
This just in; new research indicates that the average family unit now involves 4.5 people.

Angel Ronan L.A.W. We do not provide direct legal servies to the public. Our people are trained to provide cogent life saving information that answers your situation. Were you charged with a possession of controlled substances offence? We can provide you with a full report that answers your questions about your charges; a research report from our law library. It could save your life. It saved Frank Kenedy. He only has to serve 5 years for being willing to plead. He took the report and got counsel. It was a summary election matter and called Warren. The weed was found in the glove box of Frank's vehicle. Frank's fingerprints were all over the plastics containers. There were receipts confirming the sale of the drug and we was not a registered dispenser.

Angel Ronan Lex Scripta(TM) now provides landlord and tenant assistance to any landlord. We have reports and forms available in our library for immediate assistance. We also have precedent letters. Email We can refer you to associate litigators who specialise in Landlord and Tenant matters and they can assist you.

It is 2021. Angel Ronan Greenfield Urban has started a new Black Community Law Group. We support Black, West Indian and African churches in addition to community centres. Our fee is $100.00 for any service. Call for details. The words "Black Community Law Group" will appear on its bills. This includes Court dates. Our usual fee for such community services is $140.00. Your members can donate the difference to your organisation. Call us first or email. We help! Pay by interac. Meet in person. You can download this photo. It is free.

ACCORN, PUANG™ is a new trademark at Angel Ronan Consulting. It will be a special service, helping black people. Just call and ask for it. You only pay a donation when you use any Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ Library Services to understand your question and problem. Call Greg at 1-914-395-9968.

It solves Law Problems Also. Do not offer any human being again for this type of work. You are truly a fool for offering and you have bad motivators. You have been warned.

By Paulina Kennedy, Irish Economic Correspondent. Make America an Economy Again™; Joe can now send to Boston Dynamics, Skunkworks and the military the 1% of the 30% sales tax collected by the Federal Government. National Security is now managed by the Department of Homeland Security who set the buckstop on sales tax at no less than 30% to ensure critical national revenue and they also established a national Federally Guaranteed Minimum income support to be paid by every state to its citizens at no less than $50,000.00 per year in universal unconditional MINIMUM income support. The Federal Government backs up the state in the weekly allotments of no less than $950.00 per week paid by EBT card or by direct payment to citizens' bank accounts. The Presidency can hand out awards, visit with foreign leaders and relax. The critical stuff to cover his white nigger Joe ass is done. We celebrate with him. I sent him a Londinium ™ watch last month to confirm he would be the President bought on the website. The Georgetown course on National Security has apparently been updated to include a chapter on citizen's Security as based on Article 25 of the UDHR with Vermont SSP or Massachusetts SSP as the most efficient example of satisfying Article 25 of the UDHR. The course with the new update is standard daily reading for every Government employee. What is the point of an F22 if you are no popular to defend? What is the point of a McDonald's Restaurant in America if you have no population to feed? McDonald's Restaurants make more income in Russia where it's citizens have a universal unconditional minimum income support and Russia has more people right across the entire Russian territory due to the consistent compliance with the UDHR article 25; unlike America that is until Donald passed the Cares Act that has a regulation coming as suggested apparently enforcing a Minimum of $45,000.00 guaranteed universal unconditional minimum income support right across NAFTA. If white hegemony in North America was a genuine manifesto, then the proponents of white hegemony would agree to the universal unconditional minimum income support without delay when "white" is simply cosmetic nomenclature for a pale skin Anglo speaking Amerindian who has lost his natural native wisdoms as he seeks European acceptance. The black population furthers white hegemony as they buy food and rent apartments from mostly white owners of property and some, many black and Asian owners. Europeans are neither white not black. They are European. Merci! White hegemony could not be about claiming the right to be self destructively ignorant when the constitution is offering you life and life more abundantly as Article six makes every foreign treaty or UN declaration domestic law. McDonald's Restaurants make more income in Russia where it's citizens have a universal unconditional minimum income support and Russia has more people right across the entire Russian territory due to the consistent compliance with the UDHR article 25 over the entirety of the duration of the cold war. At the end of the cold war, the U.S. had fewer people. The U.S. also had a smaller consumer capitalist market. The U.S. manufacturing also produce d fewer goods with 60% of its market taken up by foreign car imports and other consumables for home use such as electronics,. regular appliances, phones, vacuums and also furniture. This is what I learned flying over Russia in an SR-71 on November 2nd 2016 when time was up for Joe and his Obalma black aboriginal lacky to have any economic credibility as they both smash the hind in their emotions and work for what is really Cabot aboriginal hegemony since how could he design Prions™ and Poo Power™ in front of me? It's all Joe's fault as he insists on his right to be self destructively ignorant and he thinks it's dignity. How could it be dignity when people are dying and the malls and towns are closing as the products are not selling when the joblessness occasioned by automation remained unresolved in Joe's notions of Amerocentric capitalism? The minimum income support paid for by a 30% sales tax was the only solution to the mass joblessness occasioned by automation to ensure there is sufficient product demand in the economy and that people have enough financial security to endure the mass joblessness occasioned by all kinds of robotic automation that now includes self serve drive thru restaurants with totally automated McDonald and totally automated Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurants in addition to totally automated transit subway systems. We cannot forget how the ATM wiped out 60% of banking Jobs in the Star Wars period 1975 and 1981 when a National universal unconditional minimum income support was imminently necessary to prevent naturally occuring marker deflation when there were too few dollars per citizen chasing too many goods. Car industry automation wiped out 70% of automotive jobs during the same Star Wars period when Honda and Toyota started building in America. Joe must have whooped Obalama to ensure he understood and cut his back once a month. There will always be a few black aboriginals who are in league with you to achieve a non-racialised Western hemispheric Amerindian self-identification and who are just as terrified by a black ancient Pharaonic Egypt as you. Paulina Kennedy, Irish Economic Correspondent and FSJ Contributor.

This is to confirm that Kamala Khan is not an associate. She is not qualified; nor is she a graduate. Kamala Khan is a fictitious movie character.

He's not a light skin. The Angel Ronan™ Founder. He's Guyanese with Dutch ancestry. Give him a call. Call today; we help! Click here.

We will pray for Joe.

John Cabbot™ Civil Rights watch apologetically has identified that there are more Black Television Judges, fewer royalties paid to black musicians after Obalama( grade 6) Bieden and YouTube, there are fewer black judges in Court and fewer fully qualified black litigators in Court. There are also fewer black home owners. There could be fewer black lawyers in Court because they moved to Minnesota and now they don't have to put up with people threatening them for winning in Court any longer. They are just relaxed in the paradise of apathy, working for the Urban League and ACLU part time; some of them. The Presidency is redundant while the social influence of an ignorant white man is tremendous; his black servant shouting" this is my house" as they Phuket up some more. He is no longer the Head Native In Charge but the First Terrorist in Charge since he says how could Egypt be black or African? But, he knows how to smile with everyone. No; the presidency is redundant and we will guard against his negative racialized stigmas in terms of influence. By Joe Piratia Hussein Barricks, in America.

Italian police find stolen copy of Leonardo 'Salvator Mundi' 2 hours ago. Click here.

This is me just after I was accepted to attend Law School in England. I graduated. I have had the joy of helping all kinds of people before the Court.

See what some of the new Nominal Directors at Community Global Legal Fund look like. Warren A. Lyon is the researcher and the Current Compliance Officer. Go to