You need evidence of your benefit being paid to you in Canada but you have not received it in Canada. Click here for more.

 You  need evidence of your benefit being paid to you in Canada but you have not received it in Canada. 

Evidence of Unreceived Benefits in Canada

Understanding the issue: It's frustrating when you don't receive benefits you're entitled to. Gathering the right evidence will help you resolve the issue. Its a crime and the  police have started to investigate why the bank is not paying the monies into the account for more than 38 years now. Is it the non payment of an OTB or HST benefit?  This is also a crime and once resolved by the police service, leading to promotion you also likely to get a raise. 

Potential evidence:

  1. Benefit Statements: Any records of your benefit payments, including amounts and dates.
  2. Bank Statements: Check for any records of the benefit payment, even if it wasn't credited.
  3. Correspondence: Letters, emails, or text messages from the benefit agency
