
Archives of the Law Society of Ontario YieeamdsttSogeplogrday miat 1inmmur0:ai3rsg8un uorAeMd · Frederick Homer Alphonso Davis, who was called to the Bar in 1900, was the first Black graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School. While there were Black lawyers called to the Bar prior to F.H.A. Davis (including his father Delos Davis), these took place before the establishment of Osgoode Hall Law School in 1889. Davis and his father practised law together in Amherstburg, Ontario. #blackhistory #blacklawyers #blacklawyer #osgoodehalllawschool #amherstburg #BlackHistoryMonth #ontariolawyers #OntarioLawyer

Direct Flights from Jamaica to Africa Coming in March 3 days agoby Staff Writer. Click here.

Black Canadian Leadership at The University of Western, Ontario. Click here.

Warren A. Lyon has won the 2021 Lex Scripta Society Award for legal excellence that is awarded to European Law graduates only. Congratulations Warren. Warren A. Lyon is an EU/ UK Lawyer.

The Bench.

Grace Carter Henry's "Mother of the Year" Award has been revoked as her children were average children that she has devalued to achieve her own ego agenda. She has proven to be a teg areg. If her daughter went to Law School, she would have stolen the files with her boyfriend who asked to steal her daughter's director files. She is allegedly carrying enough experience to be a Real Estate broker but she does not seem to want to enjoy her children as lawyers. She got her daughter fired as a director because she kept parking there and asking to use the washroom and to have some food with her boyfriend. The awards now go to Sonia Believ Morres who has continued to love her son and support him even as a convict in the U.S. and Canada. Whatever Grace has done to these children, she will do to other West Indian children. Apparently, we are to believe she will get it right with your son when they graduate from Law School or with her grandchildren. We will be around to see. Let's give them English text books from Five years old so they can explain subject and predicate with the top white kids at five years old in kindergarten. Warren is not her son. Thank you for your testimony Grace.

Havana, Cuba by Angel Ronan Photo Guide.

Chapelton v Barry Urban District Council [1940] 1 KB 532. Chapelton wished to hire a deck chair and approached a pile of chairs owned by Barry Urban District Council (BUDC). A notice adjacent to the chairs detailed the cost of hire and advised customers to obtain tickets and retain them for inspection. Chapelton purchased tickets and placed them in his pocket. On one side of the tickets, the council purported to exclude liability for any accidents caused by hiring the chairs. Chapelton sat down and the canvas gave way. He sought damages from BUDC and it was held they had effectively excluded liability. Chapelton appealed. Issues Chapelton argued he had not been given sufficient notice of the clauses printed on the ticket and, therefore, he should not be bound by them. There was nothing on the notice adjacent to the chairs, or on the face of the ticket to alert customers’ attention to the clauses on the back. The ticket should be regarded as a receipt provided after the formation of the contract. BUDC contended Chapelton did have notice of the terms because the exclusion clause was clearly printed on the ticket. The notice adjacent to the deck chairs was merely an invitation to treat. The ticket was not merely a receipt but it amounted to a written contract detailing the terms by which the parties agreed to be bound. Held Chapelton’s appeal was successful. The ticket was held to be a receipt and the conditions by which BUDC were held to have offered the chairs for hire were those contained in the notice, and the notice did not contain any exclusion clause. BUDC had not, therefore, brought Chapelton’s attention to the clause and they could not rely on it. Click here.

Watch the Black Church on PBS with Henry Louis Gates Junior.

The Bible says when Abram met Sarai, she was childless because she was not able to conceive. See Genesis 11:30. Saul was lifeless and joyless because he refused to hear God; sort of like America today. There are some people who have a scar in their soul called "Saul" that destroys families and communities. See Debrah, Saul and Israel in the bible. Saul of Israel in the form of his descendant, Napoleon, smashed the face of the Sphinx since how could anyone other than Saul with a nose like Saul have more honor than him? BJ Boddington, son of Napoleon, is the racially dismorphic half troglodyte like Napoleon who cannot rest in Africa or Europe since he sees nothing but challenges to his hegemony. But, he can threaten is all from a Deserted Island, killing all the high school and law graduates he can. The greatest cultural human exchange has begun. Whole entire populations in the Carolinas will be moving back to the Bahamas and the West Indies or to the Gambia for weeks and weeks at the guaranteed usd $900.00 per week paid into their bank account in US Income Support under Joe. You can afford a Bonvoy account with your Minimum Income Support or any hotel stay at any hotel or motel in the world now offering monthly rates at no more than $833.00 per month. You are a dignified North American Joe in any state or anywhere in the world giving you the emotional Hegemony you are looking for with a minimum income support of at least $50,000.00 per year paid by any state to its citizens as backed up by the weak Federal Government collecting a weak, anemic 5% sales tax vs. the State's collecting 30% sales tax. We have a weak Federal Government due to an outdated historical fear of strong Federalism but you need a responsible Federalism with a responsible sales tax revenue. The question is not just who is going to have your baby. Yet, who is going to have the babies and raise them with you as family forever? This is not your usual essay but a collection of sentences that tend to demonstrate consistently a logical, cohesive thread of thought. Going to the Moon is a logical conclusion to a logical thread of thought knitted through the universal meaningfulness of human life as Weber and Habermas concur in human Understanding. But, what do we do with the Charles Pretender dna appearing as black or white that kill, steal and destroy tenaciously in interrupting human understanding? The universal unconditional minimum income support is also logical conclusion in the goals of seemless uninterrupted market capitalism, achieving one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind bringing tranquility to capitalism's foot print around the globe and in America. Click here.