
The SDGCK Community Law Centre Open day.

Let's study the problem together. Bring your questions and problems on March 10th to room 303 at the Hazel McCallion Library in Mississauga from 9 am to 2 pm and then from 7pm-9 pm at Station Kitchen near door C5 at Sheridan College Hazel McCallion campus. This space is open to the public for coffee and snacks on the upper level. You make a donation. Reserve your spot by email. Let us know what you are trying to find out. Email us at or Put: attention SDGCK Community Law Centre free help in the subject field. You can send an Interac Email money transfer direct with auto deposit (no password required). Include your question in the body of the email. Say what time you are thinking of attending. It's free. You are invited to make your donation in any amount. We received several emails and will conduct the consultations by messenger video call.

January 7th, 2024. FSJ Journal: Income support for all citizens is a normal capitalist economic custom; If you like this article, donate with this QR code or click here.

If you would like to be considered as a research chair at the Angel Ronan Foundation, please make a donation in any amount. The minimum suggested donation is $1000.00. See the link in the top right corner.

An Exam Question: A woman is driven to Church at Haille Selassie, Westmoreland, Jamaica by her grandson. After Church, she is in the lobby and speaks with people when her grandson says to her that he is going to drop a few people to the subway tram station and will be back. She seems to have nodded yes. 10 minutes pass as she goes to the parking lot to get a book for someone that she remembered while she was chatting and she says, "Where is my vehicle?" Her friend says they will call the police just as her grandson returns with the vehicle after dropping off a few choir members at the subway tram station. They hang up the phone. The grandmother says, "I was just about to say my vehicle.... because I didn't see it". The grandson reminds her that he told her he was borrowing it to pick up some bread and milk for the Bible study...and to drop off a few people at the Westmoreland Tram station and she says maybe I not remember briefly just as I wanted to find a book in the trunk but that is ok if it was you." ClIck here

Click here. This just in; Angel Ronan Actuarial services has assessed the all round usefulness of the Boeing 787 or the 777 in airline services and scheduling. We need to redefine the ultimate objective and that is to save money in offering services and the number of flights per day from any general flight zone to certain popular destinations. For instance, we could look at how there may be, for example, five direct flights a day from five different cities such as Halifax, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Halifax heading to Kingston, Jamaica using the Boeing 737 by one particular airline. Its a small jet but it is still the evident point that it is three jets from the same general area flight zone, serving the flight route for an average number of passengers per day. Three jets is still three pilots and three crews and also thee tanks of airline fuel on three 737s. What would happen if we could use a larger jet such as the 787 or the 777 to serve all five departure destinations that are in such close proximity in the east and then also we would follow the same pattern in the west? For instance, we could look at how there may be, for example, one direct flight a day starting in Halifax, Truro, and moving on to Montreal, then Ottawa and then Toronto and then heading south to Kingston, Jamaica using the Boeing 777 or 787 by one particular airline. We would follow the same pattern in the west, starting our bus route or flight route in Vancouver, then moving to Regina, then Calgary, then with a stop in Manitoba as we turn south to Jamaica. The average flight would still be about 3 hours or 3.5 hours. Warren, with Angel Ronan, provides proposals to airlines and consultations to other global services such as banks. He recently designed a bank machine that will open an account and verify ID using the same technology we see today in airports where the machine will then issue an account number confirmed by email with an account opening letter and a new bank card. He sent his proposal to NCR. This is part of his Alusra(TM) brand of proposals. We could even use a larger jet and more of them, running on a hydrogen fuel cell; the cheapest fuel and power to propulsion system available. It is like the transit service using the largest bus possible on their transit routes with the cheapest fuel; hydrogen. The 737 will always have its uses for short, short flights possibly in the midwest, connecting at Chicago(Chicago to Ohio, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Indiana, Detroit etc) or across Europe.

Angel Ronan Firm™: Let us read your Criminal Law file. We use an exam question approach to answering any question and use all of our research resources to give you a very good answer. Email us at any where in the world. Is it a legal question? We can help. We have been open for nearly 20 years now without interruption.

This just in; Warren A. Lyon is a Canada Research Chair at the Angel Ronan™ Foundation.

The Japanese population does not suffer the recessions or the economic attrition as caused by the job famines occasioned by Automation. This is because every citizen, permanent resident and refugee has an income support that secures and covers them, protects them from the job famines. By Angel Ronan(TM) Researchers, London with research provided by Warren A. Lyon, Researcher (London Office). ClIck here.