This just in: a father opens a bank account in 1981 and has his son come with him. The father is an electronics engineering technician. He wants to make it a joint account with the son but the son never enters the bank and is waiting in the car but the boy is not told anything about his father's reason for the visit to the bank. They leave the plaza but its not clear what bank the father walked into. The boy is not sure. However, the account seems to have been opened as a joint account after all but the father used his friend's address. The income support is paid into the account when the boy is 13 and a half years old; paid into that fraudulent joint account but the only account opened in the boy's name at that time that is available to receive the funds. There was some other account he had at another bank but it was no longer open. The account continues to receive the funds while the boy is in school and growing up. He finishes High School and has applied to University where he is accepted but he does not know he has this money somewhere so he applies for OSAP. They say he qualifies since there is no evidence to them of this income support money. He works all through out school also ; part time because he has to cover his tuition and book costs along with the cost of food.


This just in: a father opens a bank account  in 1981 and has his son come with him. The father is an electronics engineering technician.   He wants to make it a joint account with the son but the son never enters the bank and is waiting in the car but the boy is not told anything about his father's reason for the visit to the bank.  They leave the plaza but its not clear what bank the father walked into. The boy is not sure.    However, the account seems to have been opened as a joint account after all but the father used his friend's address.   The income support is paid into the account when the boy is 13 and a half years old; paid into that fraudulent joint account but the only account opened in the boy's name at that time that is available to receive the funds.   There was some other account he had at another bank but it was  no longer open. 

The account continues to receive the funds while the boy is in school and growing up. He finishes High School and has applied to University where he is accepted but he does not know he has this money somewhere so he applies for OSAP.  They say he qualifies since there is no evidence to them of this income support money.   

He works all through out school also ; part time because he has to cover his tuition and book costs along with the cost of food. 

He has need of finding a job.   

Maybe he finds one or maybe not but in all that the father is doing, he shows no care for what happens to....but he buys Christmas gifts and has still not told him about the account and nor does he bring him to the bank to let him know.   

The boy opens his own RBC Business account but they never mentioned this joint account to him and nor does it show up on any profile. Was it RBC where this joint account was opened?    He has a regular client account also once or twice.  

In the intervening years, his father shows up at one Royal Bank or the other to try and access the funds; with one of this younger sons from another marriage.  He has shown up with the sons of his friends also and presents them as...."Warren" if they could now hand over the money in big cheque.  But, the bank tells them to leave and not to come back and they tell him that they will be arrested since they, the bank, are ordered to return the funds to the government for transfer and payment to the legal recipient....Warren; son of his people and his "Alusra" family.   

 The boy applies more than 30 years later for something called Ontario Works and he qualifies.  They see the RBC account with the income support money and the balance but they give him Ontario Works monies anyway.  They do not tell him about the money or provide him any notice for its retrieval.  Then, all of a sudden the Ontario Works is cancelled without explanation.  He has not received the income support in the RBC Joint account if that is the bank where it is held but it seems to be.   His father only seems to hide the facts of his unusual, fraudulent dealings over the years and does not tell him about the money.  The government takes the money once they are notified again of the issue 39 years later and they pay the money into the account registered with the government for GST rebates etc where they are certain the recipient who is 39 years older will received it.   This is what we would expect of an honest government paid to an honest day's work.  This is what we would expect of an honest bank that will not withhold the funds of hide the account from the intended recipient who the government intended to pay.     They are concerned that the father is thinking of killing his son so that he could have the money all to himself as the other joint account holder. He received his own income support but then he should not want to eat and live off his son's benefit also.   

Later on, the father took cheques issued on the young man's( formerly  the 13 years old boy) open business account as opened in 2017 and the father cashed it in his own account for $100.00.   The father provided cheque leaves to his brother Oswald who cashed the cheques in his Barclays account for £2000.00 but the cheque item was returned unpaid. 

