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It is unusual anthropology that anyone would take the risk and hope the police and the government do not know what they are doing while they show no thought or care for the lives of the citizens or the government they are interrupting. Presented by Angel Ronan ™ Bank (of Knowledge). September 10, 2023 1. The Maslow-Lyon hierarchy of needs is a Concept by Warren A. Lyon, Ordained Pastor, English Lawyer and Economist; a graduate of the University of Western, Ontario. He is also a graduate of the University of London in Law with a Master's in Business from Brierley Price Prior University; as owned and managed by the University of London. He graduated faithfully in honor of the Bishop, his mother, father, grand parents, friends, siblings, his children who are acknowledged here and also his aunts and uncles. Today, everyone in Asia, South and East, with formal citizenship or formal residency has guaranteed electricity and also guaranteed cash as guaranteed income support that is paid to them with certainty and consistency. This money is a requisite economic formality. It is also a legal formality and the agents of the government in Asia would shoot anyone in the head who tried to interrupt these payments or hold them as cover for multiple thefts and frauds of the bank's money; the government's money to cover gambling debts. In any event, it would not be possible in the Asian banking system with the payment systems they use. It is unusual anthropology that anyone would take the risk and hope the police and the government do not know what they are doing while they show no thought or care for the lives of the citizens they are interrupting. In our failure in Anglo countries to provide our own population with this guaranteed income support, we have come to accept the Asian as our de facto surrogate population as they are 100% ( every Asian) and we are not at only 28% of the population receiving this income support. Due to our own self induced financial absence (self exclusion) from our own economy and collateral forced population retirement and absence, we are occupied by other populations who have the money that global capitalism says we should al have to carry out our purposeful work as consumers, keeping the economy active and ensuring the economic wheel keeps spinning and working, producing transactions that earn the government a sales tax in the recuperation of the money as energy that is used to maintain the transportation, the police security, the income support that the citizens need and the various water services as well as the roads. Capitalism has its own soul and brings these people to cover our failure to cooperate with the essential importance of money as income support. If you knew that your neighboring nation did not respect or understand the importance of money as the means to defend and secure its own population, you could manipulate this weakness in their understanding of capitalism and civilization. As their population dies off, all the ICBMS in the world could not defend the population against the slow and certain disappearance they perpetrate against the viability of their own population in the cold war where in a cold war, you need to keep your population alive in the economic cold and moneyless-ness as caused by automation. There is nothing else to a cold war and missiles here in this cold is not the solution. Maybe there are people trying listen in to what you are doing or failing to do and spying on you to understand what is the matter, the issue or the problem when they see some population proffering to be great, reading the bible about God giving them dominion, talking about God and Israel, sending and dropping bibles on other populations, sending food and shouting at them about civilization but they do not feed their own people; they do not feed thy own sheep. You are not winning anything if all of the Russian and Chinese populations have 100% income support and your population is funded at only 54% or 28% or less; and then you have adopted 10,000s of Russians and Asians that live among you. All you want to do is mix your less astute dna with them and you hope this will make them softer and less decisive. Should your population be funded at 100% as guaranteed or less than 100% if you are really at war or in peace time preparation for any such risk of a hot war? You are like an American basketballer that keeps scoring on his own net. You don't know the game and how it works or its a very big accident or a deliberate act. But, you have another 3 quarters of the game to make it back and we know you can do it. You can really help. We ask you to help us who are on your team. Our team is.............................! We see there is a problem with the money not being received by the benefit recipient in some cases although it was sent by the government but held in sundry or limbo by the bank employees that use it cover unauthorized dispensing of cash or other transfers that are not authorized and it is all recorded by the bank's security technology with the operator ID's confirming who stole the government money and who expects the government to cover it again and again. These thefts, as it involves money or government property as money, are terrorist acts that can lead to a summary terrorist conviction that can be reviewed in court. The money that is diverted from the actual benefit recipient and paid out else where amounts to proceeds of crime. We design systems and choose the methods of payment, therefore, that cannot be interrupted no matter how this pirate anthropology is determined to interrupt and to intercept. The pirate is wearing a suit, glasses and looks Chameleon appropriate in the professional bank surroundings but what does he or she do? They threaten the lives of the old and the young and hope to occupy the old lady's or the young person's English apartment and callously. I love the food sold in the Anglo countries by the foreign peoples that capitalism has brought to the Anglo high Street and the shopping centers; however. Like the English accented movie character says, " Give me the muoney." When we get it, we will buy more Asian foods and Asian built vehicles; with some designed by the English if it is a Lotus or an MG. When it comes to automation, the respective governments of the earth and their own unique people are on the same side when facing automation. Do you know any government that does not have his own people or an entire population of people with an income support at 100% certain and consistent funding? When it comes to the Anglo economies of the world, we need some Yorkshire Tea in our economic discussion where everything is done proper. We love our Anglo foods, custards, biscuits and special breakfasts. Anglo people keep the Anglo culture alive. It is a great opportunity; with all of the cash registers at your disposal all of the various Anglo countries to collect sales tax and then to pay out a small fraction per second or per minute to the benefit recipients. We have to respect the aboriginality of the people. The Regenerative Economy. It is the government or Monarch's official policy to pay all citizens an income support. All governments need revenue and we recoup much of government expenditure to gain revenue through the sale tax at 17% or more. We pay back into the economy to ensure sufficient consumer activity and stimulus as a sales tax. .04 cents a minute works out to $20,000.00 a year. .16 cents a minute works out to $80,000.00 per year. .14 cents a minute/$8.00 per hour works out to $70000.00 per year; the current standard. Currently 1500 Canadians as benefit recipients in the Yukon and the NWT of various complexions are receiving $70000.00 per year as income support from the national pool of HST sales tax collection but it is not the case that all Canadians, while they contribute to the sales tax or the income tax when working, are receiving the income support equally. It is a s.15 Charter violation, affecting all Canadians. The majority of Canadians are receiving about $20,000.00 per year. Even so, not all Canadians are receiving this money. Many of them could be graduates from Queens University of U of T or they at least attended briefly. In Kingston and Toronto, no income support is paid regularly except to citizens who were attending special trade schools at 13 and 14 years old for high school; schools like John Buchan High School in Scarborough. If you attended a regular high school that led to the chance of college or university, you did not receive this money at 14 years old. This benefit money, however, was not to be interrupted in some discussion about educational attainment and social viability. Yet, all of Richmond Hill and all of Oshawa or all of Ottawa receives this income support in addition to all of Hamilton regardless of where you live in that region and regardless of what school you are attending at 14 years old. They are only 14 years old at trade school or any school and they still could attend college or university so why award some kids just for trade school registration and then penalize others for not registering at trade school but who wanted to dream of being on the national hockey team and wanted to play hockey for their high school. They used to have high school hockey teams. You are communicating something with this kind of benefit program interruption and schematic. Click here.

Buy now 22 days of work and reports for $5000.00. Email us and we will provide you further information.

To Whom Does the Charter Apply - Some Recent Cases on Section 32, 1986 CanLIIDocs 98 Author(s): A Anne McLellan and Bruce P Elman Source(s): Alberta Law Review Society ( Licence: This work is licenced under the CanLII user licence which includes the right of the User to make copies of the work for legal research purposes, in the practice of law or in the exercise of their legal rights. Citation: A Anne McLellan and Bruce P Elman, To Whom Does the Charter Apply - Some Recent Cases on Section 32, 1986 24-2 Alberta Law Review 361, 1986 CanLIIDocs 98, , retrieved on 2024-06-27

Summary of R. v. Oickle

Our current offer: This or any other franchise Intellectual property name is offered for $30,000.00 CAD dollars. You will own the entire name and franchise Idea. We expect some offers. FROST BYTE™ COFFEE AND PASTRIES. This is to confirm that we have only discussions at the moment as to a deal to own either THE CHAPEL COFFEE AND PASTRIES ™, Red Hot™, London Pub Pizza Co™, Automobile Television™, or Frost Byte™. The current offer is $10,000.00 upon signing and $85.00 per day on a 70 year deal with at least five years paid in full at the end of the six months after signing. In cooperation, 10 friends can buy into the concept and we are happy to negotiate on any of the terms. We will provide all of the legals. You will own the entire company and we will actually register the name on your behalf for an additional $4000.00. Please call us for a copy so you can review the arrangement.

Posted today by Warren A Lyon.

Do you need an old landing document to confirm your entitlement to benefits if you are already a citizen and wouldn't they give the benefits to you if you were just a permanent resident? The answer is no. It is not a part of the benefit qualifications process and it is illegal to ask for it. You are a citizen now. Its confirmed under your social insurance number. Why, in criminal mischief, ask for what is not required?

Warren, all you care about is how you help people. Thank you. The name "Ronan" was one of the names written down for you in your grandma's bible. We are soo proud of you as you helped us. Thank you.

Try our new "Patty Box" Consulting Service at $25.00 per consultation. You buy a box for $500.00 with 20 consultations in the box. This is good for community groups and organisations that can help their members with the services provided by "Patty Box Consulting" provided here by Angel Ronan Toshokan™. It is good for businesses. You ask your question. We provide the report. Can you go to jail for fleeing parking officers in Halloween costumes if you refuse to speak with them in fear of your life? That is a good question. If a woman left her hand bug on the bus and she had a kilo of drugs in her hand bag, can you be arrested as the bus driver or maintenance working who is driving the bus to the bus depot for cleaning when the police stop the bus about drugs on the bus? They say you are in possession of the drug and you have to come to talk to them. They want to take you for a bail hearing. That's a good question. We have an answer. Winner! Gagnante!

You have a nice airport but the Canadian people or the English people feel like scurvy and hungry the longer I stay in this part of the world to figure it out and also why there is no white or black Anglo cashier or not very many cashiers except on the odd occasion. We don't mind. The cashiers are nice and consistent. The Patient bible says "De money answer all tings." Money fuels your nationality. What is the point of being a Pangea man if you don't have any money? What is the point of being West Indian if you don't have any money? What is the point of being Vincentian if you don't have any money and ensure all Vincentians have money in defence of your nationality? So, how is our team doing on the global economic playing field? How do we look and feel? Are we cooperating and using the rules, respecting the rules to win the game? The gorilla, once evolved, will say that all gorillas should have enough bananas or else we run out of Canadians. The Canadian, once excited about Canada, will say that all Canadians pursuant to S.15 of the Charter should have enough bananas and an equal share of them or else we run out of Canadians as we face the cold in equal measure. Please help! The dog will say that all dogs must have their dog food. We use the furloughed North American car worker or industrial whose job was cancelled due to automation as a consumer just as we use newly arriving foreigners and new immigrants as consumers.