Now, you are borrowing from other nations; not only money but people but you refuse to do as they say about income support or follow their policy suggestions so there is a certainty of money generation as you purport to your local population what you think will maintain a false sense of independence in their imagination, promising trillions for something and school gyms.    

  10. The idea is to create a certainty of money generation and treat every citizen like an engine piston. We put some money and we take some back. $£ 7.00 + dollars an hour is for the real miracle. Maybe you take back 30% and the good thing is, you are not paying a lump sum yearly but small daily increments paid out weekly or bi weekly.  Maybe you start collecting 30% for a month in preparation for this new certainty of money generation because that $£ 7.00 per hour per citizen might become 30% sales tax on a $£15,000.00 vehicle more often with their new ATP(ability to pay) with insurance etc or you see his long term move to Australia or Africa and he can represent you because your economy is now ferocious; like a big bear or tiger etc. Your military nationalism would say paying $4.00 to $8.00 per hour per citizen into the citizen's life as income support is worth your nationalism to defend the life of all the citizens and if its not, why would you buy any military machinery since the machinery is intended to defend the entire population; not just those people in special postal code regions but all? People economically fostered and raised  in your socio-economy are the essential defence. That is why you pay all the people; equally.  

  11.   Defend and protect all of their lives so that they are not starving out in desperation without an income support and also spend all you intend to spend on the military, raise the sales tax and you have more to spend. Win votes  by paying the income support equally pursuant to s.15 of the Charter to all citizens.  Raise the income support to win votes.   By George, I think we have got it..as based on our Underground Tube Driver common sense.  
  12. https://youtu.be/JDSPwexlyTo   
  14. Each piston needs enough fuel and oxygen to turn over and make the engine work. In our case, we mean money for the citizen in the economic engine where the citizen is the economic piston to work for the economy.  
  15.  In this economic engine, we take some of the flowing fuel and energy that is money back from the citizen as a sales tax and we take enough.  So, the citizen is no burden as some see it now with money spent on social problems indirectly with lots of employees  where some of them compound the problem by failing to respond to the application the first time in some instances  and deny it due to some  malice (...a terrorist offence affecting the life of the citizens) reason or the other (The applicant is not the right type of Creole; not Eastern Caribbean or not Africa or it says he is a successful military applicant that now hopes to start a family or his education is post secondary or someone wants to say they had 14 children for him and she does not want him to have anything but he has no idea who  or what that is...when he cannot even ssy if she has a Doolittle thingy.   They tell some citizens to ask their restaurant family where they understand that their people pay properly. 

  16.   But, we do not pay benefit staff to tell anyone anything like this or to sit there and decide who lives or dies and essentially killed 80 people last week and  shoplifting goes up in his area where he works; and he says that last applicant did not have the right Church denomination feeling. 

  17.  When bad human motivation has wasted our time and money, we can automate  it.  Keep the bad human motivation out.  Before you buy military hardware you need to defend against that internal attrition if you really mean business; defend the population. Do the job.  
  19.   If they used his tea cup or water glass left behind at a church dinner and why is she not arrested for harassing a benefit program when if she had a claim to make, it would be in family court but you see how she says she  does not want him to have anything to pay and support the imaginary children and whoever helped her enter this mischief  and disturbance in the system is the real question if he did not see the evidence of his crime on the job and he is not the family court; nor is the executioner and the denial of benefits illegally, when we know we all need it, is like a death sentence).  Grannie plays the lottery but the government employee whose hourly wage is paid for with grannie's taxes denies her lottery win claim before she sees the physical ticket only because she called grannie once and could not get through the first time on a Sunday. Why call on a Sunday? She did not even see the ticket but hopes  to ask someone to help her rob the government and the claimant and give the winnings to her; Tookie Nah!  Its a crime; an inside job. 

  20. But, the citizen is  to be funded directly and used for money generation. What if they put in an emergency $£ 3.31 per hour as income support automatically paid for all non transgender citizens?  The transgender will still receive $£ 3.42 per hour.  We could try an emergency 
  21. $£5.70 per hour for all citizens. In all decisions, you ask yourself how does it work? Will it work? You need money. The people need money. You pay them all; not just some of the people and see the tiger economy in your own backyard.  If you give them a little more and take back more, maybe 14% sales tax and eventually 15%, you see that economic engine is working.  
  23. However, some are paid automatically in that economy and they cannot all be Queen children because we  saw auntie mix up the water in the bathroom and we saw who came by with Grannie Archibald's newest discarded pair of  her "No Tookie" underwear.  So, there is more of this "No Tookie" thing and this one says she is a pirate that does not want you to have more. There is another "No Tookie"  that says you need to go to music school, have your income support, hope for a job, you should be able to get your mail, your income support and come to service on Sunday and buy her a drink with Your income support and give her some for the baby that could be....could be yours since this is what they did to anyone who was close enough; not just the one hit wonders.   

  24. We cannot say England or Canada are Disney parks and the police and soldiers are just in costume for the visitors where there is no real working population but any people from any where who have enough to live there; that anybody can live there that include all the axe murderers from any where in the world so long as they have enough; in some "flipping of the bird" to the people and over turning of constitutional obligations in the face of nationality and identity. The people you have as your citizens generally coursing through world airports, football stadiums or world's hotels are your national representatives like the Basketball team or the rugby teams and they are not all 4th generation Russian ex pats but some are 12th generation  Londoners or from Penzance and they are prepared with income support for the purpose of national representation. 
  26. We need the money for all citizens for our comparative national sense of worth when the enemy sees us before he kills us with his more advanced weapons we will look good just as he looks good and feel good and he will see we had just as much income support as he did, we got new hockey sticks and new military kit.  What if your unwillingness to resolve this income support inequality debacle is his strategy along with your scheme to keep reducing taxes and then the enemy offered you a loan but he did want you to pay every citizen an income support and he did want you to keep the sales tax at a reasonable rate and maybe increase it so the citizen is paid and then the citizen pays the sales tax; and then you have millions more every day on that additional 2% sales tax and so the citizen has enough money to feed himself or gamble and hang himself; all citizens and you have a healthy body to put in  uniform who had enough soap and water to wash, eat, drink and be happy.  Clearly you found other people in the world who have enough money to shop and buy in two economies but they tend to be Communist; maybe or loyal to Russia if it comes to down to any conflict as people former Eastern bloc countries or they are Russian and speak the language; and if you were having a conflict that necessitated the gear you are purchasing, who is the enemy you envision?   
  27. You resolved many little petty things that do come to your attention now that you paid all citizens an income support and  you sleep better at night, your economy performs better; not wrestling with "what is the people and need you have for them" and you can now focus on what colors and designs you want for your new military kit.                
  28. Every human life has value; and every residential or industrial property has value. But, when does a State Attorney General have more expertise in valuing a property than the owner of the property or the bank or loan corporation that is in the industry of valuing property responsibly and making or withdrawing or extending loans in their self protective best interests in the daily regular operation of their business? If you were to challenge the valuation, how do you challenge it? What is the valuation date? Is it the date of the application of the loan or  the date when the loan is granted? What did you propose is the correct valuation?  The State Attorney General cannot even answer that question and should ensure that they are enforcing the law and fighting crimes when there is a complainant instead of taking bribes and starting investigations to harass their political opponents; opponents of  their family's life long political party.  According to the internet, the Attorney General is a Democrat and as the case is one of political interference with no complainant and no victim under the Civil or Criminal law, it must be withdrawn as an embarrassing show of one's abuse of discretion.  
  29. If you have no complainant, you have no crime  If no one under the contract affected by the right or wrong valuation cried foul, then you have no contractual cause for litigation or dispute. You have no legal standing in Court as  you are not a party to the contract.  Also, its not a public property. Also, if its undervalued or overvalued, who loses and who wins?   A reasonable valuation is best for either party.   The  land alone might have been the source of valuation if the building was being set for demolition or extensive renovation.   You leave the consenting parties to maintain their business dealings under the usual course of business especially no one has complained of loss or breach of contract or fraud.  Even the Attorney General is estopped from going beyond the corporate vale or editing the binding contract between the parties if, on the face of it, there are grounds to challenge the contract on public or private grounds.  This feels like John Adams  pretender trying to steal the real John Adams farm and brewery.  
  30. Its like she just woke up one morning and said she feels the man should never have had his own property that he might refinance it, and allow the loan company to value it in accordance with usual business practices.  The loan company provided their own valuation.  Maybe the judgements were written by the Governor of NYY; not a Judge in one of the worst abuse of power cases. But, otherwise, she is a nice lady that can re-task her energies more purposefully and genuinely to help the general population. Has she been feeding her own headlines involving the upcoming election to CNN; headlines about states removing certain Republican candidates from the ballot in places such as Illinois but that has not happened in any case yet does she want it reported this way and why?    There is no truth  to any of the Donald legal battles.  The motive for all of them is political and also extortion. Those behind it are....and look like..... 
  31. It would be best that she focuses on the gender based benefit inequality some where, like in New York state maybe and in Ontario also; if she can do it as the inequality offends the Fourteenth amendment.  If the transgender in New York are receiving an automatic,  guaranteed and ensured $40,000.00 income support from 12 years old paid into their bank account without making any application for such support, then this support, as funded by New York State sales taxes and other taxes collected from all citizens must be paid equally to every citizen in New York State regardless of gender, race, religion or any other form of differentiation.  That's the job!!   This would be really helpful.   
  32. The Equal Protection Clause is located at the end of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment:
  33. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. [emphasis added]. It was written after the Civil War and Emancipation.  

  34. Congressman John Bingham of Ohio was the principal framer of the Equal Protection Clause.

  35. Every economy has a resonance; like music. Maybe some economies sound like the economic death and frustration of previous generations in the face of job cancelling new technologies where some live and some die; some have and some do not where it might have been difficult to see how to solve the economic problems for all. It was not impossible then and nor is it impossible now when we can design submarines, aircraft and economies that defy human doubt. We see that all European economies before WW1 provided for all citizens and  most  but not all US Eastern seaboard economies provided for all citizens.   The decision makers have to know it is possible to run an economy that provides for all citizens.  If the economy does not provide for all citizens, why would that be? It is illegal. On the issue of hegemony, we wonder if it is a genetic expression of hegemony to argue with the economic standard of European and Asian economies; an argument only to feel a sense of independence and hegemony over oneself while you also demand the national sovereignty to decide the average quality of life of your population or the inconsistent, low consumer activity in the operation of the economy that you would then try to bandage with national policies that destabilize the  national financial system with irresponsibly low interest rates, hoping that people with no money would qualify for low interest loans. It would seem you have used national policy making powers in your demand for national sovereignty but you fail to answer the problem directly as you determine not to take suggestion from European powers or Asian powers. In the argument in the low national revenue, you find yourself  unthinkingly seeking the assistance of the European and Asian powers for a loan and loans that negate your effort at  hegemony in your arguments with Europe as to whether you must pay all citizens a certain income support and whether you must collect a certain amount of sales tax;  and  this loss of sovereignty and hegemony transpired in your effort to maintain a kind of independence and hegemony over yourself in your argument with the Europeans who meant you well; when you chose to do it your way. 
  36. You are like a man offered a key to unlock your shackles and chains to end your slavery and before you try to hear and accept their help with that key, you refuse them and the keys since you don't know what the key is for or how it works while you prefer, in your cave man understanding,  a hack saw that you use to cut through the chain but you also cut your foot off also in the process; making yourself even more dependent as you need even more of their help.  This is what you have done economically.   In your resistance of solutions from your neighbours and lenders, you are like the man who says he needs to have the sovereignty over his town folk, to kill whomever he wishes in his village. The village becomes a country and does not want you telling him what the law is from Europe. But if you heard what they have to say, you would have more.  In the end, you will run outnumbered by those Europeans.  You are only fighting yourself and your own life when you do not just accept their advice to save your people in response to an automation economy that affects us all with  joblessness that causes moneylessness.   We might look the same but we are not the same. We are human and believe in human cooperation.  It's not difficult.  It's like a dog poop on the side walk. You know it has to be answered.  It's like inequality with the income support benefits that is really  evil, and unfair when although we are all paying the same sales taxes. If you don't answer the dog poop, it affects us all.  

  37. But, if you really wanted to feel hegemony over the Europeans why not take their suggestions and ensure that you pay every American citizen/ every North American citizen one dollar more than the average European every day? If its about boiling an egg, maybe there is really only one way to do it and there is nothing wrong with taking the European suggestion  on how to run an economy before there is egg all over you.  You would still be in debt to Europe at this time or China and you would still need national revenue to maintain that debt.  There is nothing wrong with having more national revenue to achieve  this more "save face" objective. Instead, you ask us to pretend with you that you are achieving something in what you are doing at present as you refuse to acknowledge the voters and their right to decide who they will call President.  I think you are really from New Brunswick anyway. 
  38.      In all normal  functioning capitalist economies, it is the custom that all citizens have an income support. This would be Ra'ah-conomics. vs.  Maroonomics. 
  39.  This is called Ra'ah-conomics according to Warren A. Lyon based on his research work in economics; as God provides.  
  40. Note: The Hebrew verb ra'ah (from which yireh is derived) means "to see." In this case, it is translated as "provide." God sees the past, present, and future. This means that He is able to anticipate what we need and provide it. Yahweh Yireh simply means the Lord will provide.
  41. They say Columbus  was a maroon in that he was marooned and shipwrecked  in Jamaica  for many many years and a have /have not experience emerged when they may have hoped to be found by passersby with ships only in hopes of pirating those who have more....more supplies who find them. Eventually you pirate  the lives of others. You ask for all their clothing.  You ask someone to  cut their tires or their boat rudder.  You love only to pirate their life and  their worth if you think they are more than you. Eventually you pirate colonies. The colony  becomes  a country and is now stuck in between two socioeconomic cultures, stuck in between two economies; two kinds of human dignity where one is ensured for all citizens. and one is not ensured. 
  42. Then, we have pure aboriginals who saw explorers and missionaries hug them and kiss them, feigning family while stealing the worth of the aboriginal and their elders such as the native lands.   Now, it seems you can see some 4th or 5th generation aboriginals( called Black  or White) express this two faces pattern in their own families with a disregard  of the property  owner occupier to decide  for themselves what they would like to do; for themselves and their people. Not all black  or white Anglo aboriginals are involved  but there is a loss of the pure aboriginal respect and reverence of the elders as observed in many scenarios after all the genetic milieu between explorers, pirate and the aboriginal. We must keep people safe from any plot or plotting.  
  43. In this Maroonomics, there is a socioeconomics that emerges to the present day that says your way of being and doing and existing is  worked out subconsciously by all around you to be some where in between the two worlds; the world  of the indigenous and the received culture of  Europe or Asia just as a maroon on a damaged boat could drift in between two points of land for years.  Maybe you legalized the drugs before you fund it;  fund the people and the economy that you could afford to buy the drugs  in addition to food,  clothing, shelter  and water.  This experience in the blood  of the survivors creates an interesting culture of certain human capabilities that keeps itself in a limbo as it may and the pain of the marooned alive. Those in that culture understand each other.       The economies of the English exemplify this pattern; a kind of frustration in between the received culture and that cultural expectation and ongoing aboriginal self  determination. This might  be seen in a road that has potholes and craters too often and you have to keep fixing it instead of a smooth road that never has a pothole for five years or more. It might  be a black speaker of the House and a Black President but no Black Lawyers or very few  to answer the question in some resistance of system and process but you want position and authority but then you notice you still see black people suffer in the legal system when they have no one to explain their innocence or their legal defenses; if any.  You see a black bus driver and cab driver but very few truck drivers; another unusual dichotomy but it is because you have not permitted the black to drive trucks in your mindset or world view.    
  44.   It might be the bank that credits the customer account with an incoming wire transfer without holding it and being charged "use of funds" by the sending bank. This is a good thing.  Maybe it's a local West Indian  Law School  that teaches  the basics with West Indian motifs. Instead of the man on the Clapham Omnibus, it might be the man on the Ocho Rios to Cuba Express.  
  45.  It might be the man on the Ocho Rios to Cuba Express.  It might be that finally every Jamaican has the dignity of an income support of at least $USD 20,000.00.for every citizen in the King's wisdom.  Do you pay every citizen?  We are sure the music stars from all genres, including reggae, would wish to see us all receive an income support.  We would never wish for any child of reggae, regardless of complexion,  to go without.   Some bellies are full; some are hungry.  An unfunded man is a hungry man.  
  46. China is the most capitalist economy in the world next to Japan. They have both expanded  in their understanding of pure aggressive capitalism and have taken over  all the  English countries industrially with a simple  application  of capitalism's principles.  The first assured  strong domestic markets at home with a sufficient income support for all citizens.  They obeyed all of capitalism's discoveries in light of automation. But, what about America as a fledgling economy; fledgling only because its resistance of income support for all citizens at amounts that ensure sufficient consumer stimulus and occupation of one's own economy and urban spaces has caused negative market growth since the problem was identified in the late 1850's during history's first major upswing in the mechanization of  or automation of labor. While income support was customary in Europe for centuries as an economic principles taken from ancient Egypt and Rome seen in Prince Joseph's ration in Egypt or seen in the Romans and Jesus telling Herod to render unto the people and unto Caesar, it is more of a rediscovery for the English and the Americans whose dna is combined with North American aboriginality and prone to resist the whole system instead of just enjoying the principles that give effect to community safety, consumer stimulus, strong domestic markets and  to the life of the human without the blood and sweat in shyster-ing huckster-ing,  hunting and the gathering. In this assimilation of North America to established Economic principles that have Roman and African origin, we discover that North America was like an Africa Junior in some ways but lost in the land of nod after the continental Pangea  divide  until men from the east came to the western hemisphere; some of them black Africans and some of them were Europeans like  Hernán Cortés.  There was also Estevanico (c. 1500–1539), also known as Esteban de Dorantes and Estevanico the Moor, was the first person of African descent to explore North America. It looks like he travelled around Jamaica and Cuba and saw the aboriginals who he described as appearing like West Coast Africans; Nigerian or Ghanian.  
  47. Estevanico (c. 1500–1539), also known as Esteban de Dorantes and Estevanico the Moor, was the first person of African descent to explore North America. Little is known about his background but contemporary accounts described him as a "negro alárabe" or "Arabic-speaking black man" native to Azemmour, Morocco. In 1522, he was sold as a slave to the Spanish nobleman Andrés Dorantes de Carranza in the Portuguese-controlled Moroccan town of Azemmour.
  48.  After automation, how do you have a domestic market with able and willing consumers with money to buy your goods if the citizen and former worker that is now suffering joblessness does not have a job that would provide some reasonable money so, then, he can participate  in his central economic purpose as the consumer and buyer of goods; and now without money he is obsolete?   But the solution is not to, then, bring  foreigners from Asia's overflow of people or Europe's overflow of people  because there are horrible social and economic problems  that are suffered by the North American in the shameful purview of well funded non Anglo Europeans or non Anglo Asians? Reducing North American taxes is not the solution as it reduces the governments ability to respond to problems. But, the maybe the solution is a purposeful balance; a small provision of income support to every citizen at no less than $300.00 per day and also a small increase in taxes that will also help to stave off concerns about over consumption and wasteful consumption. All goals are achieved and the social and economic problems are averted; like from a well designed truck or car cabin with soo much thoughtfulness and human consideration; so crazy thoughtful....WOW and no North American is dying in front of the well funded foreigners any more who technically own the Capitol Building in every state with the loans we pay to Europe and Asia!!!!  
  49. The only way is to give every citizen  an income support  that amounts to an economic fraction of what you save in human wages.  This fraction  of money saved can be as small as $6.00 per hour (10 cents per minute) 24 hours per day; 365 days per year to fulfill our purpose to ensure there is sufficient consumer stimulus and buying power on the market for robotically  made goods that also fulfill  their purpose 24 hours per day.   In 1939, 1 cent a minute that works out to $5000.00 per year would have been enough to prevent the ongoing depression.     In 1947, 2 cents a minute might have been enough  to ensure a peaceful, recession free economy that would have been in parity with the socioeconomic peace and prosperity of Europe. 
  50. In 1964, 3 cents a minute might have been enough to save President Kennedy and America that would have provided $15000.00 per year.    Seti has sent  a decree  that all citizens of any country in the world shall have an income support tomorrow of Jo less than 9 cents per minute with an Income support. The sales tax is recommended at 50%.  Interest rates have to be at least .05% to cover the cost of  all operations and money.  
  51. Sales tax is a tax on human activity. It does not affect the raw cost of goods.  It is pure government revenue.    It's like a levy for the cost of cleaning  at the local public pool. You see it as a levy on your entrance ticket added to the cost of your ticket.  The same levy or tax appears on your grocery bill...add to the cost of your expenditure.  It might be 13% or 20% but if the government needs to be sure it can afford of it's logical economic obligations, it can raise revenue through sales tax that can effectively be as high as 100% from time to time...to keep the people  humble  and keep them feeling lime they are suffering under you but also the sales taxe revenue is used to keep the people funded with a reasonable minimum income support of  12 cents/pence per minute. The English will not only be some of the best footballers but also comparatively the most handsomely funded consumers in the world with the most agile  socio-economics.  This would be GeorgeBest-onomics.  
  52. Their government spends less money on the ills that would be caused by moneylessness in any population and more  time is spent collecting money on all human consumer activities.  They lend you money when you are in debt with your "dog  chasing his tail" discussions about all the human problems caused by the moneylessness caused by job automation.  While it is obvious how to efficiently and lovingly, self defensively, "basic instinct-ually" solve it, you do not solve it but continue to spend energy embarrassing yourselves on TV just talking about the problems.   You talk about people dying and freezing and starving in your economy.  Do you pay all citizens an income support? Sze Sze!!
  53.  But what does it really matter if the lives of your people do not matter to you?  
  54. All the little lessons of capitalism you did not respect eventually add up.  You did not have enough consumers as real buyers with real money for too many decades.  So, your car company  is in debt to the government. The government sold it's car company debt to Asian companies.  So, they own you.  You still don't have enough consumers as real buyers with real money as you are not respecting that all normal capitalist economies provide  an income support to all citizens that is sufficient to cover all human economic necessities on a daily basis.  
  55.  If income support is accepted as a necessary humanitarian legal requisite by virtue of the UDHR, then it is a legal requisite.   If income support is accepted as a  necessary aspect of any economy anywhere in the world post 85% Total job automation,  it is because the money is necessary to maintain the humane conditions of life.  It maintains your population that is also your market; of buyers for the manufactured goods. We accept  that money does not come from employment necessarily and nor do we expect people to rely on a job but income support.  It is also a simple, "logic" response to automation to keep the supply of goods moving with sales that we also call  "bought and sold"  measurable, paid demand.   It keeps the economy "investive" or certainly in the phase of certain economic growth.  A little income support with little yearly increases ensures growth. We are looking 14 cents a minute as that little amount.  
  56. A failure to implement an income support for every citizen makes the population uncertain, the market uncertain and growth uncertain and negative especially after significant job automation.  Investors in the market look for responses to try and guarantee their return on their investment  The key response to ensure that growth is not negative is to provide an income support to the population in that non "investive" region to try and  make it "investive."  North America is "non investive" because it does not provide an income support to every citizen and in many regions, it is less than $21,000.00 per year.   Maybe you provide twice as much to satisfy your anxiety about the region and growth. You want the North American to decide to provide some reasonable amount to ensure demand ; a small fraction of what is saved in production with automation on the supply side of the economy thereby ensuring  there is enough of a balance between demand and supply. This fraction of what is invested on the production side and saved in cost may be about 14 cents per minute per citizen; 365 days per year paid to every citizen to ensure supply meets purposefully consumer demand.  
  57. But, the North American did not decide to do what was expected. His lack of response as the manager of his own population is like a neighbor that refuses to feed his own dog a few scraps of food from his own fast food plate every day until the dog is emaciated. This is the inhumanity.  The response from onlookers who invest in the economy; Asian investors who cannot afford a slowdown  in the sale of bread or cereal or popcorn is to send their own people with their income support provided by Asian governments to North America. It's not an easy solution and requires a lot of energy, cost  and moving of people but it is the solution arrived at in response to the North American's indecision concerning Income support. The Asian investors decided to cooperate with your self defeatism and ask you to help the newly arriving replacement population with every accommodation.  The numbers arriving are very high to achieve the economic goal of ensuring there is no economic slow down and some growth in various sectors when these people arrive with some....Money that is income support money paid to them by their more obedient capitalistic Asian governments who provide  their people the little bit of money to ensure liquidity for consumer stimulus.  Immigration is therefore an emergency economic solution to North America's chosen moneylessness.  If we give every North American twice the amount they are recieving now, then we can rely on immigration half as much as we do currently.  We can do both, lots of immigration and doubling North American income support because we evidently enjoy the spicy diversity and will have the money to enjoy and participate in our own economy and not just watch foreigners fly  by;  pass us by. Again, this cycle  is based on a need for money in the average North American consumer.  The answer or response needed before the great move of Asian and African immigrants that come with their income support and  savings was to provide money, a regular income support and incrementally more income support every year to the North American..every year.  This was the answer, the requisite natural response. But,  it was not forthcoming from the North American.  You should feed your own dog.   It wants to eat. Isn't it at least embarrassing according to your neighbours that your dog is starving when you could feed the dog? 
  58. Then a denial of income support would be imposition of  the cruel and unusual circumstances and conditions of life that would satisfy the definition of genocide. 
  59. The denial of income support money is the denial of food, water, shelter and human safety thereby creating conditions of life that satisfy the genocide definition.  Why deny this money to any citizens under your international treaty obligations? You pay some citizens but not others based on gender or home address. Those unpaid  citizens constitute a target group under the law. Genocide is a crime under Federal US law, UK Law  and the Criminal  Code of Canada.   
  60. Let's Wicked see how.  
  61. Canada, the US and England are signatories to the UN Convention on the Prevention of Genocide.  
  62. In 1948, the UN signed the “ Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”. Article II states: "Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: (a) murder of members of the group; (b) bring harm to the physical or mental integrity of members of the group; (c) intentional subjection of the group to conditions of existence calculated to bring about its total or partial physical destruction. (d) measures aimed at hindering births within the group. e) forced transfer of children from the group to another group." A group would be any set of people who  suffer collectively  the imposition of inhumane conditions of life.  
  63. The Rutaganda Trial Chamber observed that:
  64. "[...] the concepts of national, ethnical, racial and religious groups have been researched extensively and that, at present, there are no generally and internationally accepted precise definitions thereof. Each of these concepts must be assessed in the light of a particular political, social and cultural context. Moreover, the Chamber notes that for the purposes of applying the Genocide Convention, membership of a group is, in essence, a subjective rather than an objective concept. The victim is perceived by the perpetrator of genocide as belonging to a group slated for destruction. In some instances, the victim may perceive himself/herself as belonging to the said group."[4]
  65. P.1. Evidence of the existence of a "national group".
  66. In the Akayesu case, the Trial Chamber said:
  67. "Based on the Nottebohm decision rendered by the International Court of Justice, the Chamber holds that a national group is defined as a collection of people who are perceived to share a legal bond based on common citizenship, coupled with reciprocity of rights and duties."[5]
  68. We have designed systems of economy that can take back the money as fast as people spend it and if they spend more, they have less and give more back to the government but this is not genocide and those with bad consumption habits will not endure with us for very long while we will make money off of their unruly spending and  irresponsible spending ways.  
  69.  They are just hamsters that spin on the global capitalist economic wheel to produce us some money on what they spend; sales tax money  or credit interest.  But, if I am the Chinese leader I must have a Chinese Library with mostly Chinese books or if I am an Indian leader, I must have and maintain an  Indian library with mostly Indian books to be credible even if I am not really Indian and if I do not want to openly identify myself  as having some other nationality and loyalty while the leader or monarch of those people.  In fact, If I am an Indian leader, I must have and maintain an Indian population with mostly Indian people  with an income support for ALL the people that are citizens under my government to be credible even if I am not really Indian and if I do not want to openly identify myself  as having some other nationality, loyalty and a foreign  non English, Non Canadian, Non American, Non Human basic hegemony instinct if I have such a condition or symptom while the leader or monarch of those   people. The English people are not lousy people.  
  70. Could you run an economy in such a way to achieve some anthropological, ancestral or developmental identity or is it to confirm some motive?  
  71. But, we will make money on them all and all of their wild spending as provoked by the smart phone networks. We pay in 10 cents per minute 365 days per year and take it back at 40% sales tax.  This is good; yea?  We pay .010% of the first $EUD 10,000,000.00 sales tax collected every day to the heraldry fund that supports the Monarch personally and all Heritage Trust buildings, museums and galleries. .010%  of $EUD 10,000,000.00 is $Eud 100,000.00.    We support our governor; and government.     
  72. This article is written in our Reflection Series where we use reflections to discover something. 
  74. ///////////  
