
Hmm... Some years ago, Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ( Now Alusra(TM) ) Technologies proposed a vehicle immobilizer to be installed on all police vehicles that will use NFC technology to immobilize the starter sensor temporarily (for 20 minutes) on any vehicle that is stationary and directly in front of the police cruiser. We have communicated our technology to the Egyptian Government and will accept any offer for the intellectual property on a one time clean break deal of $2.4 million dollars; that is equivalent to about 60 years of income support in Russia on the old amount of $ USD 40,000.00 per year.



Jamrock Jerk.....with family cooperation.

Speeding is to be set nationally as a Serious, major citation with potential $1000.00 fines on the first offence depending on the number of miles per hour above the set limit; no longer a misdemeanor. Its too acrimonious when the officers who are guardians of the constitutional rights seem not to respect the gravity of failing to notify drivers of the arrest or read their rights related to failure to identify. It is killing both drivers and officers in some cases. Exemplary, dignified Officers except they did not inform her that they are now proceeding to arrest her and why. They did not read her the rights. The Judge will decide. Yes, in Ohio, failing to provide identification when stopped for speeding is considered a crime, as per Ohio Revised Code Section 2921.29, which states that a person must provide their name, address, and date of birth if a police officer has a reasonable suspicion that a criminal offense has been committed; refusing to do so can result in a charge of "failure to disclose personal information." Speeding is not a crime in all states but it is a crime in Ohio that requires you to provide ID when it is requested.