
You were harassed by a Steven last night between 5:00 and 6:30 pm at your home address. He wore a mask and used his father's phone. He was uninvited and breached a restraining order in his current bail conditions. His sister came with him. She also called and pretended to be a Court Clerk eeks ago named Maybel and told you not to attend Court. However, You did not deliberately intend to miss your Court date. If you were charged with a "Failure to Appear In Court", you are not Guilty if you forget the date or if your car broke down and you could attend before the Court closed. You have a Defence. You forgot or your car broke down. But, your charges will not go away just because you forgot. You need to tell the Court. You cannot tell the police your defence. You need to tell the Judge and the Court. You can do this at trial or you can schedule a motion. It is possible that the Crown may withdraw the charges following a Crown resolution discussion; if you can just tell them what happened. Maybe you provide them a draft affidavit signed by the accused that they can read and then assess the prospect of conviction at trial with the affidavit evidence. Who is Sara that allegedly called on April 2nd? Who is Maybel that called on April 3rd? They are people who impersonated Court employees and told you the Court date of April 2nd was cancelled. They were not in any position to do that. It was not cancelled. Isn't it contempt of Court if a Court Office Clerk lit the name Waxman on Angel Ronan files for $500.00 per file. They threatened the Court Clerk also ( If you don't.....). Just paint Egypt white. Is that it? You are a sicko. You are going to jail bucko. .

There was a man called William Wee. He was driving home to conduct his bible study. It was a winter night and very dark but not that he couldn't drive alone and see where to park. A pedestrian crossed at defective cross walk with lights that did not activate. It was illegal and she committed a highway Traffic Act offense(see foot note 1) by entering the roadway illegally at a non-functioning Pedestrian cross walk. It was winter and the pedestrian may not have noticed that the lights were not working but she is an adult and is entirely responsible for her own safety when it comes to entering the roadway illegally. Since it was dark and she should have also paid more attention to her surroundings. A functional traffic light with pedestrian crossing was less than 250 meters away and if her own safety was her paramount concern, then she should have opted to use the traffic lights. she was reckless as to her own safety and being a student of the neighboring college is not an alibi. She was also a police applicant. She was named Malintenthotra. She had no injuries after a collision with the vehicle driven by William Wee. There were four police witnesses and a few ambulance drivers. It was quite conclusive. She committed an offense. Mr. Wee was not speeding and did not commit any HTA or Provincial offense. Ms. Malintenthotra sued the Hydro company as the pedestrian crosswalk was defective. She also sued the driver, Mr. Wee, but he is not liable to answer to Ms. Malintenthotra for her own malfeasance. She is not a victim under the law of tort. Mr. Wee is not a tort feaser. However, he must answer the law suit. His lawyer made it abundantly clear that he is not liable and she be released from the proceeding or else he would be entitled to significant costs. Zero costs were offered in settlement and then costs of more than $60,000.00 was requested in settlement to allow Mr. Wee his full and final release since it was asinine. It was a case heard in the courts of Johannesburg, South Africa. Mr. Wee was also aided by what seemed like consistent character but then he lied before a court officer about money. His lawyer wanted to have the matter resolved in court with a motion but when the client lies about money, his credibility is zero if the matter was to go to trial. The lawyers defending Malintenthotra would have a field day with him at trial except they could not out maneuver the witness statements of four impartial officers who explained the accident scene and the ambulance drivers who could attest to Mr. Wee's lack of culpability. There is no judgement against his original lawyer but the second lawyer who represented the owner Mrs. Wee Wee and the driver Mr. WEE WEE who were in direct conflict of interest went to jail for trying to assist Mr. Wee with a fraud on the court concerning the first lawyer's fees. They were beheaded by the Saudi Prince who built a gleaming white pyramid-like temple to worship the Agha Khan in Johannesburg since they offended the natural law. Mr. WEE WEE, however, is the only tortious victim since the law does not say a suicidal Asian female who jumps off a bridge and hits a vehicle on the way to the ground is a victim. No. She is a tortfeaser whether she jumps off the bridge illegally or walks into the road illegally contrary to the Highway Traffic Act. They both went to jail; Mr. Wee Wee and his second lawyer who billed Mr. WEE $100,000.00 and said work against it. ------------------------ Foot note 1: Duties of pedestrian when walking along highway 179. (1) Where sidewalks are not provided on a highway, a pedestrian walking along the highway shall walk on the left side thereof facing oncoming traffic and, when walking along the roadway, shall walk as close to the left edge thereof as possible. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 179 (1). Highway Traffic Act. Pedestrian crossing 144(22) Where portions of a roadway are marked for pedestrian use, no pedestrian shall cross the roadway except within a portion so marked. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (22). Pedestrian - green light (23) Subject to subsections (24) and (27), a pedestrian approaching a traffic control signal showing a circular green indication or a straight-ahead green arrow indication and facing the indication may cross the roadway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (23). Pedestrian - stopping at flashing green light (24) No pedestrian approaching a traffic control signal and facing a flashing circular green indication or a solid or a flashing left turn arrow indication in conjunction with a circular green indication shall enter the roadway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (24). Pedestrian - stopping at red or amber light (25) No pedestrian approaching a traffic control signal and facing a red or amber indication shall enter the roadway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (25). Pedestrian control signals - walk (26) Where pedestrian control signals are installed and show a "walk" indication, every pedestrian facing the indication may cross the roadway in the direction of the indication despite subsections (24) and (25). R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (26). Pedestrian control signals - don't walk (27) No pedestrian approaching pedestrian control signals and facing a solid or flashing "don't walk" indication shall enter the roadway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (27). Pedestrian right of way (28) Every pedestrian who lawfully enters a roadway in order to cross may continue the crossing as quickly as reasonably possible despite a change in the indication he or she is facing and, for purposes of the crossing, has the right of way over vehicles. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (28). Pedestrian fail to use crosswalk - $50.00 Pedestrian disobey green, red light, don't walk signal - $50.00.

We confirm our success before the Bond Street Court with our client Frankly Chisolom in December 2012 based on similar analysis that follows here. Mr. Leaf Steveens, Assistant Crown Attorney Orange County Prosecutor's Office Fax: 905-743-2538 Dear Mr. Steveens, Re: Ferrel Chisolom-Returning on 18/10/18 The intention to lead the witness to say and suggest to the Court a contrary and false set of facts is to pervert the court of Justice. The file is to be withdrawn as no one saw him driving the vehicle and he was not driving the Vehicle. It is to be withdrawn also on a section 11B. Click here.

Angel Ronan® is looking to hire a Ronan Barrist. Ronan or Roghan, please give us a call or email.

The reason why Jackie Willison was fired and lost her job is because she debited the truth of a Federal employee's job contract. He was evidently a Federal employee as confirmed in our motion materials and in the actual claim made by the client for relief. The Wilsson Coup d'etat: A Federal employee working as a Crown Attorney in a temporary Federal worker contract was asked to consider a former employee's rights to sue under Federal law during a Federal Court appearance. Jurisdiction was not an issue as far as his venue for his law suit and nor was it an issue as far as the jurisdiction for his cause of action. He was not a provincial employee. Clearly, he was not a provincial employee and nor was he a member of a provincial union; nor did he have a provincial employee contract. The Federal lawyer was confused with jurisdiction in a Federal Court in Vancouver. Wilsson. Wilssonbogonvict. Warren wins. He serves the government. You lose.

Dan Williama of the Law Society of Lower Canada, in 2017, had claimed the right unilaterally, contrary to the will and intention of the law society, the right to retain the files and broke all the Law Society rules by doing so. He committed the offence of theft when he did this. It is theft. Each file was a separate item carrying ten years jail time. There were at least 40 files. He caused a coup in his own right. He is not even a paid employee. He was convicted posthumously. He is dead. He should not have said he believed he had the legal rights to keep the files simply because the owner of the firm, Warren A. Lyon, is not white but of Arab ancestry. Dan Williama is dead. THE MENS REA OF THEFT 1. DISHONESTY s2(1)(a) – BELIEF IN LEGAL RIGHT If D mistakenly believes that he owns V’s umbrella, his appropriation of it would not be dishonest whether his mistake, or ignorance, is of fact or law. Moreover, D will not commit theft where he appropriates V’s umbrella in the belief that it belongs to X on whose behalf he is acting. Similarly, D would have a defence if he took a bicycle belonging to V, in order to recoup a debt, under the erroneous belief that the law permitted debts to be recovered in this way. The D’s belief merely has to be honestly held, it does not have to be reasonable. As with all subjective tests, the more outlandish the D’s honest belief is, the less likely he is to be believed. CLICK HERE. The Queen has no passport for travel because Dan's father stole it as a domestic servant when she was 3.

When Warren took that photo with Karen, Angel Ronan™ was already regsitered. Some lawyers are white Aboriginal. Some are black Aboriginal. Some are African. Some are European. We are all Aboriginal in some way. The only Aboriginals that initiated prayer and architecture would be the African Aboriginal. The Pyramids say that, as we cooperate as man kind, we can build anything. We are all one people now really except this is hard to remember sometimes when you are an ancient Israeli born in the modern world with an Eastern European language and white skin( Mongol skin), that is really Mongol in complexion. Maybe there is a temperament and propensity that demands physical signs of kinship as paramount to the spiritual signs of kinship. Anyway, I would marry an African woman whether or not she is Dark hued or light. I would marry a pale skinned daughter of Egypt or of Israel; regardless of hair texture. I know there are some. There are some. Our endeavour is to rebuild the pyramid in our lives; that is build a family unit. Divorce is not a goal or a mile stone. We honor our fathers and mothers unconditionally to achieve a multi generational cooperation. When does the father and mother understand that they, too, are obligated to honor their children as a means of honoring themselves; and God? Your children are not chattel but beings before man, society and God that own property and that have family of their own. Yet, you tend to want to molest anything that is of your son as if you have a cave man's testimony of some kind within you to communicate about challenging the ten commandments or the eleven commandments. Abraham is a practical fulfillment of the 11 commands. It is not God's will for you to kill your son directly or indirectly for any reason. He has honoured you and your ancestors. It is not right for you to provoke him to call the police on you and for you to take steps threatening death to provoke him. You took his law firm files and brought them to the law society maliciously when he was in the middle of moving out over a few weeks. Then they started a procedure that could not be defended by the law society rules. They lost after your son went through the documents and process to see how they broke the rules. They matter should have been dismissed at the first step. The whole process was nullified and the Law Society was disbanded. They had to change their name for all the Shane they caused. It would be within your son's right to ask where the files and for their whereabouts. I am not sure if you are trying to paint the firm White. There are black lawyers and white lawyers. There is nothing wrong with a Black Call to the bar or an African Call to the Bar that runs a small firm with a unique name whose winning work gets recognition in two local newspapers or journalistic outlets. It would be more appropriate according to the rules that the Call to the Bar has possession of his own files and not the Jamaican Mulatto pretender who cannot have a baby and that is really the son of Julian Fakloner who is a convict, who is not a call to the bar, who is not a law graduate and that may insist that his Victorian story books by Dickens are his template for life and his imagination, for your imagination too he says and that you must agree in that they do not have images of Black Lawyers and that is why he had to steal the files and re write reality to satisfy his "story book" expectations of life. He was trying to force you to agree. This is his age old temperament of people who are strangers to Europe and who might have sailed in, wearing good suits tailored in Kingston Jamaica but who also saw a black mayor in Wandsworth once or a black lawyer called Jacob Marley in Farringdon and then asked how could he, Black Jacob Marley, be a lawyer in front of me when I, as a troglodyte, don't see any black people in the story book? You have emotions and you have learned to insist. Maybe the Moors, the Berbers, the Egyptians and Romans used too much fire and oil sometimes to ensure you learned to count your change and not shoplift. Maybe this is why you were tolerated for an hour since a really qualified black Lawyer or African Lawyer approximates a culture and an authority once in history that wrote the story books and the designed the press or the very text and language that appears therein. You are an animal on the cusp of the missing link DNA and we were asked to tolerate you long enough to understand our own selves. How could the black woman in the Somerset v. Stewart be black? But, she is. She is the real Mary Poppins. Black people in 18th century law cases is a worthy starting point for our next chapter of Anthropology. You are going down Fakloner and all your minions. You are not the Queen's son. You embarrass the Queen and the Courts. If there is too much ignorance, then we get an ignorant result. This is Fakloner. Fakloner and his limited imagination based on the images in old Victorian Novels that were not intended to purport a white polemic vs. black is the glass ceiling. But, because of the troglodyte ignorance in the works and their dependence in images for messages and assurance, we will give them reality. There is a black law clerk, black real estate agent and black doctor. There is a black Civil Litigator I know a few. So, we will update the Victorian Novels in recent reprints to ensure you understand the Black TUDOR might have gone to America in high numbers, but he did not disappear entirely from England. If there is too much Human feces in the river in Germany or in Africa, then no woman is going to be able to have a baby. We are dead. Understanding this is the pyramid. It could be written on every pyramid. The pyramid must also tell you to burn the feces in the pit that is dug and designed for that purpose. This is the pyramid set as a testimony for ultimate long term human survival. This is law. This is Anthropology. Law is Anthropology. It is not a title or just a role. It is study; tous les jours. Thanks and Regards, Warren. Warren A. Lyon, In House Counsel.

Angel Ronan Member's Agreement changed today( May 1st, 2022) with Retroactive effect, dating back to January 1st, 2017.