
This is to confirm that Angel Ronan™ and its charitable purposes are verified in the memorandum; 2020.

You have to decide that anyone who would steal a mail package and expect not to be arrested is ill with the only explanation being that he believed it was okay to take the post if the recipient is black and the thief is black. It could be a department store card, a job offer they say is best enjoyed by a West Indian in the Caymans maybe or it could be bank statements. But, the sender and victim of the theft is usually white or Asian or maybe European or African and he may have insurance for this and will have to resend it but it's annoying. You said you stole the mail because you need to eat and you don't have a minimum income support like people in Vermont, Quebec and Manitoba. Your diary says you have been aspiring to get into politics. Your favorite cartoon character is the Joker because of his wavy hair, his challenge to order and authority in addition to his laughter with Latino Anglo flair and your middle name is Dodger. The North American economy has been running at 8% sales tax a day since 1960 on average when your people showed up in North America from the British West Indies. This is so when the economy should be running instead at 30% sales tax a day so that you have been losing about 22% sales tax a day as the real source and cause of the national debt that became reliance on China and your people shot JFK since who did he think he will be, you say, the King of John France Adams Camelot? John Adams stole mail all day, hoping to have authority. He looked Fagin in Oliver Twist and kept telling people they don't know what they have; how good it may be. He was raised by people who called him a king but had no education and had to eat bread ends and butter as king. So when John came to America from Jamaica, he wondered how is he the king if he could not read or write like the lawyer. He killed a few and stole their shoes,. spitting in them to reduce any sense of ownership. See the video. But, stealing mail is not the solution and how much more of anything can you eat with stolen mail n your desk drawer and beige Ikea cabinet if you lose your job ? I have enough evidence to indict you for terrorism in addition to theft of mail. Theft of mail is terrorism as it interrupts national infrastructure and services. You may look and appear feminine as a transexual but that is no allibi or excuse. We tested your dna and you are related to a John Adams who was a serial criminal guilty of murdering colonial families for farm land and had promised to give it to the King of France; any excuse to kill,steal and destroy. He made Setauket inhabitable and wrote stories about a memorialized Fuller and Culper or Culpepper as in Culprit,this being the alias to cover his sins. The minute you lied as a security guard about the package and it's whereabouts, you left the job description and contract of your employment as a bondable, trustable security guard with your action being deceitful and the intention being criminal. It was on a recorded phone line. As such, you treated the property as your own with an intention to permanently deny the shipper and the customer of that property in an unlawful taking. Your fear that your neighbor who just obtained his food handling licence is gaining more authority than you among the English or the Chinese is absolutely outrageous and cannot be justification for interrupting English government services around the world. If you want to know what your neighbor is doing, leave $10.00 with the Chinese Restaurant and write your neighbor's name and address on it. They will tell you what your neighbor is doing. Sorry about this. This happens to be n article written in fear of the murderous individuals who steal mail with intent to kill. As such, it was written with less loquaciousness. With respect to theft of mail, please see The Queen v. Cumming, 1962 CanLII 10 (SCC), [1962] SCR 507.

New York is about what we say, what New York. We should be able to get ot wrong and still have our authority...because its New York. Just tell the Senator from Iowa, pat him on the back and walk off in his nightmare because its New York. Its big. New York is about authority and it doesnt have to make sense. Look at the subprime mortgages, Black Monday terrorist scandals and many other debacles. The point is there was a move toward de regulation in the late 90's that caused a gap between mortgage loans and the customer's ability to pay due to unusually high interest rates levied after a six months of the unusually low interest rate. The owner loses his home maybe or maybe he rents it out. The point is, who wins? A subprime mortgage is not soo much of a problem when every citizen has $60,000.00 in US funds per year. In any event, the issue with the mortgage was a government obligation to protect the market and the public. People could owe you more money than usual on a 30% interest rate mortgage in Iowa or in Minnesota, But, it does not mean they can pay and the mortgage may fail as a binding contract as it fails the usury law. He who comes to the table of equity must come with clean hands and where there is a conflict between law and equity, equity prevails bro! We are not choosing a President to tell us or decide whether the North American Life, lives and economy are worth a normalcy involving a non socialist universal unconditional minimum income support which is really capitalist and just as logical as hot and cold running water. Instead, we are choosing a President who can find more creative ways to take up the office and move it back to relevancy as the office has been redundant now for quite some time when the majority of the years since 1944 are characterised as the under utilization of the National revenue generating potential occasioned by an unusually low sales tax, less than 20%, and the failure to implement a universal minimum income support to ensure sufficient transactions to keep the infrastructure busy, utilised and the people participating as automation leaves the humanity and the generation of a buying public and population up to you since your population disappears rather often when you dont see and agree that , after automation, people need money and hence, the continued cycle of a dying population and immigration.

The irony of social policy is that it's efficacy as to be measured on some qualitativeness. If you hardly have a military and your territory is as large as Brazil and as multi-complexioned as Paris or Moscow, then how can have a deficit? You have a sales tax of about 20-30% and you provide a small stipend every two weeks to every citizen of about $2000.00, then how do you have a deficit? You should have billions and maybe give yourself an award since you figured it out. But, if you had a culture or a father who was human or maybe a dog, how do you honor that dog or that culture if you don't honor your culture's chance to solve the problem. Can a dog stand on his hind legs all day? No, he cannot and nor would I ask a dog to manage any economy. But, you are not a dog. So, this is how we run a library, how we run a postal system; how we run an economy. At 30% sales tax, a $4.00 bag of milk is $5.20 and you have $4000.00 per month to help and spend in stimulating your economy for sufficient commercial activity to generate the cash reserves. You are certainly generating monthly more than you release on the minimum income support per month per citizen. Most American states have a sales tax of 30%. The country is run by....proverbial geniuseses. We would not tolerate a broken postal system. We would not tolerate a library that does not conform to the international systems for librarical management. We do not tolerate broken economies. We do not tolerate economies that do not conform to international systems.

Angel Ronan™ had its Tenth anniversary as a Firm in June 2020. Thank you for your support. Go to and download a free photo.

Did you know anyone in Canada; anyone can apply to be a Justice of the Peace with at least grade 12 education? Did you know anyone can be a politician with high school education only?

Call and let us know your Court date. We have someone who can go to Court for you. They certainly can.

Could you run a country for 1000 years in spite of the laws and the people and in spite of the educated maybe in a John Adams call to rise up against all of the establishment to form his own, appointing people to jobs and positions who could be nice people but what is wrong with a trained engineer that he would be appointed at NASA? But, instead they appoint a former subway car guard with grade 6 education. This takes place to the point of being dependent on immigration for positive population growth while your economy is in a perpetual recession and the nation is in dependence on other country's to keep it operational!??! Click here.

An upcoming case review involves Rev. James Bonwell v. Lord Bishop of London (The Arches Court of Canterbury) [1861] UKPC 20 (18th July 1861)

Why do you spend all time harassing an Egyptian Law graduate? You could have honor as a citizen whether or not you are the graduate of anything. Get a Citizen™ watch. The evil nigger white people, not the good white people, hand out the exam books. You pass the exam and they don't want to give you the grade. This is an indictable offence. The good white people are very disappointed. Are you white? Are you good and white? What you are doing in contravention of an existing court order and a fraud. You pass the exam and start a firm, reading the law and successfully help the client with Sklar and Borys who is certainly helped and then they want to say they want to harass you, pirate the business name and essentially interfere with your business, running you to the grave and for what? It was an essay answer to an essay problem suitable for any law school or at least any genuine bonafide practitioner. The Law Society of... failed all the rules. They broke every rule. Now, how did the progeny of a pirate suffering with pirate proclivities become a Law Society employee? Documentary National Geographic || The Golden Age Of Piracy Terror At Sea.

This just in, a mystery person associated with questionable individuals has started his own competing mens magazine called Esquire and GQ in addition to "Men's Magazine." The authorities have been notified. All revenues earned constitute proceeds of crime and have been seized accordingly due to trademark interference. Who could have registered You Are The Man and be the only one.

Ordnance ™ is a new trademark at Angel Ronan Consulting.