
Written, June 4th 2019. Free to be used by any professional with the use of an affidavit from one tangender Ontario citizen receiving the income support from 14 years of age and one citizen who is not receiving the income support. The mandate is national to fulfill the UDHR and the universal minimum income support. Our head of state has signed it and expects to see complete and wholescale fulfillment of these policies to fulfill the economy without any racial, complexion sick agenda imposing itself and taking precedence over the rule of law.It is a national obligation ; that is delegated and shared in the fulfillment of the obligation if this aids efficiency..with minimum standards set by the national government to achieve its national obligation. Free to be used by any professional The Book of Etiquette is all you need according to some and any graduate is supposed to be Dead according to Mr John A who was appointed PM by the....English to understand anthropologically the rut the scallywag people present socio-economically to the great British Empire. There are a lot of nice people who who have been casualties on this great anthropology after 2 World wars. They resent and resist law and want to say "..what is law of I intend to kill you and take it; whatever it is and with my ways what is law if I have authority ?" The Nazi movement is the uniformed organisation of the scallywag people and mindset. They operate covertly now but they tend to demand a right to just take what they want and do what they want: in resisting law that ironically parallelized old Amerindian resistance of law and resentment of law. The Angel Ronan Lex Scripta Precedent: Application for enforcement of basic income/ minimum income support before the Federal Court of Canada: Affidavit from any citizens in the country, in particular in Ontario, who are not receiving basic income/ minimum income support; some of them Catholic and some of them White and some are Anglican and some are Presbyterian who are not White and some who are White while many of their sons offered to die at 40 years old if they could have any job they wanted in Ontario within reason. Affidavit evidence and bank statements from All of the citizens in Manitoba, Quebec and Saskatchewen have a universal minimum income support obligation to fulfil the legal obligation within the lives of every citizen in the nation under an Article 25 UDHR legal mandate and duty of care to the citizen to ensure the guaranteed Article 25 UDHR rights. Article 11 of the 1966/1976 Covenant requires that the government ensure these rights in the lives of citizens. Do you want to be accepted or show your determination? You want to be accepted and enjoy European association; real German. You have the power to pay yourself the basic income/minimum income support under the current law as legally required and maybe you can attach an amount that represents compensation or reparations to the citizen regardless of his particular grievance; maybe equal pay for equal work. Just call your Uncle who is the Premier and tell him to do his mandated job at law. Your entitlement to minimum income support began before the black guy went to Law School and graduated. Your entitlement began before the current opposition leaders were born. The Laws of Canada are the laws of England whether or not there is any further legislative instrument in Canada and where the laws conflict in terms of purpose and intention being peace, order and good government , the laws of England prevail according to the British North America Act and the Criminal Code of Canada. At the present time, there is conflict concerning the average sales tax rate across the country of Canada which should be 17.5 percent. The laws do conflict concerning the enforcement of a minimum income support which is available to to all English people by way of application at the UK minimum income support website and where the applicant unconditionally will be provided with $37000.00 per annum. It is submitted that the people of Canada are the people of England by virtue of the UK's total legal authority over the population. The UK is an EU member state. This is simply a fact to be enjoyed. ClIck here.