You have a nice airport but the Canadian people or the English people feel like scurvy and hungry the longer I stay in this part of the world to figure it out and also why there is no white or black Anglo cashier or not very many cashiers except on the odd occasion. We don't mind. The cashiers are nice and consistent. The Patient bible says "De money answer all tings." Money fuels your nationality. What is the point of being a Pangea man if you don't have any money? What is the point of being West Indian if you don't have any money? What is the point of being Vincentian if you don't have any money and ensure all Vincentians have money in defence of your nationality? So, how is our team doing on the global economic playing field? How do we look and feel? Are we cooperating and using the rules, respecting the rules to win the game? The gorilla, once evolved, will say that all gorillas should have enough bananas or else we run out of Canadians. The Canadian, once excited about Canada, will say that all Canadians pursuant to S.15 of the Charter should have enough bananas and an equal share of them or else we run out of Canadians as we face the cold in equal measure. Please help! The dog will say that all dogs must have their dog food. We use the furloughed North American car worker or industrial whose job was cancelled due to automation as a consumer just as we use newly arriving foreigners and new immigrants as consumers.

  1. You have a nice airport but the Canadian people or the English people feel like scurvy and hungry the longer I stay in this part of the world to figure it out but they have clothing on that is nice enough; average and  the question is why there is no white or black Anglo  cashier except on the odd occasion.  We don't mind.  The cashiers are nice and helpful usually.    
  2. So, how is our team doing on the global economic playing field?  How do we look and feel? Are we cooperating and using the rules, respecting  the rules to win the game?  
  3. The gorilla, once evolved,  will say that all gorillas should have enough bananas or else we run out of Canadians.  The Canadian, once evolved, will say that all Canadians should have enough bananas or else we run out of Canadians.  
  4.  The dog will say that all dogs must have their dog food.  
  5.  We use the furloughed North American car worker or industrial whose job was cancelled due to automation as a consumer just as we use newly arriving foreigners and new immigrants as consumers.  
  1. As Europeans, We think of the North American in the North American economy as though they are hamsters on an economic treadmill that only need a little money to maintain a heart beat and sufficient food energy to keep the consumer wheel spinning with sufficient economic activity.   The economy will always need consumers no matter what automation may have taken place.  There is no point in just saying you would like to dispose of the furloughed car workers in a war or something; and then bring foreigners to take their place as consumers. 
  2.  But, this is what has happened in America over and over again. We have done this before  as seen in the Civil War, WW1 and WW2 to answer in America the recessions instigated by early industrial automation and ongoing industrial processes.  Why does the American economy reason and calculate the problem this way?  We could have turned the farm workers and slaves made redundant by machinery into consumers and many went north slowly but surely over the years where in the north slavery had been abolished since 1688 and they received their DOLE, their general income supplement and they were the consumer.  
  3. The plantations in the south were turned into industrial farms for the Quaker company, the General Mills Foods and the Kellogg's company.   Some former slaves ended up in Nova Scotia.  If you are fighting the experience of slavery in your souls, would you fight legal formalities since slavery was a contractual expression of legal formalities?  Maybe you would not want a formal, legally trained lawyer.   We see the southern law firms kill the lawyers and kill the customers for fear that the customer could accuse them if they did something wrong and the firm is not sure. They kill the lawyers who helped them because the lawyer should not have the authority. There can be only one captain of the pirate ship. 
  4. The employees are dead from the car factory since you don't want to owe them any job search benefits for too long.     
  5. It's  a war and it costs money that must be spent training people, hiring people but you lose many lives in the process and then you invite foreign populations to occupy your emptied towns, cities and consumer spaces where your population is now insufficient to occupy those spaces in the economy. How can you take dominion if you do not have enough people to take it?  How can you have enough people if you do not have people with money and sufficient money?  Its best to have as many people as possible.  
  6. Ensuring each worker who is a permanent resident or citizen has an income support takes as much logistical work as war preparation for the ongoing global economic battle field that involves other economic populations with their own armies of consumers.  Its time to see the real war for what it is and over time, no matter long it takes, we would only see those populations outnumbering us who have more money paid to them consistently and automatically with their income support benefits. We can compete economically on this money basis; your team is........."Canda"?  

  7. From our new GBT AI service at Angel Ronan Entwerfen(TM) called the MOTW(TM) as in Mirror on the Wall AI. You can call us or email the service for a real time video call response.   Is every citizen and permanent resident supposed to receive an income support benefit?  The answer is yes.  
  8. Is every citizen currently receiving a secure, consistent and certain income support benefit?  The answer is some citizens are receiving an income support benefit but not all citizens.  
  9. Is every citizen paying a sales tax?  The answer is yes. 
  10. Is every citizen working and paying income tax?  The answer is no. 
  11. If you were to skim from the economy, wouldn't it be that you skim from the sales tax but not from the benefits where it brings attention and you would have more to skim when all citizens are earning more generated sales tax daily for the economy?     We only seek to pay each benefit recipient a minimum of  £ 3.51/$3.51 per hour; 24 hours per day and 365 days per year for a total of $ 30,747.60.  It is suggested that a consistent and uniform amount is paid  right across the economy to ensure economic consistency in terms of consumer activity across the entire economy. As the cost of automobiles is approximately the same across the NAFTA economy, we suggest $8.00 per hour across North America at $70,000.00 per year or £4.67 per hour for  £40471.20 per year in the UK.  
  12. But, the woman's daughter at the bank today says she 
  13. does not want to release the funds unless your mother 
  14. comes to the bank with you and says, "..This is my
  15.  daughter or my son, my child and please confirm and 
  16. release the funds"  and she did this because that was her 
  17. experience as a child in Ottawa and everyone has to be equal so this is what she did to people in 
  18. Hamilton where she worked in a bank but she always 
  19. said the Vicar was her father and mother and 
  20. somehow ended up as an April June English politician and put her dna in the tampons so the women would behave like her;
  21.  and if the mother or father does not come to the bank,  then the money is in limbo as an emotional cushion for the pirate gamblers in the bank who use the money to cover their spread and this impacts the economy where the only people who can live in the UK are people who are not dependent on the uncertain and inconsistent system that is being abused and occupied by these people who make it difficult in their demand to express their anthropology so that we will all be equal in terms of this retrograde experience they demand to share with the world.    
  22.  We pay certainly and consistently with FASTER PAYMENTS using the list of permanent residents and citizens who have the right to work and receive benefits.  We Set up the payment in our government payment system to credit these individuals on these recipient lists. We can choose how often the payments are sent on a recurring basis and also the amounts. We need to ensure that all of the expected recipients in our country's economy receive their benefits with the same consistency as our competitor, neighboring nations and that we have no people dying due to money unpaid. If this was to happen, we would be losing the competition and the economic game. When you see the Georgian or Croatian fans, all of them have received their benefits consistently and regularly.  If you see all the Swiss or the Dutch, this is also true. 
  23. We see the power of 1% in the economy to raise sales tax using this example.  We only seek to ensure a small fraction of the funds raised and this is given to the human so they can procure enough food energy to be our needed consumer in the economy.  The airport is a safe space and an economy in itself.  It has the same aperture no matter where you are in the world and the local economy of every country must have the same international belief and certainty for the traveler and visitors when they visit California.  There are no rats in the airport and there are no starving people in the airport; nor are there starving people in the local economy.  They have to receive their income support benefit so they can be our consumers; look good and feel good in the public arena of those built spaces we call shopping malls and shopping districts where there locals and foreigners and we will look competitively very good as locals in the presence of the foreigners when they arrive to shop in our territory.          
  24. The means by which we begin to resolve these problems involves money and funding as discussed on the news if the money would reach the subject benefit recipients with certainty and consistency. $2.28 per hour every hour every day over a year ($20,000.00) for the duration of someone's life as paid certainly and consistently would save any life; most lives in most locations and increasing this by a $1.14 per hour ($10,000.00) would help tremendously when the cost of housing and food exceeds this amount of benefit funding. See New Jersey. Yet, obviously some people die every day by gambling to death or they choke on beer. This happens in every culture and economy. If after the Great Kin has set his policies to alleviate these problems, why is is that the benefit recipients did not receive their benefits and why? How do we ensure there is enough money to achieve the policy? If we are sure everyone has received their benefits, we accept that some people now may choose to injure or hurt themselves in how they might gamble and we hope no one will be mugged and be rendered UNKNOWN. Even if they were, we save the soul we see in front of us, give them a benefit card, some replacement ID if anyone would ask for it and allow them the means necessary to ensure they are not in imminent danger. They can afford clothing and a motel or hotel and some food with that benefit card and so the tourist experience is beautified. The pirate usually takes a different approach to this that we will discuss briefly. If there is a question about what to do if the human is in a ship wreck due to job automation or any other kind of ship wreck, the pirate genome offers death or that they will learn to "kill steal and destroy" as a solution before the pirate sees that a human being is still a consumer and is worth the little bit of money given to "use" them and enable them as a consumer.
  25. We can take their spit and find them in a database to identify them; I am sure. In some instances, a benefit card paying $2.50 per hour every hour; 365 days per year is enough to save that soul.
  26. But How Do We Pay for all of it in the evident discussions about a solution?
    1. Where is America's national sales tax at 1% that would have been the first natural alternative to the current indebtedness and instead of the foreign indebtedness and foreign influence?
    2. America might have proffered itself as a global bully or police man but a bully or police man with a starving population does not really add up. It weakens your bully or police man persona. We enjoy the pageantry of the Mary Poppins Kingdom and the population should have a certain and consistent benefit as paid and received by the population to match the pageantry. We do not need people stealing or blocking benefits of any 10 year old or any other recipient at any age. How could that happen? We need an enforcement department with guns and handcuffs. But, we do have this don't we? Its called the police services.
    3. See this example. The average McDonald's earns $1800.00 per hour. Let's see 10 McDonald's earn the government 1% sales tax over a year. We get $1800.00 x  24 x 10.  Take this result and multiply by 365.  Then multiply by .01 to see the 1% sales tax earned from only ten McDonald's restaurants.    Take this number that represents 10 restaurants and multiply that number by 300 to see what 3000 restaurants earns the government. It's about
    4.  $473,040,000.00.  7000 Restaurants alone at 1% on all transactions per year as Fed sales tax will earn the Fed $1,103,760,000.00.   This is earned electronically.  There are solutions.  Truth is not abandoned.  Truth; that's the job.    Do you believe it can all work like a massive toy train set so every North American or UK benefit recipients can receive his income support with certainty and consistency?  I believe it; yes!  We see what an extra 1% is worth per year to the Bank of England or the Fed over one year over a small fraction of the restaurant economy. But, what if you had this great economic space with many restaurants but then all of a sudden there are insufficient people or your  people did not receive  that small fraction of this government revenue as income support benefits certainly and consistently ($3.43 per hour per recipient 24 hrs per day/365 days per year) to fuel  and fill this existing economic space with funded consumers to see the money regenerated as sales tax?  The space would shut down as there is insufficient volume of business activity to support it. How to respond; we could increase income support benefits by .50 pence or .50 cents an hour or maybe by $1.00 as we encourage families to have more children and this would increase volume rather instantly and this is preferred to inviting large numbers of foreigners. We can do both. We can look and feel just as good as them and compete in terms of our available income support. We can have just as much as they do; look just as well fed as they do and happy. 
    5. What we have written here should be obvious and we are not teaching anyone anything or are there some errant souls in the ship captain's nook, holding the levers of decision who has something to say instead of just helping us with the obvious answer?   

    6. There are.. 13,438 restaurants
    7. Number of McDonald's Restaurants in the US (2011 - 2021)
    8. McDonald's, the American fast-food company, had 13,438 restaurants in the US in 2021 , a 2% decrease in the number of outlets as compared to the previous year.
    9. So, the government would earn quite a lot.
    10. So, we will be the consumer in our economy when the game is consuming and we will win, will look fit in our kit, our dress and we will be proud of ourselves in the way we shop proudly with our benefits packet that arrives certainly and consistently in our accounts. James should not have his email address on my HSBC account and the branch at Palmer's Green should not have done this. We did not sign anything for a joint account.

