At Angel Ronan Entwerfen(TM), we focus on serving the Court and our client in their rights to due process; not on anything else. Our new director from Jamaica has suggested we offer a new $978.00 package that includes our award winning research and two court dates in this price. She aims at bringing us 80 to 250 files over the next 12 months and we will serve our community this way. She earns 51%. Her name is Grace Lee Annes This package offered at $978.00 is to commemorate Jamaican Olympic 100 metres sprinting success. We are fast and efficient with our work. It is our absolute honor to serve the community and this is what we are here to do. You say we have helped you. It is our honor and our duty.

 At Angel Ronan Entwerfen(TM), we focus on serving the Court and our client in their rights to due process; not on anything else.  Our new director from Jamaica has suggested we offer  a new $978.00 package that includes our award winning research and two court dates in this price.  She aims at bringing us 80 to 250 files over the next 12 months and we will serve our community this way.  She earns 51%.  Her name is Grace Lee Annes This  package offered at $978.00 is to commemorate Jamaican Olympic 100 metres sprinting success. We are fast and efficient with our work.   It is our absolute honor to serve the community and this is what we are here to do. You say we have helped you. It is our honor and our duty.  
