The 1908 wicked executor of wills and estates in Kent.  

He was really Scrooge himself who finally graduated to wills and estates but he never communicated the testator's intentions to the beneficiary but would ask the weak willed and hopefully niggardly father or some relative or maybe the tenant on the estate to communicate the  matter to the beneficiary.  There was a horrible gap in the process.  Some people had already had copies of the will and new the property was theirs but the tenants would not leave and the formal stamped document was requested except in some cases, it was not required as the father had already had the beneficiary move in but the father chose not to leave but attempted to kill the beneficiary while they lived on the property.  This attempt to kill failed and the father was removed.  It was just that Scrooge was sick about legal formalities and also formal legal qualifications so he thought he would find a way to intercept the whole transfer of ownership, committing fraud as trustee of  the estate,  and maybe see if he could just pick up the keys and keeps it for himself. But, the beneficiary is not served by this in the failure of the Executor's most intrinsic duties and if he could not sit on directly, he would ask a dud woman to sit on the property who seem to have the right covetousness dna.  Some beneficiaries  may have enjoyed their family property for many generations and had never seen this interruption of legal formalities before so they brought their woes to the King's gates; in London and he may not have been sure of what this Creole pirate Boy Scrooge, now an old man,  was actually doing.  The answer is that Scrooge could not keep the property and why would he keep it, directly or indirectly,  in contravention of his duties?  So, the Crown had to deal with the situation but the beneficiary had to be protected with or without the notice and if he approached the home, he was in all rights to evict since equity prevails.  In this case, a squatter is not preferred to the beneficiary at any time and Michael with Cherry Anne were squatters along with Rene' since they did not pay as their uncle, also the  father of the beneficiary, had directed.  Then, Michael was  notified of his trespass; along with Rene and Chery Anne through a new automated system that confirms your notice electronically.   They had 36 hours to rectify the situation by contacting the occupant and owner but they did not do so.  The occupant owner intimated that $4 per day per occupant was fine and just send $120.00 for the month for at least one month,  but they never did.   As such, they were convicted accordingly under terrorism laws since the government does have electricity, cable and telephone line easements running across all properties.  They were directed to attend Court to address the matter and possibly bring proof of some arrangement and payment to avoid final conviction and have the matter staid.   The sentence or apprehension is not a minor issue so they left town instead of writing the occupant through some means and working out an agreement while they are in contact with him on Facebook. They left the keys on the table and left without calling him essentially or there was one friend who stayed behind but she kept calling the police when she thought the owner was arriving and then threatened the police when they arrived and obstructed them in their duties.  So......oh well.    

Getting back to 1908, Scrooge was trying to communicate a female hegemony to the orphans he adopted sitting at table with him. He taught them the poker face and how to roll dice. He would also say you must hear the Queen because she is feeding us. She takes from us some(where are those old things, his trophies) but she feeds us. Then, he would say "...the Queen is dead"...and that it was really her husband that did everything but it was just sometimes too too formal for us and he needed to leave a little space for us to pick the apples of the cart. Was  Albert going to put a radio in the fruit so we could not steal it off the cart or right out of the grocer's shop window?...and it would be nice to get some Redemption from all of this reading, writing and arithmetic his son Edward now pushes down our throats but I know I am good enough although it would be nice if I  could just pick a man's estate out of his pocket and the pocket of his beneficiary' oh gosh because now I am seeing doubles...boy as I commit fraud on the estate of these people as the Executor.    This Scrooge or one of his more Creole contacts working the honorable Court circles had hoped the King would not mind that there was a bulge of properties undelivered to the God Fearing beneficiaries and hoped to obtain some of the rents Scrooge hoped to collect since who would see it was estate property belonging to a beneficiary; maybe dead or alive?  So, the King fired him and held his estate as proceeds of crime since he did not see the King's attention to detail and he wanted the beneficiary's notified by the Scrooge or anyone else taking this root as soon as possible; if the state would take on that role with evidence of the ownership in the state's possession; oh gosh since I don't know what good white or nigger white has to do with anything. Just be sure the executors of wills and  estates do their duty before the Court.    This man in Court circles killed the King, shooting him off his horse while hiding in the brushes when he went riding and somehow, he was then asked to be the double for the King; oh gosh! He was a bit tanned skinned as Trinidadian born and they also cut off his leg.  They also had to make his hair line match so they poisoned all the milk and made everybody pay for this duping of the King's identity.  This is where the term dupe originates from in Canadian legal circles.  Edward was not killed but was wounded and made it back to Holland where he has ancestry and lived out his days but as a fisherman, eating whole raw fish.   

He witnessed WW1 and WW2 as designed to kill every resistant soul under his reign  or influence in the English world although it seems only more arrive from the southern colonies who are willing to withhold government initiated bank payments from being credited to the citizen beneficiary or they may threaten the young or old with a refusal to provide funds when requested by the customer or provide account service. They finally send the cards to his address when they know the guy left town to appeal in Scotland or 

 He witnessed the Apollo missions on TV and saw his cousin Donald elected( are they cousins? We will find out since if they are,  Donald can quarterback some forward movement on the normalizing, regularizing and equalizing of the income support benefits  for all in North America ( to be paid to all without any means test application). so that things are more right, more Hungarian or just Euro American normal and cool here) or we will have to...what do we do? I don't know.  Can we do it? Yes we can! Yes we can? Google "Yes we can?  Can we? What is it that we can do and legally?  Maybe we can just pay the benefits according to the SNAP program."  Policy to ensure the well being of all North Americans is not the issue;  thanks to FDR but it is to ensure enforcement. It is  national and regional and now takes  on the form of the NORAD( also NORED- for North American Economic Defence) national income support policy coordination for all Americans regardless of income.   All are entitled to $100,000.00 per year income support while the Federal Government will allow the states some variation in  the amount paid where it can be $5000.00 less or $5000.00 more in actual credits to the citizen's bank account.         


