The SDGCK Community Law Centre Open day.
Let's study the problem together. Bring your questions and problems on March 10th to room 303 at the Hazel McCallion Library in Mississauga from 9 am to 2 pm and then from 7pm-9 pm at Station Kitchen near door C5 at Sheridan College Hazel McCallion campus. This space is open to the public for coffee and snacks on the upper level. You make a donation. Reserve your spot by email. Let us know what you are trying to find out. Email us at or Put: attention SDGCK Community Law Centre free help in the subject field. You can send an Interac Email money transfer direct with auto deposit (no password required). Include your question in the body of the email. Say what time you are thinking of attending. It's free. You are invited to make your donation in any amount. We received several emails and will conduct the consultations by messenger video call.