Would we lose some aspect of our more animal self and identity if we had more income support cash like we should to be competitive on the economic playing field? This just in; Jack Sparrow sailed to Blackpool in 1665 in Mr Lyle's ship and took the home of Lyle that we know from Tate and Lyle. He Sparrow read his diary and had drank Tate's urine on the return voyage to look like him enough to be able to walk up to his carriage driver, wearing his clothing with his hat drawn low over his brow and was there to pick up Lyle's wife and children. It had been six months and he was very tanned and sunned; and just as black as Lyle was. He was a second-generation son of Christopher Columbus; this Jack Sparrow and was amazed to see that Lyle was really the black owner with a black wife. Columbus would not have had a problem with this but it seems Sparrow was only reading the ink printed figures in story books about the English or European life where some of these books had been written by black writers like Alexander Dumas etc; an Angel Ronan Story.

  July 12th, 2024.

This just in; Jack Sparrow-More sailed to Blackpool in 1665 in Mr Lyle's ship and took the home of Lyle that we know from Tate and Lyle; a story by Warren Humboldt Lyon.  

Would we lose some aspect of our more animal self and identity if we had more income support cash like we should to be competitive on the economic playing field?  

This just in; Jack Sparrow-More sailed to Blackpool in 1665 in Mr Lyle's ship and took the home of Lyle that we know from Tate and Lyle.  The Sparrow read his diary and had drank Tate's urine on the return voyage to look like him enough to be able to walk up to his carriage driver, wearing his clothing with his hat drawn low over his brow and was there to pick up Lyle's wife and children. It had been six months and he was very tanned and sunned; and just as black as Lyle was.  He was a second-generation son of Christopher Columbus; this Jack Sparrow and was amazed to see that Lyle was really the black owner with a black wife.  Columbus would not have had a problem with this but it seems Sparrow was only reading the ink printed figures in story books about the English or European life where some of these books had been written by black writers like Alexander Dumas etc.  

Lyle was actually on the boat being held hostage with a gun to his head.  Sparrow arrives at the boat after being quizzed about why he looks and feels a little shorter or a little taller and he says..."Don't worry about that right now because....I am doing something. Watch and see what I am doing. Would we lose some aspect of our identity if we had more income support, more cash?" We will have $80,000.00 per year as income support and also change the name of the Canadian carnival and colony lands or dominion to......to "Hockey" and everything has to work so we can have teams with fans and supporters that can afford to come to the games, buy the jerseys and be a good member of the community without a doubt and why not unless they are wrestling with our laws and culture. Your wife is your wife and your sister is your sister.  Christopher says we must always remember Pharaoh's anger with Abraham in the bible when Abraham described his wife as his sister and almost caused the Pharaoh to commit travesty against the established world's culture even at that time in history.     

So Lyle's wife and the kids get on the ship and the sail back to the West Indies.  When she gets to Jamaica she did not really expect to see Columbus as the governor as it was not in her expectations. She was expecting to see a Lord Nelson who was, as she understood it, a bit more pale and woolier haired. It was afro but I don't want to say afro. I say wool.  

She ran into some children who said they expect to sail the ocean like Christopher Columbus and take the entire world and she did not  know what children could expect to be an astronaut or  admiral from five years old unless they were given good books and people told them to believe they can do all things in Christ.  When children go to school, they should expect to be farmers.  She asked for Lord Nelson again and then Christopher came to say in Spanish and English, "....Ahora soy solo yo, él está muerto y tendrás que acostumbrarte...I am he and he is me."  He told his servants that she will be dead by.....next year and they nodded.  This meant that they had to study her and know her, give her money and let her have her own house because we cannot have anyone think they know anything about us. We will  assign her a look -a -like that will  have her own unique name that will be sent back with look a like children only to cover Lyle's absence that will prepare herself by saying this; " I don't know what to expect, I don't know what they are like  or how they or I am to look" and tell Lyle to keep working on his architecture for automating the cane field work.  She had asked twice for Nelson because Nelson was her uncle through marriage.  She saw some English cricket jerseys and football jerseys with holes in them from a factory Columbus had set up and she said how could England where these but that is just how Columbus thought the English should feel. They were being  shipped back with the next batch of raw cane sugar and he told his servants to tell them that  it is the style with these 18000 tiny holes and the mesh look.     England is soo small or it is just soo big; as big as 17 Mexicos or 28 Portugals that everything should work but we will hold them back, hinder them, make ourselves  look like them and sound like them (innit mate?) and see if they are willing to kill us and if they will not kill us when we steal, kill and destroy them, we will keep doing it and ask them what they understand about anything.  Treat those who believe we can have 100% pass completion or benefit payment completion as outsiders, foreigners or as suspicious. I am sure you know what pass completion is. But, let's think. Christianity is the only army where we shoot each other; so easily so I change my mind for Spain and we will ensure it works  for the glory of the Church as we don't want anyone to be on to us and all we do too easily; and we don't anyone to come and Lord over us with some interim management deal for too too long but a brief interim deal we can accept if they can ensure it works like the Tube with sure and secure benefit payments since we  want to see the beer from Spain purchased by the English; not stolen. We are here to collect sales tax from the economy. That is the big enchilada. Everything will look and feel as English as Ambrosia's custard; like a Bentley looks and feels English but its managed by a German manager.   We can make it work.  See LEVITICUS 19:13.  

 On a management deal, it is humbly submitted we agree that the Republic of Ireland can take 2% per day of the sales tax collected in England and 2% a day of the sales tax collected in Hockey; formerly known as Canada.  

I canada live in that placea  as the people are too difficulta. That is why I called it Canada. They wrestle with money and receiving more of it and with ensuring everyone receives it; like a dog would wrestle with  a leash.  We will authorise special "no payment" loans for the gamblers who work in the banks and who feed on the benefits payments and hold the payments to kind of cover whatever it is they are doing. But, 12 unauthorized transactions cannot be covered by one payment on hold.  Maybe they will pay some back some day but if you can do all that you do and you really cant but a "no payment" loan is better than all of this reviewable, evident visible fraud and the many victims who are hurting. 

We make everything good.  If you see Spain or the Latvians play soccer, you see 100% pass completion.  If you see my Colombia or Spain pay benefits  to their benefit recipients who were ordered to receive benefits by the order and majesty, you see 100% payment completion. No one dares to steal them; or interrupt them.   Lets see if the English or if I will impress me, show us how we do it with 100% payment completion at Wembley Bank or Barclays Bank  in front of a watching world. The Spanish and English news castor screams..."GoaaaaaaaaaaaL!!!!!"  

When Sparrow was in Blackpool and preparing Lyle's wife to sail back with him and pretending to be Lyle, he gave the carriage driver a message and a small bag of coins with a bottle of cod fish oil to be brought to the birthers building/orphanage where they make the orphans. He spat in the oil and swished it around with his finger.  If we feel too buccaneer pirate  by 1910, we will bring people from the eastern European peoples to mingle with us and make our look and feel less evident; and they work very hard also. This is enough. 

We honor and forgive our mothers, fathers, uncles, aunties and.....

We will not poison the water since the water will eventually poison us. The poisoned water will bring us poisoned chickens and the poisoned egg in due course.  In fact,we will make everything super good with a little spit from the giant sword fish.  In our occupation, instead of milk being water, it will be good. Instead of Ox tail being dog tail, it will be Ox tail.l for Ox tail soup. Instead of poisoned tobacco, it will be tobacco. We will not bring inordinate attention to our eternal occupation of this people.  Everything must work. We do not want to expose; and you have a good observation. What is the point of occupying anything if you do not feel your hegemony?  We do not need any negative attention.  

This Magna Carta thing is annoying to me but we will cooperate and it is just that I want to know how to have authority over it so I decided that Christopher will say he wrote it and the people cannot arrest Christopher but I could not help wondering and wanting to know if they could arrest me if they are signing any deal with me? But, our role is like the church as figure heads and we play our role. They cannot arrest Columbus. I control them.  They cannot control me.   

But, we just want a woman who knows the simple job, that we are having family and we have what we need any where we are. She can come with us to Brooklyn once to buy shoes and the sales person is a real female with purposeful intention to do her job  to sell the shoes and; go home.   

 The message read "...2 is one and one is none. 1/5 is good to take over the neighbor and the middle class neighborhoods." With this, Oliver and other orphans were eventually born in the 1800's during the Victorian era and some Olivers were shipped in from the West Indies as the children of Jack Sparrow but who were camouflaged as middle class orphans in quaint northern neighborhoods who would take on meaningful (saboteur capable) apprenticeships in meaningful jobs and so we will learn and know everything.  No one loves you more than Jack Sparrow.  Once they accept themselves as Spaniards of Sparrow-More then everything will work normally and will be ok. If you have seen them and what they do with all their job involvement, then you have seen the father. The children, however, should not think they will have favor if they are pinched and there is evidence of the pinch.  

 They were always told that if they were good then why not leave school early and if you do, then you will always be his son and have his favor. But whose son or who is the father? They said this to the girls also.  They also told them that if you do this..... in public that all the people will save you.   So, she left the bathroom door open. But, they don't really save you except to say they can see that you are still learning how to join us in some basic human dignities...it seems and self respect and you are saying what you need to say to get yourself arrested and taken to Court if you do this in public and you will be.....you will be and the people who tell you do this in public will be shot for telling you do this in public.  Only dogs urinate in public and we tolerate it.  They are wrong who think that  if because he picked cotton for a living in his own experience, then no one should think of owning the farm that grows the cotton because he does not think of it and he did what he did in public hoping people would help him and then they helped with a charge for public indecency; along with who ever told him to do it.  We will also beat them near to death so they will never forget, and leave them at their own front door.  They will have enough time to sit still, repent and meditate.  

Then Lyle's wife was not killed when Columbus' servants said it is best we hold her for collateral and credibility. Columbus saw the wisdom and they  just gave her a new name; a nick name such as Bahamasa Clottedcrem (as she was learning how to make more buns for the family with her husband and  use her coconuts with the banana); that she and her husband will always be close; authority.   The real Lyle agreed and we could, we could use her eggs in her urine more to help to bring up the expectations of the people and hone their ways; the pangea people.   

The Look- A- Like was sent back to England to keep the house and see how she would do with Sparrow at a special function about 4 years later.  Bach was playing the music and it was really proper. Sparrow who was a  part Pangea man cleaned up nicely and the Look- a- Like who was half pangea and half Spanish did not really expect to see black people in all of these roles and functions so they tried to think about how to change England to match her Pangea expectations.   Sparrow decided to make offers to people he met at the party; friends of Lyle; people like the real Thomas Jefferson, the real John Adams, the real Alexander Hamilton and a few others that would think of a farm in Virginia.   Look A Likes  across the West Indies were  being prepared for their interception in Virginia as soon as they agreed. The Hamilton Look A Like came from St. kitts.  Sparrow They should be manual laborers or day workers she thought or a servant for their life; like her.   

Her name was Oddawa Pangeacava.  She saw some school children who were expecting to be part of the British expeditions or to serve their communities as formally trained lawyers and as staff in the British Navies with all these expectations from five years old and she thought they should raise some more children to whom she will give birth along with the children they brought to London. Maybe one day we can have one of ours or one of theirs but raised by me graduate here and have his settled life and formal job in a England; whoever will believe, and follow the rules.  

She contrasted her expectations at five years old having been raised in a plantocracy in Jamaica and she had only hoped to be a house servant or secretary as an orphan;  to iron, wash, press and cook and she saw many horrible things happen to people if anyone had accused the servants of spit in the food but it might have been that it was her spit on his.....and the only way to evade detection with his wife sitting across from him at table when being served by  her who was accused of spit was to do away with the accused. She was probably cut in the gut and told to have the baby but then also knocked in the head to look like she had passed but no mark on her and then he arranged to have her shipped to Goat Island or Trinidad. Her dignity was scuffed as property in that moment and she did not mind carrying his release as it made her see a bit more and become  more accustomed some what or sometimes she would just  save  the food scrapings and feed it to her pet frog and then she would take spoons of the water from her frog tank and understand  more.  This way, it was not too evident. While she was knocked out and packed on a wagon to be shipped,  he got some one more time but it could not really go because she was not conscious but when she woke up she decided to name the baby Wasetgutdf Oryeu because she could, like a cat,  smell and feel his presence on her and...that's it. She felt assigned with a purpose and it seems he was a good swords man but a little selfish about variety...it seems maybe and it kind of long in the most holy and pristine Pangea culture at 15 seconds or was it 15 minutes and she was not sure so she decided as Jane Austen to start writing stories about everything she could remember and the expectations she learned from these people and in subtle ways divide them and impeach them but certainly the male born are not always the heir of property but if we suggest it, then we could kill them who think they can get away with 14 seconds since it is too long. Maybe we feed the chi wawa barking boy with  the pet food, he will run  and train for something.  This is good.   There is just one thing. She noticed that he did not see his land deed had been taken by her along with his trademark ownership documents for the names "Whole Foods" and "Quaker" along with his reference letters from the museum in Greenwich where they have a room full of reference letters from people like this and it seems it never happened except that she sneezed in the lemonade and did not have time to make a new batch for fear of her life as dinner was being served. Her descendants learned to make two batches since two is one and one is none in such contingencies. 

So, she decided to hold him and his documents of formal existence just as she and her people had been held by documents once and she did this to see if he and his formal minded people know how it feels.  It looks like she was not sure if the man with the formal training school training that hit her in the head was her son but she never really had any baby so she was not sure and she had done this before to another traveler or clerk official who gave her a bible, a prayer card and nothing else and that was sufficient proximity to take his documents from his bag one day when he had attended the first pastor's graduation ceremony at St. Andrew Parish in the year 1669 since anyone who would attend must be a formal minded system thinking person. She just wanted to hold them and tell them how it feels to lose your sense of originality, your natural distinction and some of your sense of identity. We will not let them go so easily. They say one of her mother figures were thrown  overboard a ship when she was only 20 years old. Her name was Charm. Her daughter was Mary Read.   They accused  her of spitting when she had served them drinks in the Captain's bar. Although thrown overboard, she grabbed the Anchor rope or the mooring rope and drowned holding the rope with all her muscular strength, clenching that rope with a vice grip and refusing to let go. But, she was dead.  When they sailed to Trinidad she was still holding on to the rope.  One of the swabbers noticed and showed him so they pulled her up, took some hair and used it to make people.  They finally told her to quit holding on to people and fit in but she was really dead and could not really do anything any way. They used a wrench to pry her hands off the documents; I mean to say the rope.  She was given formal at Port Royal Cemetery and interred.  Choose any female name on a grave stone dated accordingly from the 1600s, 1700s or 1800s and leave some flowers. 


The Spanish first landed in Jamaica in 1494 under the leadership of Christopher Columbus, leading to the destruction of the Taino population. Permanent settlement occurred when Juan de Esquivel brought a group of settlers in 1509. They came in search of new lands and valuable resources, like gold and silver. Instead they began to cultivate and process the sugar cane. Much like the Taino before them, the Spanish did not appear to have much use for the Port Royal area. They did, however, retain its Taino name.[3] Spain kept control of Jamaica mostly so that it could prevent other countries from gaining access to the island, which was strategically situated within the trade routes of the Caribbean. Spain maintained control over the island for 146 years, until the English took control following their invasion of 1655.

The town was captured by England in 1655 during the invasion of Jamaica.[4][5] By 1659 two hundred houses, shops and warehouses had been built around the fort; by 1692 five forts defended the port.[6] The English initially called the place Cagway but soon renamed it Port Royal.[3] For much of the period between the English conquest and the 1692 earthquake, Port Royal served as the unofficial capital of Jamaica, while Spanish Town remained the official capital. In 1872 the government designated Kingston, the largest city, as the capital.[6]


Port Royal Fort defences

Port Royal provided a safe harbour initially for privateers and subsequently for pirates plying the shipping lanes to and from Spain and PanamaBuccaneers found Port Royal appealing for several reasons. Its proximity to trade routes allowed them easy access to prey, but the most important advantage was the port's proximity to several of the only safe passages or straits giving access to the Spanish Main from the Atlantic.[6] The harbour was large enough to accommodate their ships and the shallow waters provided a place to careen and repair these vessels with no difficulty. It was also ideally situated for launching raids on Spanish settlements. From Port Royal, Christopher Myngs sacked Campeche and Henry Morgan attacked Panama, Portobello, and Maracaibo. Additionally, buccaneers Roche BrasilianoJohn Davis and Edward Mansvelt used Port Royal as a base of operations.

In 1657, as a solution to his defence concerns, Governor Edward D'Oyley invited the Brethren of the Coast to come to Port Royal and make it their home port. The Brethren was a group of pirates descended from cattle-hunting boucaniers [fr] (later anglicized to buccaneers), who had turned to piracy after being robbed by the Spanish (and subsequently thrown out of Hispaniola).[5] These pirates concentrated their attacks on Spanish shipping, whose interests were considered the major threat to the town.

The English privateers were given letters of marque by Jamaica's governor. Around the same time that pirates were invited to Port Royal, England launched a series of attacks against Spanish shipping vessels and coastal towns. By sending the newly appointed privateers after Spanish ships and settlements, England had successfully set up a system of defence for Port Royal. Spain was forced to continually defend their possessions from attack, providing them with no opportunity and no means with which to attempt to retake the land.[5]

Spain was unable to retake the island and, due to the privateers, could no longer regularly provide their colonies in the New World with manufactured goods. The progressive irregularity of annual Spanish fleets, combined with an increasing demand by colonies for manufactured goods, stimulated the growth of Port Royal. Merchants and privateers worked together in what is now referred to as "forced trade." Merchants would sponsor trading endeavors with the Spanish, while also sponsoring privateers to attack Spanish ships and rob Spanish coastal towns.[5] While the merchants most certainly had the upper hand, the privateers were an integral part of the operation.

Nuala Zahedieh, a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, wrote the quote: "Both opponents and advocates of so-called 'forced trade' declared the town's fortune had the dubious distinction of being founded entirely on the servicing of the privateers' needs and highly lucrative trade in prize commodities.".[7] "A report that the 300 men who accompanied Henry Morgan to Portobello in 1668 returned to the town with a prize to spend of at least £60 each (two or three times the usual annual plantation wage) leaves little doubt that they were right".[7]

The forced trade became almost a way of life in Port Royal. Michael Pawson and David Busseret wrote "...one way or the other nearly all the propertied inhabitants of Port Royal seem to have an interest in privateering."[8] Forced trade was rapidly making Port Royal one of the wealthiest communities in the English territories of North America, far surpassing any profit made from the production of sugar cane. Zahedieh wrote, "The Portobello raid [in 1668] alone produced plunder worth £75,000, more than seven times the annual value of the island’s sugar exports, which at Port Royal prices did not exceed £10,000 at this time."[7]

An 18th-century pirate flag of the style used by Calico Jack

Since the English lacked sufficient troops to prevent either the Spanish or French from seizing it, the Jamaican governors eventually turned to the pirates to defend the city.[9] By the 1660s the city had, for some, become a pirate utopia and had gained a reputation as the "Sodom of the New World"[citation needed], where most residents were pirates, cutthroats, or prostitutes. When Charles Leslie wrote his history of Jamaica, he included a description of the pirates of Port Royal:

Wine and women drained their wealth to such a degree that [...] some of them became reduced to beggary. They have been known to spend 2 or 3,000 pieces of eight in one night; and one gave a strumpet 500 to see her naked. They used to buy a pipe of wine, place it in the street, and oblige everyone that passed to drink from it.

The taverns of Port Royal were known for their excessive consumption of alcohol such that records even exist of the wild animals of the area partaking in the debauchery. During a passing visit, famous Dutch explorer Jan van Riebeeck is said to have described the scenes:

The parrots of Port Royal gather to drink from the large stocks of ale with just as much alacrity as the drunks that frequent the taverns that serve it.

There is even speculation in pirate folklore that the infamous Blackbeard (Edward Teach) met a howler monkey, while at leisure in a Port Royal alehouse, whom he named Jefferson and formed a strong bond with during the expedition to the island of New Providence.[citation needed] Recent genealogical research indicates that Blackbeard and his family moved to Jamaica where Edward Thatch Jr. is listed as being a mariner in the Royal Navy aboard HMS Windsor in 1706.[10] Port Royal benefited from this lively, glamorous infamy and grew to be one of the two largest towns and the most economically important port in the English colonies. At the height of its popularity, the city had one drinking house for every 10 residents. In July 1661 alone, 40 new licenses were granted to taverns. During a 20-year period that ended in 1692, nearly 10,000 people lived in Port Royal. In addition to prostitutes and buccaneers, there were four goldsmiths, 44 tavern keepers, and a variety of artisans and merchants who lived in 2,000 buildings crammed into 51 acres (21 ha) of real estate. 213 ships visited the seaport in 1688. The city's wealth was so great that coins were preferred for payment over the more common system of bartering goods for services.

Following Henry Morgan's appointment as lieutenant governor, Port Royal began to change. Pirates were no longer needed to defend the city. The selling of slaves took on greater importance. Upstanding citizens disliked the reputation the city had acquired. In 1687, Jamaica passed anti-piracy laws. Consequently, instead of being a safe haven for pirates, Port Royal became noted as their place of execution. Gallows Point welcomed many to their death, including Charles Vane and Calico Jack, who were hanged in 1720. About five months later, the famous woman pirate Mary Read died in the Jamaican prison in Port Royal. Two years later, 41 pirates met their death in one month.[11]

Jack Sparrow-More asked for the mucus from each and everyone of these individuals and asked that it be brought  to England and be used in the Birthers building / Orphanage where he became Cromwell since England was too serious and should learn to eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die.  Some say Cromwell died in 1658 or 1661 but truly, he faked his death and that of his wife while escaping to America where he, as really Jack Sparrow-More, became George Washington.  He also became a good student of the law; nonetheless in Vermont. He had a son there named Wolverine.  

With all of this going on in the Look-a-Like's ancestry, the question is what to teach children to expect of life and of themselves in this experience even if they are attending school in this England? Do Black people that look like her really  graduate if the Look- A- Like cannot see herself graduating? She decided  to be the mother of 100 English generations and the only mother and said someone will help.  Before you think you can run a farm or business and be happy, you need to know grandma's experience and what she experienced, what she could expect.  She decided to lead them to just expect nothing but "humble" and that we share the home and the womb because if a man can have all of his woman, doesn't that feel like he owns it and that is too formal so we fight them and fight it the way we can and interrupt and then we will have more and we keep it humble as we cook, drive and eat but nothing too too formal....for very long since I don't know if I will be accepted or we don't  want anyone to know too much about us any way and a man is a man; not a brother or father because father or brother; that is this "formal people" culture and we will keep our hair good the way we do it; not with all of these shampoos. What is a shampoo? What does shampoo mean any way?  

Jack Sparrow More was eventually killed by the John Adams look-a-like  who said he was not sure about all of this legal formality that Sparrow More pursued  in the guise of Washington because he wanted to still be able to jump into the system and be the authority and the only authority at any time he saw fit without all of this separation of powers and representation to be able to kill a family and take another farm maybe without being obligated to answer to the law  as he always wanted to know if they could arrest him as the official first secretary of state. But, any way the ship should only have one captain; not two so he maintained a portal of political and legal informality and insisted on the right to sometimes do whatever he wanted.  The farm feel sweeter to him or the oatmeal company feels heartier when he occupies it if he knows he killed the owner. That world is over,  You can buy the new brand name for $40,000.00.     

 The trademarks for "Quaker" and "Red Hot" were sent to her by her colleagues in Jamaica and she brought them to Marley and Wilde's Merchants & Pawn brokers to see what they could get for it.  They called her a scavenger and asked if she knows what she is doing; that she could be arrested if she is found with these documents.  He told her no; he could not buy them but maybe he said they could send the owner a message and see what he will accept on offer with Marley Wilde and Sons as his agent and she refused, preferring to hope him dead and then she would be the...  But, the story is that the gentleman in Jamaica who had the ideas actually pick-pocketed Benjamin Franklin while strolling through busy Jamaica Plains, Boston and brought it to Jamaica and Columbus to see what he could get for it since his mother used to scavenge the ship wrecks and brought anything she was told that could have worth to a ship captain or any official to see what she could get for it.  She preferred to hope  him dead any one named Benjamin Franklin.  Franklin only made himself another copy, stamped it and went on bagging his rolled oats and said he would take the whole world with its convenience but did not really know if the natives in the hinter land were ready for the dole money/income support money but he knew they would want to buy his oats and put posters on trees to promote the product; and how.  So, the natives saw the advertising and broke into the factory and stole a wagon full of oats; especially after they saw an apple in one of his adds; and the apple sweet and sacred. It's everyone's food and how can you say you own it to sell it back to me? Then, you don't give us the money to buy the something you sell and you are not as grrreeeaaat as you think when there is no money provided to all the residents of this land and you say you just don't know if the Native people, that is the people who live in America but outside of the original 13 colonies are ready for the money or if they will ever be ready!! But, we aim to sell our products to the world   Everybody would buy them.  The name was in use and there was no point in anyone trying to buy the name as it was utilized in the public domain but they could work out an exclusive marketing, sale and distributorship agreement for the product and it would not involve a conspiracy to murder. That is what you have if you are hoping someone dead.   What is going on? The quaker man said "...if I am getting old then I am not going to poison my products and make everyone get old with me but I will find a way to get my product to make us heal together; not die together and before you know it, even the cows would be poisoned with the cyanide."  


We propose it would be produced as three movies spanning 300 years or as a series; up to Queen Victoria in her middle age and we only seek at Londinium Media compensation for the story rights.

Humboldt is a good name for me.  

Humboldt Augustine Lyon {formerly Warren}








