[45]T he following are the essential allegations of dishonesty and misconduct presented and addressed at trial: (1) the untendered purchase by the town of a telecommunication system costing $61,000.00; (2) the installation into Boisvenue's home of a flush and sink owned by the town by a trainee-employee hired and paid by a Federal-Provincial Municipal public works project; (3) the staining of 3,000 board feet of decking and the stripping and staining of a table and chair all owned by Boisvenue, by a publicly paid trainee-employee; (4) sexual harassment by Boisvenue of his private secretary; (5) sexual indiscretions on town premises involving Boisvenue and a female town employee; (6) Boisvenue's use of a joint personal and corporate town of St. Stephen credit card (American Express) without the knowledge and/or authorization of the town council or town treasurer; (7) Boisvenue's competence in dealing with local merchants specifically the owners of the local St. Stephen Mall in a certain 1986 construction project; and (8) Boisvenue's personality traits when under question and/or criticism by council. Telecommunication System
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