The question. If an airline steward has three guests in one row in first class, how many dinners must they prepare for dinner time? The answer is 3. If there are three guests in ten rows let say in the Coach area, how many dinners must they prepare for their guests? The answer is 30 guests. Ask Google or Microsoft Copilot, what is the difference between first class and Coach and write it down; every word. Click here.


  1.  The question.  If an airline steward has three guests in one row in first class, how many dinners must they prepare for dinner time? The answer is 3.   If there are three guests in ten rows let say in the Coach area, how many dinners must they prepare for their guests? The answer is 30 guests.
  2. Ask Google  or Microsoft Copilot,  what is the difference between first class and Coach and write it down; every word.  
  3. What if they have 4 passengers in every row and there are 8 rows and it's breakfast time? 
  4. The majority of the passengers are in the new basic fare seating; no breakfast but you get a dog biscuit, water and a free Oscal.  
  5.  How many breakfast trays do we need?  The answer is they need 32 rows.
  6. There is a school group on board and the school teacher wants to hand out candy to the kids and parents in the group.  She has 7 bags of Candy with 20 candies in each bag. If there are 8 parents  on the trip and 15 students, how much candy will each parent and student receive if the teacher hands out an equal amount of candy income support and the candy is paid for by the government?    If there are 3 orange candies in each bag and 3 red candies. how many red and and orange candies do you have?  If there are 7 black candies in each bag and 2 candy cane striped candies in each bag, how many black candies and striped candies do you have? There are 4 Caramel candies in each and one Bazooka gum candy. How many caramels and how many bazooka candies do you have in total? She also hands out a banana and an apple to each person on on her tour group. They have not paid for their baggage and are getting notices on their phone   of the criminal conviction so they may have to deplane.  How many pieces of fruit does she provide?  How long do they expect the plane and the authorities will wait for them to deplane politely or pay while they now must also attend Court after confirming payment to life the conviction or they will be permanently convicted and removed?  They are removed and now camp out in the airport. They will be asked to leave the airport also but are given 1 day  since presumptively they are working out where they go next and what ticket to buy.  They need to make breakfast and will use a lighter to boil water so they can boil eggs.  They want everyone to have four eggs each. In that country where you are a terrorist convict for not respecting a system of government where you wait for the government to be in a crisis to need your help and give you a pardon for your bravery on a battle field where you will be gassed, they sell eggs in packs of 10 or 6. So how many packs of eggs do they need to buy to feed 23 people with four eggs each?    
  7. 23
  8. x
  9. 4
  10. _____  
  11. answer is... 92 eggs so we need 9 packs of 10 eggs and one pack of six eggs. 
  12. Ask Google or Copilot for a times table chart and memorize it.
  13. You cannot offer Archie or anyone as a stand in or replacement for Warren.  You could be charged for intent to commit murder.  
  14. If the jet is to fly for 12 hours from Ottawa to Nagasaki and the plain needs 1 kpa of hydrogen gas for each hour of flight as powered by the hydrogen fuel cell, then how much hydrogen do we need to complete the flight?  The answer is 12 kpa of hydrogen.  Where is Nagasaki; in what country?   The answer is Nagasaki is in Japan.   Ask Google or Copilot if you have to and find out the cost of a ticket from Ottawa to Nagasaki or Alberta?  If the government is sending more funds to France or Europe while their official allegiance is to the UK and they fail to uphold the laws of Canada with respect to s. 15 charter rights in terms of the distribution and payment of benefits or to stop those who argue about the paramountcy of s.15 of the charter in policy, have they pledged allegiance to another Lord?  You can't have policy that breaches s.15 of the charter. S33 was not passed into law as originally written and even so, tell us that you intend to claim s.33 as you refuse to ensure your population is treated equally and that benefits are paid equally to all citizens and why would you do that when it is illegal in that you are also mistreated in your limped arguing with your own right to equality and dignity?   Starving someone is not the best way to address overcrowding when you do not provide them immediate relief in other locations within the province if they were to move so you have disenfranchised them and put them into conditions that threaten their life while others are not threatened with these conditions. Such policy is not covered by s.33 or saved by s.1 when it is inherently criminal when you run policy that you know is risking peoples lives against the elements and vitiates the general purpose of  peace, order and good government.  

  15. How do you pay for it if the machine has taken your job as a cashier at McDonald's or No Frills? Ask Copilot where is your income support money but you must expect to get some income support money from the age of 12 right across the country to be fair and equitable to everyone.  You can be different but not inequitable since the money to pau these benefits is collected from all Canadians and you know this.  It is being paid by Canada; not by the province.  

  16. If the airline stewardess stole two bottles of Lucozade or a whole pack from the airport convenience store and gave it to some passengers on her flight as a complimentary drink, who is guilty of an offence? The passenger is not guilty of theft but the stewardess is.  

  17.  The airline is called "Romans 8" and the logo must fit in the wings of the plane. 

  18.  What is Romans 8 and if each character in the logo is 2 feet  high by  2.5 feet in length and the space between the words and numbers is 1.5 feet, then how much space in square feet is taken up on the wings?  First,  what is the height and what is the other measurement?  Then, what is the square footage?   The answer is there are 7 letters and each takes up 2ft by 2.5 with the space in between of 1.5 feet but it will also be a 2 ft high space so we can add and multiply.  2 x 2.5 x 7+1.5x2 equals 38 Square feet.  Romans 8 is a bible verse. How do you feel when you see the word "Roman" or "Romans 8"?

  19. If the airline charges $500.00 per ticket and has 400 passengers, how much does the airline earn if they sell all the seats for the one flight?    The answer is $200,000.00 If the tax for the airport where they take off is $1000.00 USD and then tax where they land is 170,000 yen, how much do they earn on this flight?  The answer is 170,000 yen equals 1,158.89 US Dollars. So, they earn after airport taxes  $ 197,841.11.    How much do they earn if they pay the staff and the pilots $50 per hour on this 12 hour flight?  There are 2 pilots and 7 crew members. The answer is $197,841.11-$5400.00=$192,441.11.
  20.    The question did not say what airline it is so we If this was a Canadian airline and they earned more than $30,000.00 which is the HST exemption threshold for the year, do they have to pay HST to the government? How much is the HST burden on this flight if the company flies internationally but is registered only in Alberta? The answer is 5%.
  21. Does the airline have to  collect HST and remit HST?   If HST is 13% in Ontario but 5% in Alberta, what is the HST obligation in either location?  Do you receive your income support payments but you pay HST?   The answer is yes; they must collect and remit HST since they have earned more than $30,000.00 for the year.  The HST obligation is $25,017.34 if the HST is .13%  in Ontario.   The HST in Alberta is $9622.05   But, the first $30,000 in earnings is exempt so we have to subtract the first $30,000 of the principle amount so we calculate on $162441.11 and now we get $21117.34 and $8122.05.  But, this is not right.  The HST is calculated best this way; number of tickets sold x cost of ticket x .13% or .05% before any deductions so its $200,000.00 x.13 and we get $26000.00  and $200,000 x.05 equals $10,000.00.  This is still wrong because if this is the first flight of the year, we deduct the first $30,000.00 so its $170,000.00 x .13 for $22100.00 and $170,000.00 x.05 for $8500.00 but the question did not say if its the first flight of the year  but if it is we have the answer.    So, if you are running your airline out of Alberta with an Alberta head office with 5% HST, then your airline ticket should say they charged you 5% for HST or is the HST billed to yo u based on where you buy the ticket and what if its online like most tickets these days?  If they charged more, then they must refund you and all other customers, the overpayment.    
  22.  The company just rented a new office in Whitby and the renters realtor is an agent and the owner of the property is an agent but he asks a colleague realtor from another office to take the burden of listing the property.  The owner as landlord does not get commission but expects first and last months rent generally. But, because they rented it through the use of MLS with another agent other than listing it by themselves, they have to pay the first months rent as commission which is divided by two and the agents who listed and showed the property pays his income tax on these amounts. Does he pay also HST on his commission earnings or is this paid by the consumer and buyer of the property? It is paid by the consumer in all other transactions but is not to be a tax that professionals  or businesses like a restaurant or store will pay but yet it is not paid by the consumer. In Real estate, it seems the HST is not paid by tenant or landlord in such transactions if it is a residential transaction.   The question is when is HST by a consumer paid on a real estate transaction? When would an agent ever take on the HST burden of remittance to the government? When does a real estate office take on this burden? When does the office pass this burden on to an agent and maybe it should never be an agent's burden.   The answer is HST is not paid by the agent either if its any real estate transaction really if it applies. It is not a tax on him but a tax on the consumer's purchase or hiring of services.   It is paid by the consumer when it applies and the broker collects it.  The entity performing the trade is the broker with the agent and the agent is not HST liable until he has earned more than $30,000.00 in sales.  The answer is the Broker sometimes usually collects the HST on all trades but then will refund the agent if the agent does not earn more than $30,000.00 in a given year.  He does not collect HST on trades involving residential rentals.  
  23.  But, if our lives are not expected to extend beyond 200 years, how do we have any time for ignorance and or fears of rejection or not being accepted? 

  1. GST/HST and PST rates
    ProvinceGST and HSTPST
    British Columbia5%7%
    New Brunswick15%N/A
    Newfoundland and Labrador15%N/A
    Northwest Territories5%0%
    Nova Scotia15%N/A
    Prince Edward Island15%N/A
  2. There is a crack in the airline windshield.  They need to replace the glass.  The dimensions of the window appear to be triangular with one right angle at the base of 90 degrees.  The other angle we can see is 60 degrees. 
  3. You use this type of technology of measuring things to renovate the homes sometimes.  What is the measurement of the missing angle if all angles add up to 180 degrees?   The answer is....30 degrees. 

  4. If the jet loses power, it stops flying and starts to fall to the earth at . 5 miles per second.  That is 1/2 a mile per second.  If you lose power at 70000 feet, how long will it take to get to 20000 feet when you still have a chance to open the door and deploy parachutes for all the passengers if one mile is 5280 feet?    The lowest altitude for a parachute jump is 3500 feet. If you open the doors for the jump at 20,000 feet, how much time do you have before you get to the lowest altitude?    
  5. The answer is you lose 50,000 feet and drop to 20000 feet in 18.93 seconds.  You drop to 3500 feet from 20000 feet in 6.25 seconds.  
  6. A passenger forgets to pay for his luggage but is told that if he did not pay in advance so his luggage is held by the airline security and remains illegal baggage until paid for at the initial gate of departure where it is held in storage or he pays  online .  So, he will be billed $5 per day until he pays the standard rate for baggage and obtains a baggage tag.  You say you don't want to pay if the manager is a Black Norwegian as rumored.  A Black Woman says she is not sure what to do but would like to own the airline instead of pay or instead of paying when there is any Black Norwegian.   It is $ 1825 dollars for 365 days or one year and $152.08 pcm.  If you don't pay, you are asked to leave the flight and you can wait in the terminal to be arrested for trespass and a terrorist offence; illegal occupation of the property.  Please get your bags, pay and go.  If you want to stay, then pay.  Since the airport is public property and occupied by the airport operator as understood, you must pay the occupant.  If you do not, you see the consequence. If you pay for the additional days you continue to stay, then you suffer fewer convictions.  You are already convicted.   You say in response that even though you are convicted, that you are not dead and that you have people who will help you lightly fake your death to fool the computer and that you will change your name and then we will see if we find you.  
  7.  Convert  pounds to the currency of your habitation.  Convert Yen to USD. What is 1 Yen to 1 USD.  1 yen is equal to 0.0068 US Dollars.

  8. There is one passenger window with a crack also and it is 1.5 feet by .5 feet.  How much glass or plastic in Square feet is needed to replace it?  The answer is .75 feet squared. 

  9. Ask Google or Copilot for a times table chart and memorize it.   

  10. Put a bible app on your phone. 

  11. Listen to a chapter as you wash the dishes. 

The answer to question 26 will made available next week.  
