25th June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( market supply and market demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus); an essay by Warren A. Lyon at Angel Ronan Economics and Legal Analytics who is now setting up and selling Frost Byte(TM) as a coffee and doughnut baked goods fast food franchise. You have lots of market supply with the use of machines. But, since we use machines now more than ever instead of human labor where there are less people earning money, we see less market demand for goods. People still want the goods but when we say market demand, we mean actual consumer stimulus or consumer buying power and we see less of this power in North America now that fewer people are working. The Russians, the Europeans and the Asians solved this years ago with an income supplement/ Income Support with 100% payment completion that covers all of the citizen/benefit recipients from all such changes affecting the role of and use of human labor. As such, market demand or consumer demand is consistent in the normally constructed economy and people are still able to buy the goods and participate in that economy without any recession or depression that occurs in the North American example where market supply and market demand are imbalanced, people are suffering for lack of money and many resort to crimes to satisfy their Maslow needs or their UDHR needs; like a Ford engine that has a number of cylinders that are not getting enough fuel. But, a $1.15 per hour calculated 24 hours per day and paid monthly to the citizens who are not receiving any benefit is real monetised consumer stimulus to enable market demand to meet market supply and is an effective means of crime reduction. It works out to an additional $10,000.00 per year. You can add more as needed. Ideally everyone in the economy will receive the same amount of income support across North America. There will be less shopping and moving around for economic hope in a search for better conditions. The English have a system of benefits but they are not achieving 100% payment completion. They are suffering an issue of interruption as caused by nefarious pirate anthropology in the banks that hold, change or intercept the payments that were sent by the government. Click here.

25th June 2024.

The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules(  market supply  and market demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus); an essay by Warren A. Lyon at Angel Ronan Economics and Legal Analytics who is now setting up and selling Frost Byte(TM) as a coffee and doughnut baked goods fast food franchise.   

You have lots of market supply with the use of machines. But, since we use machines now more than ever instead of human labor where there are less people earning money, we see less market demand for goods. People still want the goods but when we say market demand, we mean actual consumer stimulus or consumer buying power and we see less of this power in North America now that fewer people are working.  The Russians, the Europeans and the Asians solved this years ago with an income supplement/ Income Support with 100% payment completion that covers all of the citizen/benefit recipients from all such changes affecting the role of and use of human labor.   As such, market demand or consumer demand is consistent in the normally constructed economy and people are still able to buy the goods and participate in that economy without any recession or depression that occurs in the North American example where market supply and market demand are imbalanced, people are suffering for lack of money and many resort to crimes to satisfy their Maslow needs or their UDHR needs; like a Ford engine that has a number of  cylinders  that are not getting enough fuel.  But, a $1.15 per hour calculated 24 hours per day and paid monthly to the citizens who are not receiving any benefit is real monetised consumer stimulus to enable market demand to meet market supply and is an effective means of crime reduction. It works out to an additional $10,000.00 per year. You can add more as needed.  Ideally everyone in the economy will receive the same amount of income support across North America.  There will be less shopping and moving around for economic hope in a search for better conditions.  The English have a system of benefits but they are not achieving 100% payment completion.  They are suffering an issue of interruption as caused by nefarious pirate anthropology in the banks that hold, change or intercept the payments that were sent by the government.  


The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply  and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus)that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians  have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support where all permanent  residents and citizens receive an income support of a  sufficient amount so they can always buy and consume any where in the world even if there is an upswing in automation that causes joblessness so there economy is more efficient in respecting some basic principles and they have no cyclical patterns of recession and nor are they reliant on immigration to maintain a population with unusual rates of economic attrition as affecting  the local domestic population to die out or move away.  They are the only people on earth that make the phenomenon of money for their benefit recipients an issue; a fiasco unabashedly putting the life of the human with that national identity on the edge with their rights to vote and their natural inclination to cheer for and support the national teams.  It does not happen else where. So, we turn to technology and systems to ensure it cannot happen; that the government that confirms the expectations of order in its work is respected. We use a method called "faster payments"; not BAC payments.   All thieves of benefit payments will be hung; they used to say.   
Yet, they can coordinate globally to sell kilts, Whisky or gin, "Celebration Chocolates", soda soft drinks or running shoes. The same people working else where seem to cooperate when in the West Indies, Hong Kong, Greece, Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Gibraltar, Singapore or Africa to ensure the money is paid out to the requisite expected recipient consistently and certainly. About systems, we see that the airport works to an international standard.  The benefit and income support systems also work in smaller countries based on the international standards set out in the UDHR article 25.     It would seem they are under attack and destabilized in the lands where the same people take on a certain moniker with a certain kind of persona or order appearing on the monies where the lives of the people with that identity are just as sacred as the lives of any other people.  Many are victim of the attack nonetheless. A second generation Hong Kongese or second generation Cypriot  or second generation Bahamian may not get his benefits in those lands where they have that identity under that order.  Why would that be except for no other reason but the determined human will to communicate something to someone; some lack of high regard for that moniker or order.  The average African can afford his kilt with much more certainty than the average Canadian or UK individual. Yet, the transportation works quite well in the UK. It is good and it is just done; new bus and tram routes and systems for the glory and the honor. The bank employee gets to work  on time to interrupt the benefits payments.   

Where there is a conflict between law and equity prevails.     If you are the cave man, he may resist the symmetrical emotions that are distilled from metric thinking with the same pulse that comes from a trigonometric equation to solve for the missing angle (Angle A+ Angle B+ Angle C=180 degrees). Automation is not a problem but a solution. 

We have written equations on this matter. Automation+zero income support=economic recession. This is an economic equation. 

We  could also say Industrial production- human labor+ automation+ income support =a zero recession income economy. This is an economic equation.  This is what we need today. 

We could also say  Industrial production+ automation= high joblessness+ income support = a zero recession economy.  This is an economic equation. This is what we need today. 

By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports.  

  1.  Could you tolerate your national economy where you worked it out that you are losing  and the other people are winning?  The UK Pangea man mixed with other pirate dna is asking how you will catch him if he interrupts the benefit payments. He is also asking what is identity if he captured travelers who stayed beyond closing time at a pub and then took their passport ID and at least one bank card. He would like to think the card will work for him if he taps it.  He will also use an Exacto knife to cut out the photo  in the passports and then insert a different photo in the ID document to mismatch the photos with the Documents.  

  2. This makes many very angry but if you have a war, the pangea man with this type of emotionality is not coming to the battle field as a convict who does not qualify for the military job. We suggest paying everyone a bountiful amount of income support and let everyone decide where they will go and many will leave and live where ever they wish to live. He will find his judge, men and women kind of like him during his travels who will tell him what he has done and what he is doing to people and he will be dealt with in due course. We suggest ensuring the support is paid using certain, secure and consistent means and that it is increased by an additional $1.00 or one pound per hour for that bountiful amount. Then, we deal with the people in the bank who not only get their job, their benefits and who also rob other benefit recipients who are also bank customers in some callous, careless  behavior. We would like to know how it is possible when we seem to find a way in our society to find sufficient referees in the context of sports to ensure a relatively fair amateur or professional football experience in the UK who can cry out offside, red card, foul or yellow card. We cannot aid and abet the UK Pangea man criminal who we may provide some sympathy or we hesitate in our guilt if he was not dragged to school in his truancy when he was young? He might be the father of a white girl or two but this does not give him a chance to hurt anyone who he finds curious. You might have your right to a  pride parade but you also have a right to be safe from this benefit fraud and abuse because you want to pursue your pride and attend church and also raise children, have a wedding with your woman if you are a guy and also have many family vacations. We are all trying to understand legal formalities but we cannot  experiment and threaten the lives of others in our community. We need football fans who can afford to, in dignity, buy the national team jersey; not steal the jerseys and break into the stadiums. An underfunded or robbed citizen is a lost income generating opportunity. It is like losing a piston in an engine. Replacing them with a foreigner that can afford to buy the Leafs, Blackhawks or Oilers jersey  is not the solution. or is it the Arsenal football or England jersey?    
  3. We believe the economy can collect as much as 100% sales tax on any transaction to recoup money spent on all aspects of the economic and social endeavor to ensure viability, preparation and safety.  A 50 cent gum becomes a $1.00 gum. Maybe we say 37% sales tax so the 50 cent gum becomes .69 cents.   This money is to be paid back to the benefit recipient so he can spend again and keep the economic wheel spinning to ensure he can pay for the purchases.  We  could say the general benefit recipient in our economy is paid 14 cents a minute that works out to $73584.00 per year.    McDonalds earns about £4500 pounds an hour on Oxford Street in Central London with 20% VAT included in the earnings. That is about £750.00 pounds an hour in VAT. That works out to £31.25 pounds a minute in VAT.       We seek to pay the UK citizen and benefit recipients  about 8 pence a minute. We seek to pay their Canadian population a comparable amount at 14 cents per minute right across their Canadian economy instead of divergent, different amounts paid out from the same collection of  HST tax dollars or income tax dollars and it should  be paid equally to all Canadians according to leading Canadian economists under s.91 mandates to resolve  national consumer stimulus issues with a consistent income support benefit across the country for seamless consumer stimulus.  
  4. The provinces still have s.92 autonomy to authorize additional benefits just as they do now;  additional provincial benefits if they wish like the Ontario Trillium benefit that is to be paid electronically with direct deposit if you have selected this option or by cheque. If you selected direct deposit, then it should be in your account within 10 days after you have received your notice of payment. It looks like this.            

Canada Revenue Agency / Agence du Revenu du Canada
to me
Jun 14

English version *** La version française suit ***


The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) sent you new mail online called:

Canada Carbon Rebate notice/OTB Notice 

This mail may require your attention.

If you are expecting a payment, you don't need to take any further action. If you have signed up for direct deposit, the payment should be deposited into your bank account within the next 10 business days. If you don't have direct deposit, a cheque will be mailed to you.

You can sign-in to My Account and click on "Mail" to read your mail. If you don't have My Account, register at canada[.ca]/cra-my-account.

This is an automated email message. Please do not reply

We have been getting these messages since 2021 but we don't see the money in the account.  

Part 2.
  1. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply  and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians  have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support where all permanent  residents and citizens receive an income support of a  sufficient amount so they can always buy and consume any where in the world even if there is an upswing in automation that causes joblessness so there economy is more efficient in respecting some basic principles and they have no cyclical patterns of recession and nor are they reliant on immigration to maintain a population with unusual rates of economic attrition as affecting  the local domestic population to die out or move away.  
  2. What is  the point of advertising every day the coca cola or Chevrolet, MG, Benz or Ford  if you don't have enough  people with money  to buy the products regularly across the country and all you end up with is high rates of theft of the most popularly advertised products?   What if you had an vehicle engine where only 28% of the pistons of the North American engine is receiving fuel?  What if 100% of the pistons in the Russian guy's engine is receiving fuel?  What if 100% of the Russian population is receiving money? They are safe any where in the world where they may travel.  What if only 28% of the North American population is receiving money as fuel?   You are not competitive. 
Part 3
  1. Bringing  foreigners to North America was not the answer although it does help to dilute the misunderstanding and the ignorance; allowing for discussion and sharing of culture instead of you calling people rag head or Russian gangster.  The Muslim and the Russians were trying to explain to you how the economy works.  The answer is to provide effective consumer stimulus as money  provided to your citizens. Maybe you provide no income support now. $20,000.00 per year works out to $2.28 per hour; 24 hours per day and 365 days per year.  Could you say in your national self determination that you have the right to starve your people, starve segments of your population based on postal code?  Then you say you want national celebration for your hockey team and those starving have to smile, laugh and he happy but you also then allow 500 more foreigners in every week and provide them support in Oakville, Richmond Hill or Ottawa. Maybe you not only provide $2.28 per hour to every citizen but you add an additional $1.14 per hour; 24 hours per day and 365 days per year.
    But the slave or former slave says, " Your "kind" that believes in legal concept and principles once held us with chains and formal contract documents and now that you have graduated not only from Sunday School, with a BA in Sociology and now also Law School we will hold you and your formal documents although it is because of me that you went to Sunday School and I am your Aunt, your uncle or your adoptive father.         The goal nonetheless was to send as many to school and maybe also borrow children from the other kind to  have enough people who would help to defend our enjoyment of freedom and ensure our freedom once it comes is not abused; that we can enjoy our property and our "BMW" vehicle or the Volkswagen when we buy it. But, your cousins from Snapper Town in the West Indies are worried about your social authority and do not want to see you enjoy the worth of your education.  

     Part 4.


    By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports.

  3. The government must have revenue.  The cost of milk in Jamaica was recently increased by the milk Company by 100% to $400.00 JMD but the sales tax was reduced to 2%.  This is not sufficient government revenue.   But there is no regular income support for every Jamaican so how do you have a regular Jamaican consumer with the dignity who can buy the products where the life and blood of a Jamaican is defended? But you have tourism I suppose.  What if in the betterment the cost of milk was raised by 50% to $300.00 a box  for the Serge or the Miracle Milk and the sales tax was raised to 40% so that you could pay every citizen and permanent  resident a guaranteed $20,000.00 USD per year as income support?  That is $JMD 171.00 per hour or about $USD 1.71 per hour.  This is to fit into the global  and regional Caricom economic capitalist system.  The average West Indian Caricom country is paying their citizens an income support of $CAD 30,000.00 per year. Is there a rule that says a Jamaican has to starve in Jamaica and cannot have the best and most powerful economy in the world for a country of its size. 
    1. The Republicans paid the American population an additional 1/2 billion as income support in the last quarter of 2020 and many of them truly needed it as individuals who were receiving less than $12,000.00 a year as income support or no support at all.
    2. You need to keep  your economic wheel spinning. 
    3. What is Dubai?  Dubai looks good.  What is Gaza?  
    4. The only entity resisting your Anglo or American existence is you when the issue of non payment of benefits to all of your recipients challenges your own business. Every country is kind of a business; isn't it?
    5. Surveys say the general population would be content with a 40% sales tax and an income support of £40471.20  or $70,000.00 per year CAD.  
    6. We know the whole  world cannot live in the small country but with money, your population can choose to leave and live else where.  They can afford to do it.  Maybe half of England will spend half the year in Africa. 
    7. What good is a nuclear bomb if it does not kill people? What good is an economy that kills people instead of  defending and maintaining  the population you are called to defend in preparation for a hit war?   You are imposing  a war of  economic  trepidation on your own population.  Truth is not abandoned. This is the truth. It time to rescue our unique  local cultures 

  5. and resort to celebrating our spaces and tourism places where we are with as much family as possible.  Raising ten children and owning two SUVs is more selfless than raising 4 children. Your people  will need an income  support after automation and during automation to do the their basic job of just occupying  your economic spaces and places and we cannot imagine we can launch any aircraft we would design but we can enjoy what aircraft we can enjoy for peaceful purposes; basic defence.   You need to keep  your economic wheel spinning. 
  6.  You cannot say all of your citizens have an income support. But, they can say all of their citizens have an income support.  The car company is global. The food company is global  and wants no economic dead zones any where in the world. He who has the most people with proper funding and  money wins.  If you are a small country, you must have realistic goals. In being defensive, you must ensure every citizen and permanent resident has funding.   So, to sell the vehicles in that underfunded hostile region,  the phenomenon of capitalism will bring  people from some other land where they do receive their benefit  monies with certainty and consistency.  This is the Cold War.  Your population is dying due to a lack of money on the economic playing field and the other populations are thriving in the spaces your population has left vacant and unoccupied. It is a simple problem to resolve.     Click here for more.  
  7. As discussed on CNN. 

  8. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all citizens in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavours that they will be sold; a discussion.  
  9. It is simple problem to resolve as we hallow everyone in our economy as either citizen or permanent resident; as a consumer. We hallow them as a consumer. 
  10.  We use the furloughed North American car worker or industrial whose job was cancelled due to automation as a consumer just as we use newly arriving foreigners and new immigrants as consumers.  
  11. As Europeans, We think of the North American in the North American economy as though they are hamsters on an economic treadmill that only need a little money to maintain a heart beat and sufficient food energy to keep the consumer wheel spinning with sufficient economic activity.   The economy will always need consumers no matter what automation may have taken place.  There is no point in just saying you would like to dispose of the the furloughed car workers in a war or something; and then bring foreigners to take their place as consumers. 
  12.  But, this is what has happened in America over and over again. We have done this before  as seen in the Civil War, WW1 and WW2 to answer in America the recessions instigated by early industrial automation and ongoing industrial processes.  Why does the American economy reason and calculate the problem this way?  We could have turned the farm workers and slaves made redundant by machinery into consumers and many went north slowly but surely over the years where in the north slavery had been abolished since 1688 and they received their DOLE, their general income supplement and they were the consumer.  
  13. The plantations in the south were turned into industrial farms for the Quaker company, the General Mills Foods and the Kelloggs company.   Some former slaves ended up in Nova Scotia.  If you are fighting the experience of slavery in your souls, would you fight legal formalities since slavery was a contractual expression of legal formalities?  Maybe you would not want a formal, legally trained lawyer.   We see the southern law firms kill the lawyers and kill the customers for fear that the customer could accuse them if they did something wrong and the firm is not sure. They kill the lawyers who helped them because the lawyer should not have the authority. There can be only one captain of the pirate ship. 
  14. The employees are dead from the car factory since you don't want to owe them any job search benefits for too long.     
  15. It's  a war and it costs money that must be spent training people, hiring people but you lose many lives in the process and then you invite foreign populations to occupy your emptied towns, cities and consumer spaces where your population is now insufficient to occupy those spaces in the economy. 
  16. Ensuring each worker who is a permanent resident or citizen has an income support takes as much logistical work as war preparation for the ongoing global economic battle field that involves other economic populations with their own armies of consumers.  Its time to see the real war for what it is and over time, no matter long it takes, we would only see those populations outnumbering us who have more money paid to them consistently and automatically with their income support benefits. We can compete economically on this money basis; your team is........."Canda"?  
  17. Is every citizen currently receiving a secure, consistent and certain income support benefit?  The answer is some citizens are receiving an income support benefit but not all citizens.  
  18. Is every citizen paying a sales tax?  The answer is yes. 
  19. Is every citizen working and paying income tax?  The answer is no. 
  20. If you were to suckle  from the economy, wouldn't it be that you suckle from the sales tax but not from the benefits where it brings attention and you would have more to skim when all citizens are earning more generated sales tax daily for the economy?     We only seek to pay each benefit recipient a minimum of  £ 3.51/$3.51 per hour; 24 hours per day and 365 days per year for a total of $ 30,747.60.  It is suggested that a consistent and uniform amount is paid  right across the economy to ensure economic consistency in terms of consumer activity across the entire economy. As the cost of automobiles is approximately the same across the NAFTA economy, we suggest $8.00 per hour across North America at $70,000.00 per year or £4.67 per hour for  £40471.20 per year in the UK.   
  21.  We pay using the list of permanent residents and citizens who have the right to work and receive benefits.  We Set up the payment in our government payment system to credit these individuals on these recipient lists. We can choose how often the payments are sent on a recurring basis and also the amounts. We need to ensure that all of the expected recipients in our country's economy receive their benefits with the same consistency as our competitor, neighboring nations and that we have no people dying due to money unpaid. If this was to happen, we would be losing the competition and the economic game. When you see the Georgian or Croatian fans, all of them have received their benefits consistently and regularly.  If you see all the Swiss or the Dutch, this is also true.   
  22. Prepared  with research by Angel Ronan Toshokan with Warren Lyon.  

