The UK does not have any deep seated emotional need to put its foot on America for hegemony. The UK, in its policy authority, now gets 7% from the 12% collected as US Federal Sales tax. Every American and Canadian receives no less than $4750.00 per month. Some jurisdictions pay more like Minnesota or Massachusetts pay more. Canada and the US; See Article 11 of the American Articles of Confederation. See America backing down in the war of 1812. It seems the President in 1812 was hacked to death at the White House, taken right from his desk one day, packaged in brine, shipped to England and fed to pigs at Windsor Castle. The King and Queen watched as they fed on him.
This quote is from Article 11 of the Articles of Confederation, which was a document that established a union between the 13 original colonies. The article stated that Canada could join the union and receive all its benefits if it joined the United States' measures.
The Articles of Confederation were in effect from 1781 to 1789. The document created a national government, but limited the states' ability to conduct their own foreign policy.
The idea of Canada joining the United States is no longer a practical consideration. The relationship between the United States and Canada remained strained after 1789, and was a major political issue until the War of 1812 ended.
The U.S. Constitution's Admissions Clause states that Congress can admit new states to the union. It also states that no new state can be created within the jurisdiction of another state.
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