Posts; use this address if you wish to contact Warren A. Lyon

Pan African Advice Centre; right here. Email us at We specialize in immigration, landlord and tenant and criminal law matters. We can attend to help you any where in the country. Contact us. We help.

We are working to help black people. We have many years of experience, education and training. Is it helpful? We cannot doubt that some innate desire to work in an environment is helpful; maybe a mechanics garage, a chef's kitchen or court but in all of these three examples, some formal education related to these work environs is always helpful in answering your genuine desire to work in these environs. Nonetheless, we accept that formality is a culture and so is informality. One does not have to attack the other. There are rules to follow like the criminal law rules; rules of Court and rules of professional conduct. Our community is on a journey. Work with us. That community; it is on a journey. Pain and disappointment is not Black and it happens, is suffered by all kinds of people. We help to ensure you are heard and that you know your position; your defenses and your rights. For $700, you have our file assurance and file research. This pretender in Court presents a Self entrapping tendency to collide with authority and has a DNA that predates us. After many years of piracy, This DNA in its Victorian journey once argued within himself about his employer's social authority and worth around him as the employee; and then as that orphan servant employee, he took the owner's life belongings to pretend to be him in Court, at work and it was hidden where it happened in the narrows of an old England. But, we can share the worth. Some of us have figured out how to do it. You get 50%; any amount you want between 10% and 51%. The journey is to help provide services that are representative of our concerns and experience with racialism, systemic issues and bias. Do these problems exist? Various people, White and Black or Native say they do. I once helped a student achieve a withdrawal of charges after he was falsely accused of robbing a co student in school who was actually a friend of his. There was no evidence of violence and intimidation; no evidence of a robbery but there was evidence in the file of a discussion between them involving a loan of $5.00. The school teacher who over heard the discussion called the police and had the student that was borrowing from his class mate arrested and brought to Youth Court. They were old enough to understand the meaning of their discussion and old enough to drive and take out a loan. Click here for more.

Warren A. Lyon, a Canadian Law graduate, is a clerk, Senior Researcher and Senior Counsel.

The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie I: King of All Kings and Lord of All Lords; My Life and Ethiopia's Progress 1892-1937; The Conquering Lion of Judah.

Did you choose to stay some where and not pay but also not leave? What is it that you have to pay? What is your anger worth?

We are working to help black people. We have many years of experience, education and training. Is it helpful? We cannot doubt that some innate desire to work in an environment is helpful; maybe a mechanics garage, a chef's kitchen or court but in all of these three examples, some formal education related to these work environs is always helpful in answering your genuine desire to work in these environs. Nonetheless, we accept that formality is a culture and so is informality. One does not have to attack the other. There are rules to follow like the criminal law rules; rules of Court and rules of professional conduct. Our community is on a journey. Work with us. That community; it is on a journey. Pain and disappointment is not Black and it happens, is suffered by all kinds of people. We help to ensure you are heard and that you know your position; your defenses and your rights. For $700, you have our file assurance and file research. The journey is to help provide services that are representative of our concerns and experience with racialism, systemic issues and bias. Do these problems exist? Various people, White and Black or Native say they do. I once helped a student achieve a withdrawal of charges after he was falsely accused of robbing a co student in school who was actually a friend of his. There was no evidence of violence and intimidation; no evidence of a robbery but there was evidence in the file of a discussion between them involving a loan of $5.00. The school teacher who over heard the discussion called the police and had the student that was borrowing from his class mate arrested and brought to Youth Court. They were old enough to understand the meaning of their discussion and old enough to drive and take out a loan. Could the community deny services and assistance provide by those with formal training and experience that exist within the community in a negative racialism of itself? What about a positive racialism where we say black people can provide services with formal training and experience and help members of any community; including their own? You could call anyone so why not call someone who not only graduated in respect for the black community's encouragement to do so but who has also found a way to provide the services in a way that is fast, efficient and accurate at an affordable rate? You see the results. People have confirmed the help they received. This service does not let you down and they have had to fight some racialism and racializing. He has not let himself down. The Law Society confirms the vehement, murderous spirit of this racialism and that the insistence of those involved has carried on for more than a decade; just because someone is a formal, real law graduate. There have been others who have suffered this targeting by those who venerate informality vs. formality. Believe it. The conclusion is that there is someone or something who is anxious about genuine formal achievements and who has found a way to put forward many pretenders from various backgrounds, black and white, who take on visible roles in what are placements; essentially not formally, legally achieved or realized. But, in approaching a Court room and offering to work there, you see there has to be some formality in your endeavor like answering what is your name. We accept the further evident formalities such as the rules of the Court, the rules of professional conduct and the rules governing the client's problem. You, and you know who you are, pretend to be helping the client and the client pretends you helped. So, we will now train people for free in the use of the rules of professional conduct and it will be mandatory for everyone with a formal regular license or the license informally bestowed upon anyone by the Court when they attend under the rules and claim to be assisting members of the public. It is also bestowed on anyone who is known to have a website with experience in offering such services. We see that the Law Society has confessed to its abuse of its role and power in violent, renegade activities so that it no longer has any value as a governing body. They, 10 or more people in LSUCC administration, have spent more money than some lawyers have ever earned doing nothing else but trying to kill nice, capable people for actually helping someone get a withdrawal of charges. You help them and then they ask that you be verified as complying with all aspects of your qualification. You are verified and then a rogue volunteer decides that they would rather try and hold on to you and then pretend you did not cooperate. Have they said sorry? Have they paid compensation? There is some evidence they were ordered to do so but we have not seen the monies yet and nor have the files been returned. Hypocrisy is neither white nor black and this is also true of the spirit of murder. The spirit that genuinely helps people is neither white nor black but there is not enough of this spirit in the smart phone world. We need more of this and we have found a way to defray the tension between the formal and informally qualified with the informally qualified being the majority and the rules of conduct are there between both groups while the informal do not follow these rules and nor do they submit themselves to any Law Society in fear of what will happen if they do not. It is a morally bankrupt Law Society.

We are waiting for an organisation that would like to help it's members with our support. That organisation gets 51%. But, anyone can call now if they need help. Warren is just a clerk and Senior Researcher. He is very good. He is good; you know? He loads the paper and ensures we get one paragraph included in our reports from our AI service. Actually, he also helps as Legal Counsel on occasion as he is experienced in this regard. He is good; you know? He was never disbarred, never suspended and never lost any license. He now uses his experience to help us accordingly under the rules.

We are waiting for a new CEO. The work continues. Warren is just a clerk and researcher. He is very good. He is good; you know? He loads the paper and ensures we get one paragraph included in our reports from our AI service. Actually, he also helps as Legal Counsel on occasion as he is experienced in this regard. He is good; you know? He was never disbarred, never suspended and never lost any license. He now uses his experience to help us accordingly under the rules.

We now incorporate the Ontario Community Legal Centre; Services and Library. Call The Ontario Community Community Legal Centre right here. Email us; We help. You don't have to come to us. We send the answer to you.


The bank sends notices to your phone about fraud alerts. The notice is false but you call the bank any way to see what this is all about. It seems this happened some years ago when a bank employee who was new to Canada kept wondering if they have white North American people that are school teachers when in her expectations, school teachers can only Scandinavian or English or Icelandic. It was a kind of racialized social authority dysmorphia. So, she wanted her bewilderment covered in a meet me half way fulcrum where she says "...I don't know if you have permission to exist in my expectations but if you are a good human, wouldn't you call the bank about a fraud alert and we give you 12 hours to call if you are good in my expectations and if you don't then I treat you like sh-t and this will cause the bank lots of unnecessary customer service calls?" You suffer with angina and some other health conditions and because of the alert, you have a heart attack. You die. The bank is now in criminal court for corporate manslaughter since we can say....."But for the false fraud alert, the angina would not have been agitated and the customer would not have died. After all of this attention, they decided that the bank is wasting time and money in some racialised social dissonance about expectations. But, it is still a bank and can earn some money with some kind of access to the Bank of Cannota but it spends too much on employees so a North African company decided to buy it. They found a way to keep the same number of employees. No one was fired but they put to work selling new credit card services of all kinds, working in malls. The North African company also ensured all Canadian received their income support.

JCA is an acronym for an organization: "Jurisprudence Can Answer and Always Assist."

There is a story about a father who was given a black 1936 Ford as a gift from his son who was playing baseball professionally. The idea was that the vehicle would be used for family business; to deliver groceries or to use it as a cab. But, because it was black, he was not sure if it could be used to do anything. So they hired a white guy to drive the black vehicle as a cab. His name was Chairm Mann.

We help you and work as an expression of the belief that black lives matter. All human lives matter.

The Chairman or Chief executive Officer does not do the office work, the accounting or the banking. They hire people to do that. They do not speak to clients either. We are looking for a Chairman or Chief Officer. They are involved in sales and marketing, increasing business activity. Are you that person? We arrange a 51% share of all earnings. We do the work. So, if we offer to help anyone who contacts us in need of help for $1050.00 and we help 170 people this year, this is a good result. We are not selfish. We are a faith based service. We are here to help primarily those who believe all life matters.

Did you know that when you get a degree, your family and your entire community is entered in the system as co holders? Everyone shares in the joy but not everyone gets a copy.

We are working to help black people. Work with us. We seek to help at least 320 West Indian and other people this year( about one person per day) We help people from all back grounds. We charge only $700 for the "Black Lives Matter" package. We pay 51 percent of our earnings to a Caribbean Foundation. Thank you for supporting us as we support the community. This service will also formally register any business name you have in mind. Let us know what you would like to do.


This just in; there is news, as rumored, of a major Crown Law Suit and injunction pending against the assets of all cigarette companies for the ingredients known as poisonous and illegal. Nicotine and all of the various harmful chemicals are not naturally occurring in tobacco leaves and are not to be added to any consumer products; neither soap, tobacco or any chocolates, pizza or alcohols. We can say that the US presidential shield or DDT in milk or spit can equate as foreign symbols in your space or additives in your foods; symbols of occupation or hegemony. The adding of nicotine is the administering of a noxious substance. Other consumers products in England, Canada, Australia and other commonwealth countries that include dairy, pastries and breads are also subject to a following suit to address DDT content that is unnecessary and unusual due to the fact that DDT is a dangerous poisonous chemical. The misguided employee of the Crown, itself, could not decide, contrary to law, to poison any consumer products.

We are working for you. We help all Africans. Try the Pan African Advice Centre; right here. We are open 24 hours per day. Send your question. Make your donation. We will respond immediately. Email: Mention Pan African Advice. See us giving you the answer; giving you the apple.

How the android looks has nothing to do with the quality of the answers to the question you are going to ask. The MOTW AI (TM) service is now available. MOTW(TM) is an acronym for Mirror On The Wall. to answer your question and has been tasked to the email address You can also call or text 647-485-5206. See what our android has to say about your situation. We outsource our services to any firm or business. Our rate is $1050.00 per question. You get phone call and video call access to the service and 24 hour text or messenger responses for 1 day. You also get a written email response to your question and the opportunity to ask clarifying questions.

Angel Ronan(TM); This trademark is now offered for free to anyone who can be a director of a company in Canada, the West Indies, the UK or any other Commonwealth country. If you cannot do it, then you can ask your friend. We are happy to work with you and your colleagues. You only have to pay $1.00 and we will give you the dollar for the legal contract of transfer. Also, the contract will require that you donate $68.00 a day upon signing the agreement and this is for the first 12 months by sending an Interac email money transfer to payable to the Angel Ronan Foundation and Warren A. Lyon. After that, you will have to donate $80.00 per day per location to the Angel Ronan Foundation. This agreement will cover 75 years. The contract will allow us to reserve the right to close any location where there is non compliance and to also take from the till the requisite fee if it not paid. It is to be sent electronically by interac or by any agreed means of funds transfer.

This just in; a new automated means of dispensing with matters before the Court, as in current process apparently, is to allow the accused his right to attend and participate in the process. However, if they fail to attend and participate they will not only be charged for failing to appear in Court but they will be notified after seven missed appearance that the Crown has the right to set a trial date in their absence and their right to attend will be confirmed. They will be notified of the trial date nonetheless and that the trial will be set to be conducted with or without counsel. You maintain jurisdiction and save on time and costs as related to apprehensions of the accused for absconding from Court. They chose to accept the allegations and not challenge them or defend their innocence in Court. They chose this result.

Could we have been approached by the JCA( Jamaican Community Assistance) to answer questions for Jamaicans? We can help any individuals who contact them and we agree to provide some informational assistance to ensure their rights are protected for a minimum donation of $640.00. Email us at Phone 647-485-5206. You get phone call and video call access to the service and 24 hour text or messenger responses for 1 day. You also get a written email response to your question and the opportunity to ask clarifying questions. If you can contact us again at any time after we provided you our assurance and review if you need further assistance and you can also make an agreement with us for ongoing consultation where we can provide support and research during your journey through the Court process. Who gives a dam what we look like anyway before you get your answer. It has nothing to do with our proven capability or the abuse we have suffered honoring you. We are here to help. So, its alright for me to just relax and look this; then good. I will be wearing a t shirt in the video calls that we will make available or you can use the same FB messenger contact for a video call with the MOTW AI service. We received two calls today. Here is the link.

Frost Byte(TM). This trademark is now offered for free to anyone who can be a director of a company in Canada, the West Indies, the UK or any other Commonwealth country. If you cannot do it, ask one of your colleagues or we can do it for you and enter you as an officer of the corporation or a simple name registration can be arranged. You only have to pay $1.00 and we will give you the dollar for the legal contract of transfer. Also, the contract will require that you donate $68.00 a day upon signing the agreement and this is for the first 12 months by sending an Interac email money transfer to payable to the Angel Ronan Foundation and Warren A. Lyon. After that, you will have to donate $80.00 per day per location to the Angel Ronan Foundation. This agreement will cover 75 years. The contract will allow us to reserve the right to close any location where there is non compliance and to also take from the till the requisite fee if it not paid. It is to be sent electronically by Interac or by any agreed means of funds transfer. We seek to produce a healthier doughnut and pastry and to serve genuine ground coffees with beans grown on small natural farms, that are dried and processed in the farmer's home and not in a factory with all of the cyanide and chemicals they may use. Well, it will probably be Folgers or something from Virgin Hill or from ULine after we run out of those home grown Jamaica or Grenadian beans. We may also use beans from Costa Rica. You can us your draft contract and our talks will begin. You may have given money to a convict in an effort to own this trademark.. Her name is Malerie and she lives in Scarborough. She is a nice convict woman who is already a convict for uttering false statements in her claim that she owns business property that she has not purchased yet and she has the money that she only needs to send by Interac email money transfer with a memo note in the transfer and we will provide her a document confirming she owns it. We are waiting. She has not sent any such email. We have not received any money. Frosty Byte(TM) and Frosted Bytes(TM) are also two new trademarks at Angel Ronan consulting.

Exam Question: Under cover Scottish bobbies in regular civic summer clothing follow a family walking out of a restaurant and continue to follow them into a parking area in Glasgow near Thornliebank; right near the overground British Rail Train station. They are not in uniform and are not identifiable as bobbies or police based on the videos and images provided in the news. They have a certain amplitude and are looking at the family and their movements the whole time, making eye contact occasionally. The bar tender accused them of trying to pay with a French bank card that has not been activated yet nor delivered to the rightful bank account holder. The coffee was very very sweet and very very hot; too much sugars maybe and not enough water such that his blood sugar levels went up. Were they trying to...poison them? So, they paid cash. They did not use the card but left it visible on the table so the bar tender could see the name of the account holder; a regular guy. They took the card with them. The family enter their vehicle and attempt to drive off but the individuals (really bobbies in civilian clothing) that were following them, block their way. The family in the vehicle honk the horn but one of the individuals blocking their vehicle and their path brandish a hammer from a knapsack. The second individual blocking the way seems to be motioning to draw something out from behind her back; a gun maybe. The driver in the car with his family steps on the accelerator to ensure the individuals blocking their path of escape actually move out of the way. The whole event is caught on a dash board camera, on cctv footage and on mobile phone videos. What subjects of law are best used to address this scenario? If you choose civil litigation or tort law that is one possibility, state one type of Tort that could be used to sue the pursuers with the hammer. Discuss. Click here.

25th June 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( market supply and market demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus); an essay by Warren A. Lyon at Angel Ronan Economics and Legal Analytics who is now setting up and selling Frost Byte(TM) as a coffee and doughnut baked goods fast food franchise. You have lots of market supply with the use of machines. But, since we use machines now more than ever instead of human labor where there are less people earning money, we see less market demand for goods. People still want the goods but when we say market demand, we mean actual consumer stimulus or consumer buying power and we see less of this power in North America now that fewer people are working. The Russians, the Europeans and the Asians solved this years ago with an income supplement/ Income Support with 100% payment completion that covers all of the citizen/benefit recipients from all such changes affecting the role of and use of human labor. As such, market demand or consumer demand is consistent in the normally constructed economy and people are still able to buy the goods and participate in that economy without any recession or depression that occurs in the North American example where market supply and market demand are imbalanced, people are suffering for lack of money and many resort to crimes to satisfy their Maslow needs or their UDHR needs; like a Ford engine that has a number of cylinders that are not getting enough fuel. But, a $1.15 per hour calculated 24 hours per day and paid monthly to the citizens who are not receiving any benefit is real monetised consumer stimulus to enable market demand to meet market supply and is an effective means of crime reduction. It works out to an additional $10,000.00 per year. You can add more as needed. Ideally everyone in the economy will receive the same amount of income support across North America. There will be less shopping and moving around for economic hope in a search for better conditions. The English have a system of benefits but they are not achieving 100% payment completion. They are suffering an issue of interruption as caused by nefarious pirate anthropology in the banks that hold, change or intercept the payments that were sent by the government. Click here.