
Intending and attempting to kill someone is a criminal offence and your secondary intention to own his business is not an alibi or defense but what if owning his business is your primary intention to the murder? Call a legal service provider to find out.

Did you know a Law Firm and a Legal Services Firm are synonymous? It's not worth it to kill anyone but you can help some people if you have the willingness. Just start your own. You cannot inherit a Law Firm; nor can the Law Society. Just start your own firm name. I will be running a CPD course very soon on business name registration.

See our articles on trademarks. Angel Ronan(TM) is a trademark and so is Uncle Ben's, Ford, Redstripe, Appleton, Foska, Grace Foods and Aunt Jemima. They are in use as trademarks and remain protected as intellectual property even if you do not use TM behind the name in every instance.

Did you know Angel Ronan(TM) is a University of London Art and Intellectual Property project?

The Angel Ronan Issue was misunderstood by some; especially by people who thought you had to do something horrible to graduate like f-++k a bum. You don't have to do anything but your work. You could start Law School in Grade 1. Just as you teach subject and predicate, adverb and verb, nouns and pronouns you could teach law and demand from Johnny that he would get a B or A or else you would not know what you would do to Johnny. But, some of you say you do not know what to do with Johnny after he finishes Law School and graduates. Give him the same support you did to turn him into a graduate. Support his work since people do have questions and problems. It took Albert's West Indian Foods 30 years while cooking with Spence Bakeries before Albert's was able to buy a building and open the restaurant with street signs on his own. I ate his food during High School and University. Support him when others attack since some people do not believe all things, hope all things and give thanks for all things. Anyway, this is not a social game. The issue is understanding and whether you understand the rules. Was a rule broken? Is the answer yes or no. In either case, you are being invited to participate in other functions of the profession such as Duty Counsel, equity initiatives and work in the registrar's office in addition to practice. You are alive and your skill is evidence evident. We are glad you see the the use of ultra vires efforts to confirm that there is a reason for the rules and that attempts by others to register a firm's business name over and over again will not be tolerated. You confirm the answer under the rules. There is MISFEASANCE in public office, Contempt of Court and theft of property in addition to business interference. You allow the authorities to address the criminal intent going forward as it is a firing offence and nor business as usual or normal at any Law Society. We see what's has happened to those who sue. We feel it is best to see the settlements and file reviews where the Law Society eventually decides to rectify what happened and arrange compensation. In the mean time, you get on with being thankful since the public imagination seems to think it is a test of your desires for more when it is really confirmation of your on going association under the rules my friend and counsel. This is because you know the answer and I know the answer, friend.

Saint Ronan, French Saint: Ronan is a name given to people with all complexions and some have Irish ancestry. It is not unusual for someone black with Irish ancestry to be named Henrick.

Warren has offered 70 percent of every file retainer to potential investors. His work is noted in the Toronto Star and the Globe and Mail for its humble dedication. He is a sub contractor for Heis Consults.

Come for a chat...make an appointment just after you drop by your dentist to see if he has time to fit you in. Maybe he might be in. Maybe he is out teaching or observing new procedures but certainly waiting for you to drop by.

Catholic Mass: 12/21/18 | Friday of the Third Week of Advent

G. F. Handel: Messiah HWV 56 (fantastic performance) This is to commemorate my fellow alumni at the University of London. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

Can a quasi governmental body without the power of arrest violate your s.7 charter rights contrary to their mandate to regulate a profession? The answer is yes. The answer is "yes" because anybody can knowingly or recklessly break the law. Yet, their mandate is not an alibi. The violation is an offense; a criminal offence. The mandate is to regulate a profession and no Law is to be broken to achieve this end. Regulating roads are more complicated and no laws need to be broken to regulate roads. The real issue here with what is going on is how we regulate vermin emotions since not all white people think like this vermin that should not be involved in professional work that challenges their ability to believe in human equality and capability regardless of race. Now why shouldn't a Black guy with mixEd race ancestry or with pure Samoan ancestry running a Law firm and being compensated for mistreatment under the law? How is white honored of he is not compensated? Now, if white is a good Santa Claus and a good sermon with a good choir and a good pastor with a 30 percent refugee congregation that he helps at refugee hearings as a good white man with some Haitian ancestry , when does white say it can't believe it's own intelligence eh Marwen? The RCMP has been found in violation of s.7 and s.8 when the procedures that govern their work is not followed by employees who my have hoped to continue their work with the investigation against the subject and there is no quasi governmental body funded by the government claiming to be self-regulating a profession that has immunity above and beyond the power of the constable services and the legislature dedicated to serve and protect. False affidavits as to service of documents and as to communicating information by email although the wrong email address was used admittedly on the record amounts to criminal MISFEASANCE in public office and a deliberate breach of S.7 and an interference with the professional's right to enjoy employment under the true, North,strong and free laws of a UN charter nation.

Butter Channel is free. It is not registered.

Comba? It is the appropriate jurisprudence; it is argued. From the Angel Ronan Lex Scripta Law Library; A discussion on United States of America v. Shephard, 1976 CanLII 8 (SCC), [1977] 2 S.C.R. 1067, at p. 1080. Simply put, USA vs. Shephard is really the standard used by an extradition Judge as to whether there is evidence for a society seeking justice and extradition of an accused to weigh the evidence following a full investigation, disclosure to the accused and a proper determination and hearing of the evidence at the highest standards in a properly constructed Criminal Law Court using the appropriate tests for weighing such evidence. As such, Shephard follows Hernandez purposefully. The Preliminary Hearing Judge is an elevated pre-trial Judge with an opportunity for a full hearing of the evidence as applied to the Crown Onus and the standard of proof with what detail on the Crown brief is contained therein as from the events as alleged in a sworn, prepared, information that represents the closed summation of the police service's due diligence. It is not a fact finding mission. The R. vs. Comba is the test in the appropriate analysis for a preliminary inquiry or pre-trial Judge. Shephard and Hernandez are not to be used in their pre trial or preliminary inquiry court forum.