
Recent issues in the news indicate that there is debate over the legal status of an unborn frozen human embryo. There is no doubt that it is an unborn, frozen human embryo but someone wants to know what happens if the embryo for invitro that could look like a drop of water or an ice cube with no signs of human form is flushed, evaporated or destroyed in some other way. Well, it cannot be murder since whether the embryo will be born some how and registrable as a human being to be given a name, birth certificate and other documentation confirming its official status remains to be seen. It cannot be the destruction of animal life either. Its not alive yet and capable of maintaining some life function on its own. But, it is genetic material that we hope one day will move out of its liquid water type state and take solid human form. At best, because of the time and input to store this genetic material, the unborn, frozen human embryo as stored by a company or clinic is the property of the legal entity storing and invested in the time and energy to store them. As there could be several inputs, an income support is helpful as paid to all citizens so we can all pray and cover and enjoy our dignity and prayers in the unseen community surrounding these potential new human beings before they are born and afterwards. The Fervent and effectual prayers of the righteous nation ensures that all citizens in that nation are receiving a sufficient good Christian serving of income support so that every genetic mother and father enjoys this unseen project in public. It's good national defense. Its good for the community. It's good for the Asian and European economy as they need a buyer nation for their mass produced goods. Click here.

We have three voluntary directors that signed up today. This is excellent. When they hear someone has a legal problem, they tell their friend or family member to contact us by email and the voluntary director's friend mentions the director's name and email. You can say what you think the report should cost your friend and you can also say how much you would like to receive as your voluntary stipend for your assistance in sending us the file; $200.00 up to 51%. We help.

MARCH 24th, 2024. Will machines now open bank accounts? They already started part of the process but we propose that a machine will also issue the card at the branch; by Warren A. Lyon, Consultant and Bank of America Alumni. Click here.

It would cost no more than $4.00 per hour per citizen as the lowest essential minimum income support guarantee across the entire world to ensure all basic financial needs are met for all the world's citizens. This would turn many small countries into new economic tigers. We could also control consumer rates of buying or consumption with the sales tax. Sales tax is also the new gold. If a country needs to finance a new bridge, they could increase the sales tax for a week and the bridge is paid for along with all other priorities. Implementing Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and a basic income guarantee(income support is a natural and logical expectation in an automation economy). It is also the law with the UDHR ratified into domestic law as a signed treaty in the US, Canada and the UK. Click here.

Join Pro Bono International (TM). It is a new service provided here. Email us or write us with your question. Its free assistance. You make a donation. We really help. Email us at

MARCH 2ND, 2024. Will machines now open bank accounts? They already started part of the process but we propose that a machine will also issue the card at the branch; by Warren A. Lyon, Consultant and Bank of America Alumni. But, the bank account is not a membership and cannot be the reason for the economic inefficiencies that are predicated on some other malfeasant motivation that “frustrated” the government agenda. In the society that purports to be Uber cashless, the account is a critical aspect of daily functioning for every Citizen. The account is not a country club membership but everyone has an account. We also propose that the machine will issue new bank cards when the old card expires or is lost, stolen or destroyed. We also propose that a courier from the bank will deliver a new bank card to you anywhere in the world if your current card is lost, stolen or destroyed; even if you are on a desert Polynesian Island resort like the Brando. Have you been?