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Apparently the wife of a Bahamian dentist started an Angel Ronan ownership list as she was a Law School Dropout. Everyone on the list who paid $100.00 to say they will all own it is subject to criminal investigation. The irony is that her ancestry goes back to Kora as in Kora's rebellion. If she really wanted to share ownership, she would have gone to Angel Ronan directly at where all members share in ownership and you get assistance on any problem or issue you are dealing with where you may require some information or research in resolving the problem.

The key issue in the Donald Impeachment case is intention. This refers to the intention behind contacting the Ukraines to clarify information he had already received from Ukrainian police involving suspicious activity involving the Biddens. It had nothing to do with attacking political rivals. Arresting a drug dealer for possession of narcotics even though the dealer is a registered Democrat aspiring to be a candidate is not an abuse of power. Arresting a money launderer who hopes to launder through the Ukraine, is not an attack on a rival even if he is a candidate. It is doing your job. His job description as President sets out what authority he can exercise in the carriage of his duties and this involves using any means necessary to defend the nation's security and investigate all activity concerning the same as Bidden is not a current representative of the state. If he was a UN ambassador on a UN mission in the Ukraine, then it would have satisfied protocol for former government employees. His unilateral trip to the Ukraine did not satisfy several protocols as to the requirement to specify the declared purpose of the trip which would be a criminal matter the Bidden's would have to answer in Court. You suffered a glitch in judgement. That's ok. Your political aspirations are not greater than the constitution. You will be dealt with. The nation owes Donald an apology. Truthfully, no offence has been committed as there is no ultra virus or unlawful act being committed by the President. His intention fits squarely within the Presidential mandate and job description set out in the Presidential Guide Book written by the U.S. Government in 1789. In other words, there is no case to answer. The impeachment charge must be withdrawn. The Ukraine did not get any from Bidden. There is no point swearing oaths during a trial when there is no offence. But if you do, the evidence of both sides is not in opposition. See

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Advertisement. We are casually working. We dress down and roll our sleeves up to get the work done. Call Angel Ronan Lex Scripta(TM) for a thorough response to your librarical research question. Go to for more.

Subconscious anthropological motivation may mean that you would rather steal a business name than buy a business name available for $1.00. Could subconscious anthropological imperatives supersedes economic logic and economic imperatives so that you might have a sense of independence and authority over yourselves when you are not anybody's boy although what Churchill told you about a stipend for every citizen after that significant wave of automation in 1933 was about economic logic? What was your reaction to a Volkswagen in 1933 when you first saw one? You destroyed the vehicle, blew it up! The FDR New Deal and the WPA failed just where it failed to commit to resolving the real on-coming, on-going impact of automation on people and the work force. The failure was subsumed by debate and debate became a low-key level civil war that was absorbed by a global conflict that wiped out more than half of the American population, mostly the whites who reserved the glory and the honor of going to Europe for themselves to show them how good they are. This happened while FDR was given the solution of a guaranteed, unconditional stipend for every citizen that was the solution in Europe and also Russia and Japan by then. The arguments about communism vs. Capitalism were designed after the war to give the evidently proletariat, underdeveloped socioeconomic comprehension an honourable identity in its illogical and self-defeating resistance that has defeated the American economy and this defeat is on-going. Could America say they deliberately worked out their own debt to China and Russia also to ensure world peace?; that a bankrupt America borrowing money for daily government Senator salaries and the FBI salaries is for a dead America and world peace and for how long? Maybe this will be for as long as it takes until America can separate from FDR's on going machine-enabled "will" over America as he reaches out from the grave with incalculable political and economic influence,demonstrating his true intention and resistance of what is perceived in the emotional reflexes as foreign influence over FDR as well as his failure to comprehend the universal health care solution and the universal minimum income support solution as simple economic trigonometry that lifts the general burden off private industry while leaving room for the market to provide for those unique elevated health insurance needs with flowers , personal Tv's and personal phones in the private insurers offered insurance premium. Americare or Obamacare is free and universal as intended by the original Medicaid Act while offering nationally guaranteed, consistent government insured premium services if desired. However, a computerised FDR ego arming and weaponising new F15x aircraft to defend itself from surrender to economic wisdom and the legal obligation matching this wisdom in time for a UN ILO R202 Compliance showdown is asinine when you can barely afford anything with your 0% sales tax economy already in negligible existence and tremendous debt. It seems, in the alternative, FDR smiled a lot and confirmed his familiarity with a Hammond organ and Black clergy and that some day, Americsn lived experience would harmonise with its prescriptive Constitution. You are engaged in being politically correct. A universal unconditional minimum income support of $40000.00 per year is the law for every citizen, every citizen. This means you would not have to be means tested. Every citizen would get it automatically with their passport or their social Insurance card once they get one; every citizen. The social hierarchy would stay the same and after school is over, you would not have to feel so guilty about your presumptions about social position, privilege and authority. If the black people get a job above and beyond the universal minimum income support, they get a job but they will not be the socioeconomic victim. You are politically correct and you will not be guilty. The $40000.00 will increase over time for every citizen with inflation and the general cost of living. You wouldn't have worry about your expectations vs. The real world where you don't think a lawyer who looks like Denzel Washington or maybe Mike Tyson should show up in court to defend an Irish man named Frank Sheeran. But, maybe he should exist to defend the little people, maybe the black people in the neighbourhood and you don't have to hire him as your lawyer ; okay? But, if you run into him at a coffee shop or a department store, what matter is it of yours that he is a law firm manager? In fact, maybe he is applying to be an uber driver since 100 rides a month at $80.00 per ride is very good? Maybe he is seeking a job as In House Counsel. Maybe he never gets the job since if you are white and have only grade 10 education, , how does he have a Masters in Corporate Finance and Acquisitions and Group Structures? $40,000.00 minimum income support is politically correct as provided to all citizens and you take the In House Counsel job with grade 10 education and if you screw up, you at least have your $40000.00 to fall back on since it is given to every citizen. The Universal minimum income support is good for those engaged in being politically correct. France has no Black Premier and it is not a concern since their economy complies with the universal minimum income support and we get on with being happy. The photographs and page excerpts are from the Firebrand and the First Lady by Patricia Bell-Scott.

There is no abuse of power. The truth is that maybe the President's intention was national security to find out what any son of a Democrat was doing in the Ukraine since, after wikileaks, there is context and asking a foreign police service what they were doing in furtherance of the mandate of the national security services quite normal. POTUS, as commander in chief, is at the head of all national security services and requesting your NATO colleagues for assistance to confirm what these Democrats are doing is quite normal when the Secretary of State in the previous administration is subject to indictment under the Espionage Act 1917. Apparently, Bidden set the whole thing in motion and had his son's steal Clinton's phones and left the phones in the open. The question is why Hunted Bidden gave the Ukrainian government $300,000.00. They may have also transmitted some of the wikileaks information to ensure she could not be a viable candidate again, giving Bidden a chance to run. The title "Commander In Chief" carries the order of police chief; in fact ot carries authority equal to a General and the power to initiate investigations on any citizen. Bidden is a citizen first and foremost. His political aspirations or his rivalries as a mere Democratic party member and potential candidate do not amount to immunity from investigation or prosecution. Where is there an abuse of power if anyone with due authority asks questions of a national ally to confirm what unusual, suspicious activity may have taken place with the Bidden's giving the Ukrainian's unusual large cash payments? There is also a rumor that they were trying buy asylum after a planned assassination of the VP and the President to make Pelozi President. It's childish but so is this continued frenzy toward an impeachment with falsified allegations that have not been proven or substantiated by the FBI. . Before we worry about witnesses, you need to know the standard of proof in the forum you are entering. It is proof beyond a reasonable doubt as you are dealing with allegations involving High Crimes. Courts involving allegations with respect to Crimes operate on a standard of proof involving proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Maybe Narnia Pelofi's teeth were falling out or maybe it did look like it. You need evidence to pursue an impeachment. Without evidence, it is a fraud on the senate, a fraud on the Court. The truth is that maybe his intention was national security to find out what any son of a Democrat was doing in the Ukraine since, after wikileaks, there is context and asking a foreign police service what they were doing in furtherance of the mandate of the national security services quite normal. POTUS, as commander in chief, is at the head of all national security services and requesting your NATO colleagues for assistance to confirm what these Democrats are doing is quite normal when the Secretary of State in the previous administration is subject to indictment under the Espionage Act 1917. Apparently, Bidden set the whole thing in motion and had his son's steal phones and left the phones in the open. The question is why Hunted Bidden gave the Ukrainian government $300,000.00. They may have also transmitted some of the wikileaks information to ensure she could not be a viable candidate again, giving Bidden a chance to run. The title "Commander In Chief" carries the order of police chief; in fact ot carries authority equal to a General and the power to initiate investigations on any citizen. Bidden is a citizen first and foremost. His political aspirations or his rivalries as a mere Democratic party member and potential candidate do not amount to immunity from investigation or prosecution. Where is there an abuse of power if anyone with due authority asks questions of a national ally to confirm what unusual, suspicious activity may have taken place with the Bidden's giving the Ukrainian's unusual large cash payments. There is also a rumor that they were trying buy asylum after a planned assassination of the VP and the President to make Pelozi President. It's childish but so is this continued frenzy toward an impeachment with falsified allegations that have not been proven or substantiated by the FBI.

Click here for more. Angel Ronan Lex Scripta(TM). 13) The breach of Law Society rules also constitute a breach of S.7 Charter Rights and rendered it impossible for the Law Society process to continue. It tainted the process. It was a breach of the due process. It brought the administration of justice into disrepute pursuant to s.24 Charter rights. The rules were breached when a law society representative sent email communication intended for the member to an email address that was an old, unregistered address that was not intended for any such communication. The email was never received. This was also a criminal offence; misfeassnce in public office. As such, the breach of the rules rendered the process untenable, null and void; dismissed. The section 7 Charter breach brought the Administration of Justice into disrepute. The Law Society was made aware of the their employee's malfeasance and breach of the law society rules on the record. It was a breach of law society rules, tribunal rules and section 7 Charter rights were further breached when counsel for the law society brought gun toting intimidatory Law society witnesses to a pre hearing management meeting contrary to the rules that state only counsel may attend. The member was unable to have a fair hearing pursuant to the rules of the society and the expectations of natural justice. This is not chaim (charles) pursuant to Baker v. The Minister of Immigration(1999) that confirms a witness for any party should not be privy to pre-trial or pre hearing discussions pursuant to any pending trial or hearing of the matter. The facts speak for themselves. When the member protested he was told that the belief is Law Society Counsel could bring anyone they wanted for support and that the member had no choice but to participate. The member's published book materials appearing on a Londinium website were brought into the discussion and amounted to an invasion of privacy. This was certainly irrelevant and amounted to a section 8 Charter breach. It was entirely incessantly unnecessary. Click here for more.

Res judicata is what you say. But, it does not mean dates cannot be chosen by a litigant for appeals or for an Application to have the matter reviewed based on new facts as possible under the rules. Espousing Latin legal principles does not inhibit the workings of the legal rules involving civil litigation in general, appeals and the right to make other applications under the rules. It is a previous matter already decided but it is now on appeal. It is a previous matter already decided but an application to review new facts as available to the litigants under the rules is scheduled for a Judge to review the new facts and the matter in toto.

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Opinions and mere allegation is not enough to impeach; that you think he did something. You do need evidence that amounts to proof that will satisfy a Court of law beyond a reasonable doubt. If you don't respect this standard, what Constitution could you say you love and defend no matter how passionately and no matter how often you say it? Presidential Impeachment: The Legal Standard and Procedure. Click here for more. The standard of proof is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Click here for more..

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